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Mcdonald'S #5


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Mcdonald's fare is infamous for continuing a world-wide lust for dietary fats - meats and oils.

However, getting "fat" in Thailand presently involves a lot of sugar. Sugared natural juices, beverages of all sorts, the burgeoning "sweets" counters <remember the sugar crisis?>.

It is purely my speculation (doubtless the worst sort), but reduce sugars from their diets, and I believe that Thais would slim down. Sedentary life-style activities contribute too, of course.


Traffic pattern at that Mee Chok (plaza) is to be changed; everyone enters from 1001, exits on middle ring road. Parking is to be angular in order to help backing out, but many will have to park to the west, as the new structures have removed so much area for parking. Rents will increase to shops as service fees. Bring baht.

:rolleyes:Raum Chok to remain the same..

With any kind of luck yesterday should will be my last visit for sometime. The area to me is nothing but one big cluster &lt;deleted&gt;. I'll use when needed the Rimping by the river.

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Spreadin' like a cancer... motto We won't stop until all the Thais are fat

Of course the McD's, BK's, KFC's, etc. don't help, but I blame the 7-Elevens for being the first to start the Thais on to their newfound lives of fatness. annoyed.gif

It's the kids that are new fatties, especially in big cities like Bangkok. The more they eat, the less they excercise...

There are TONS of fat people in Thailand, in small villages, staying mostly at home...:ermm:

7-11's simply brought in more of the fat foods, but Thailand has always had many many fat foods.

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When I was in Hong Kong last the Mc'Ds was cheaper than noodle shops, I cant see it replacing Somtam here when a burger alone is 3 times the price.

When I was in HK a few months ago, once cheap hawker food was HK$50 a dish, a McHappy meal was half that. Needless to say McDonald does very well in HK.

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At 1-00 in the morning a Mac Fillit of fish and black coffee alsways works a treat before my last stopping off gin joint visit.

Had a bit of an argument with the manager of a B King place in Suk Rd about 5 years ago and ended up indicating where he should stick his rotten burnt offering and would never visit their pig sty again......bit over the top ...maybe ....but thats life init.

Always found the Mac D crews very polite and accomodation....

Dont like Coke.... No plob-lem...coffee OK.....Chai Kap.... :)

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7-11's simply brought in more of the fat foods, but Thailand has always had many many fat foods.

There were pumpkin/taro chips and such - fried in hydrogenated palm oil - long before Western potato chips.

Not to mention, rice and noodles...and ANY Thai dessert :)

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This one is said to have a drive up window.:ph34r:

Somebody also told me that KFC will be next door to Mcdonalds and that there will be a 20 baht parking fee at Meechok Plaza. You get a refund if the shop stamps the ticket. Also Charlie is leaving Pratties and a new owner will take over on 23 November and it will become like a UK fish & chip restaurant

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This one is said to have a drive up window.:ph34r:

Somebody also told me that KFC will be next door to Mcdonalds and that there will be a 20 baht parking fee at Meechok Plaza. You get a refund if the shop stamps the ticket. Also Charlie is leaving Pratties and a new owner will take over on 23 November and it will become like a UK fish & chip restaurant

There also building a movie studio south east of Chiang Mai.:D

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