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Porn Shock


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Letters to the Editor

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Porn shock


I feel compelled to write after walking down Beach Road the other day and seeing on display the cover of a DVD which showed naked under-age girls and boys. I am not a prude, which is why I love Pattaya, but I was shocked and frankly disgusted that a DVD obviously promoting sexual activities with pre-pubescent children was so brazenly for sale.

The stall holder was set up not far from the entrance to Walking Street and would probably be able to catch the eye of most of the shopping ourists. What a great advertisement for the city. Here we have a local government which for years keeps pretending to try and turn the place into a haven for families and to help in this they openly allow such disgusting material to be sold.

When I stopped in front of the stall to make sure my eyes were deceiving me, the stall holder made the comment that he “had more”. By the way, the children featured on the front cover were farangs, not Thais. I guess the police turn a blind eye to this sort of thing or simply don’t care, but I wonder how many tourists see this and then vote with their feet and never come back to Pattaya?

Tom Evans,

by email

Dear Tom,

Pattaya One has seen similar evidence in public view on Beach Road. Looking at it from another viewpoint, this kind of material would not be roduced if there wasn’t a market to sell it to, and we know the Thais at this level of existence are only concerned with making a baht to get them through until the next day. If it didn’t sell to a small but evil group of self-centred, mentally warped people who engage in pedophilia even though they are fully cognisant of the human damage it can do, it wouldn’t be produced.

Equally, the street vendor is at the end of the supply chain. Who organises and funds the procurement, virtual enslavement, filmed sexual assault of the young kids and the post-production of these DVDs? We don’t wish to defend the vendors, because while they may understand the nature of these videos, they nonetheless choose to offer them for sale, revealing a total lack of moral fibre. We imagine their attitude is one of ‘well, if I don’t sell it, someone else will.’

The sad reality is that even if there happened to be one of those ubiquitous crackdowns, the material would only go undercover until the heat died down. These DVDs will continue to be sold for as long as there is money to be made by those much further up this sick and poisoned food chain.

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-- Pattaya One 2010-11-18

Edited by PattayaOneTeam
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Dear Editor of Putt-tar-yar:

I could not believe your response in reference to Tom Evans' comment.

If I do not know better, your response could have me believed that you AND the Putt-tar-yar One organization are a part of the porn chain yourself. Are you?

As an editor, you could have come out alot stronger AGAINST such pornographic sales in public, whether in Thailand or elsewhere on earth or whether with Farang's or other nationals' underaged children.

Your entire response appears to me you are merely patronizing the issue. Are you not?



Edited by mkawish
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So why doesn't Pattaya One run a story?

Go under cover get evidence film bib taking bribes! Film people buying the goods whatever use your imagination!

I mean what happened to real journalism? this kind of thing needs exposure loads of it just fobbing it off is pathetic.

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