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Crackdown On Aggressive Tailors


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Not as annoying as the "Sexy Movie, sexy movie..." matra that's uttered everywhere you walk in Phantip Plaza, and even when outside the building walking towards it.

Why do they assume that all farrang are porn-obsessed perverts? I feel quite insulted sometimes...


Try walking on Silom. I'm thinking of printing 1000's of T shirts saying "NO, I DON'T want sexy movies thank you!" Erm, but then I'd have to hire a bunch of guys to sell 'em on the streets of course.... ddohhh!! :o:D

He he - I think that's a damned good idea! And have it written in Thai too... just to see their faces as you walk past them while wearing one would be priceless! :D

Yeah; right: what gave you the impression these guys can read ? ? ? ? :D

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Couple years ago, one of the Indians on Beach Rd Pattaya gave me his spiel.

My shirt had a button that had fallen off. I asked him if he could sew it back on.

"Oh, no sir"

Really? Can't sew on one missing button? Then how are you going to make my <deleted>' suit, <deleted>?

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Touts on the streets of the Kingdom used to annoy me, until I went to Bali.

The touts there are unbelievable. Especially in Kuta.

The simply will not take no for an answer. Shout at them, swear at them, threaten them, makes no difference, they will follow you for what seems like an eternity.

The touts in LOS are amateurs compared to these aggravating cnuts.


I am glad some one else has been around frankly things are not so bad here compared to Viet Nam or Cambodia or Brazil or etc etc etc.

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Not as annoying as the "Sexy Movie, sexy movie..." matra that's uttered everywhere you walk in Phantip Plaza, and even when outside the building walking towards it.

Why do they assume that all farrang are porn-obsessed perverts? I feel quite insulted sometimes...

I totally agree. I hate walking around Pantip :o

Sales techniques (or lack of) are very annoying here. If you go to buy a pair of shoes, your handed everything on the rack and told how great they look :D

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Not as annoying as the "Sexy Movie, sexy movie..." matra that's uttered everywhere you walk in Phantip Plaza, and even when outside the building walking towards it.

Why do they assume that all farrang are porn-obsessed perverts? I feel quite insulted sometimes...

I just tell them 'I do myself with sexy lady...' they laugh and shut up...

But to get back on track: YES, I told you so, I can make you very good suit... I don't cheat you, mister mister I make good price for kashmir suit... Somehow I'll miss those annoying days when walking down phuket, passing the 649 tailer shops.... NOT

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Now its the time for all of you who have had it whit the bull@hit tailors.. Start to report them now as a payback for old times . Doesent matter if they are anoying does it ? Just report em all ... And off they go .

Som Na Na Turbans ..

Yeah, lets just chuck all the pakis out and the curry smelling indians, whether they do right or wrong, even if they are just running an honest shop. If one of them conned me it must mean the whole lot are like it. While we are at it, lets get some white hoods and burning crosses and brick their shops.

"Som na na Turbans" - what a prick you are mate.

Edited by bkkmadness
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Over here in Viet Nam, everyone wants your last satang, much more so than in Thailand. The rule is not to meet eyes, ever, because if you do, they will make a U-turn to stand around and show you all their fingernail clippers and sundry for sale. Crowds of sellers may even gather. I laugh evertime I see the cyclo guys pedaling alongside a couple of backpackers, chatting them up to get them to see the sights.

The first day I was ever in Bangkok, I took a 1000 baht taxi for the 5000 baht private boat ride to the snake farm, and on the way back he took me to the tailor for three shirts. Total cost of the shirts? 3000 baht and they were crap!

I'm much more in the know now.

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The most annoying Thing ive experience is when i walked down the silom or Soi Nana...There will be this local guy stopping me or just calling me...

Scenario 1

''Sir Sir Good Movie,S*X S*X Movie good for you,Or you want Sexy DVD Movie ..Cheap cheap Come and buy.....I just walked and ignore them....

The Tailor shop are always trying to con tourist ....Anyway do the Indians tailor have got a WP ???

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The only time I have had a plesant shopping spree at an Indian tailor was not like you would expect. I was to attend a birthday party at a bar just opposite an Indian tailor. Upon arrival to the party I was hailed by everyone at the bar that the shirt that I was wearing would not be appropriate for this party. Everyone with loud shirts pointed accross the soi to an Indian tailor with lots of shirts out front and oddly enough were of the same type being worn by the bar patrons. I marched over and after sorting through a mountain of shirts found a pattern that no one accross the soi was wearing. Paid a reasonable price and I am sure this Indian tailor has yet to match this buying benge that he had that day. :o

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The most frequent complaint from tourists here in Phuket, is the rip-off fares of the tuk-tuks.

The second most frequent complaint is the hard sell techniques used by the tailor shop touts.

Now that the governer has lost his bottle dealing with the tuk-tuk drivers, he's figured out that hitting the tailors will be a popular move with no come-backs.

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From the original article it sounds like they won't be able to deport them for being annoying. But they will investigate them if they are annoying, and if they find that there is anything out of order, (no proper visa, work permit and stuff) that they will use the law to get rid of them.

That's the way I read it anyway. In that case I wouldn't get too excited about it. I think we'll be bothered for years to come by the pushy sales people.

Regarding the posts about Pantip Plaza and the "sexy movie" pimps: I was waiting for my wife downstairs and was looking at some of the cheap bags they have down there when I overheard a farang asking a girl if she had sexy movies. The girl was selling the tutorial CDs that are actually legit, and didn't have any sexy movies. She told him that and he was still like "do you have any sexy movies?" and he didn't give up..... wow. How did he manage to get into Pantip plaza without finding at least 4 or 5 willing sellers of his sexy movies, and how did he then manage to pick out possibly one of the only innocent sellers in the whole place and start badgering her for sexy movies. But then I guess she at least will understand how people like me feel when it's the other way around. But that doesn't help anything, because she's not the problem.

Like was said before on here, if people didn't buy sexy movies they wouldn't be selling them. Same for the suites. Boycott! When they have no market they will piss off somewhere else.

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Not as annoying as the "Sexy Movie, sexy movie..." matra that's uttered everywhere you walk in Phantip Plaza, and even when outside the building walking towards it.

Why do they assume that all farrang are porn-obsessed perverts? I feel quite insulted sometimes...

I always ask them for a sexy movie of them.

I say something like "sexy movie you" and repeat it a few times while pointing at them.

When they finally realize what I am asking for they blush and say that it is not a movie of them. I smile and walk on.

On other occasions I have asked them what their mother would think if she knew they were selling smut. I usually wear a Thai "lampshade" hat or straw pith hat so they have gotten to know me and do not bother me anymore.

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From the original article it sounds like they won't be able to deport them for being annoying. But they will investigate them if they are annoying, and if they find that there is anything out of order, (no proper visa, work permit and stuff) that they will use the law to get rid of them.

That's the way I read it anyway. In that case I wouldn't get too excited about it. I think we'll be bothered for years to come by the pushy sales people.

Regarding the posts about Pantip Plaza and the "sexy movie" pimps: I was waiting for my wife downstairs and was looking at some of the cheap bags they have down there when I overheard a farang asking a girl if she had sexy movies. The girl was selling the tutorial CDs that are actually legit, and didn't have any sexy movies. She told him that and he was still like "do you have any sexy movies?" and he didn't give up..... wow. How did he manage to get into Pantip plaza without finding at least 4 or 5 willing sellers of his sexy movies, and how did he then manage to pick out possibly one of the only innocent sellers in the whole place and start badgering her for sexy movies. But then I guess she at least will understand how people like me feel when it's the other way around. But that doesn't help anything, because she's not the problem.

Like was said before on here, if people didn't buy sexy movies they wouldn't be selling them. Same for the suites. Boycott! When they have no market they will piss off somewhere else.

What a strange scene... bet that's the only time that's happended!

Boycotting wouldn't work I don't think because you'd always get newcomers and first-timers who will think the Tailor shop really is the best place to get a suit made, or the guy with sexy movies is selling a rare, hard to find piece of controversial merchandise. Of course they will soon learn to loathe them like the rest of us, but by that stage they will have already parted with their Baht. The only way that might work is if a publication like that "bible for all backpackers that can say no wrong", the Lonely Planet, prints something about it...

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Touts on the streets of the Kingdom used to annoy me, until I went to Bali.

The touts there are unbelievable. Especially in Kuta.

The simply will not take no for an answer. Shout at them, swear at them, threaten them, makes no difference, they will follow you for what seems like an eternity.

The touts in LOS are amateurs compared to these aggravating cnuts.


I am glad some one else has been around frankly things are not so bad here compared to Viet Nam or Cambodia or Brazil or etc etc etc.

I didn't find Cambodia too bad to be honest. The worst place I've been to is the beaches in Goa. Impossible sometimes to get rid of the bastards without buying some worthless piece of tat.

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My most annoying episode was when I stayed in the Manhattan on Soi 15. Shortly after check in I was given a message to call someone. It turned out to be a tailor who was pushing to come to the hotel to talk about buying clothes. I told him to bugger off. I complained at the front desk and noticed there were several similar letters in a drawer. It would seem that the booking agency, and possibly the hotel had an arrangement with this guy so he knew when people were staying and for how long. :o

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Not as annoying as the "Sexy Movie, sexy movie..." matra that's uttered everywhere you walk in Phantip Plaza, and even when outside the building walking towards it.

Why do they assume that all farrang are porn-obsessed perverts? I feel quite insulted sometimes...


Try walking on Silom. I'm thinking of printing 1000's of T shirts saying "NO, I DON'T want sexy movies thank you!" Erm, but then I'd have to hire a bunch of guys to sell 'em on the streets of course.... ddohhh!! :o:D

Same Same Bali Mate! Im over it ! If Thailand is known for Tolerance than Im getting Intolerent! The shops have a nice front but I rather give my work to the women [Thai] with a small shop and seem to work long hours, tip them large and they always remember you, Im not into being Stood Over.

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Now its the time for all of you who have had it whit the bull@hit tailors.. Start to report them now as a payback for old times . Doesent matter if they are anoying does it ? Just report em all ... And off they go .

Som Na Na Turbans ..

Yeah, lets just chuck all the pakis out and the curry smelling indians, whether they do right or wrong, even if they are just running an honest shop. If one of them conned me it must mean the whole lot are like it. While we are at it, lets get some white hoods and burning crosses and brick their shops.

"Som na na Turbans" - what a prick you are mate.

Hang on ! I love a Curry!

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Yeah, I must admit "Mai ow" hasn't been working too well for me recently.

Try telling them your a monk (Phom pen phra). I have done that a few times and the looks on their faces is priceless.

What look would that be? The one of: "Doh! I can't remember if it's 10 or 15% discount for bulk-buying monks."

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crackdown this, crackdown that,

hub this, hub that,

next get rid of them scum tailors in Bkk and get rid of them tricksters outside the grand palace who say its closed and bring the tourists to scum tailors and cheap yes very cheap gem places.

And get rid of all them gem scams.

we know that won't happen because too much wonderful money to be had for the lovely owners of the gem retail outlets. May they have good luck and prosperous lives. lucky number 9. Everything is wonderful, veeeweey guuuddd valyou.

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Shops which continue to be sources of complaint will be penalized to the full extent of the law and subject to police investigations that would see any illegal aliens deported immediately, he warned.

The real agenda, as usual, is "chuck out the foreigners", except it always mutates into "bribe the police" and business as usual.

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Not as annoying as the "Sexy Movie, sexy movie..." matra that's uttered everywhere you walk in Phantip Plaza, and even when outside the building walking towards it.

Why do they assume that all farrang are porn-obsessed perverts? I feel quite insulted sometimes...

I always ask them for a sexy movie of them.

I say something like "sexy movie you" and repeat it a few times while pointing at them.

When they finally realize what I am asking for they blush and say that it is not a movie of them. I smile and walk on.

On other occasions I have asked them what their mother would think if she knew they were selling smut. I usually wear a Thai "lampshade" hat or straw pith hat so they have gotten to know me and do not bother me anymore.

Thailand : The hub of sexy movies :o

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Not as annoying as the "Sexy Movie, sexy movie..." matra that's uttered everywhere you walk in Phantip Plaza, and even when outside the building walking towards it.

Why do they assume that all farrang are porn-obsessed perverts? I feel quite insulted sometimes...


Try walking on Silom. I'm thinking of printing 1000's of T shirts saying "NO, I DON'T want sexy movies thank you!" Erm, but then I'd have to hire a bunch of guys to sell 'em on the streets of course.... ddohhh!! :o:D

He he - I think that's a damned good idea! And have it written in Thai too... just to see their faces as you walk past them while wearing one would be priceless! :D

Good idea but you know there will be copies out the day you start selling them. If not, before. LOL


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