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Getting Married

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Looks like I will be getting married soon. There is a section on the form to get married about your income. Strictly speaking I don't have an income. I would like to learn a little more about this particular before proceeding. So if any of you could offer any info/advise, I would like to here from you.

Everything else is cool, I specifically only want to know about this point.



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I'm looking for any serious responses ^^ not these

Bottom line - can you get married with no income, or do I seek a lawyer to sort it out?


Assuming you are talking about getting hitched in LOS...then the answer is NO you dont need any Income or Lawyer.

I have know guys on takaway brides jollys who have gone from..say hello..how are you .... to back next time for the settlement visas and all done in less than a week.(and some were on the dole...what a future ...MPR )

You will however need a couple of bits of paper including a chitti that says you are FREE to do the deed (and no forgotten wifes lurking at home)

Then really all it is is to make arrangements and head down to the old Register Office for a 5 minute "sign on"..."congratulations".. and basically thats it ...Mr and Missus....Recognised in both UK and LOS...

You might want then to consider a bit of a "do" in somewhere like Cabbages and Condom....couple o bottles of sing/nam som or whatevers your tipple etc...a few photos of the happy day.....skys the limit....

There might also be other little questions you might want to raise...like maybe a Budist Blessing...when afterwards you have another wee party ...buy all your new local neighbours a wet one or three...

There is the subject of "Sin Sod."..I dont go along with it but it will be.. up 2 you......

After all that I suppose a bit of thought as to the future might be in order.....but that was not your question ..was it...

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There is indeed a requirement to provide income information and it will likely be checked and discussed at the District Office before the Officer in Charge will sign on the dotted line. Your explanation is going to be important and if no more than you have provided here you may indeed have a problem. That paperwork is not only that you a free to marry but also that you are fit to marry (Thai sometimes refer to it as good person paper) - that is why there is a requirement for reference as well as employment/income questions. Obviously people without current income are married so it can be done - but I would be prepared, and have fiancee prepared, to answer questions if they are asked.

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I guess you are financially secure or you wouldn't be planning on getting married here?

A friend of mine got married this week. He put zero down as his income and said he has no job. They didn't have any problem with that which makes you wonder why they ask.

I think safer to enter a figure that you can live on and have a simple story prepared - income from property abroad, savings interest, something like that. As long as you don't give them reason to be suspicious they won't check it.

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Looks like I will be getting married soon.  There is a section on the form to get married about your income.  Strictly speaking I don't have an income.  I would like to learn a little more about this particular before proceeding.  So if any of you could offer any info/advise, I would like to here from you.

Everything else is cool, I specifically only want to know about this point.



Which form do you mean Stu? the request for permission to marry in LOS made to the embassy, or forms at the Amphur? :D I cannot recall either question on the documents I completed last year. But I'm certain it is irrevelant anyway. The embassy don't care and the Registrar just asks his own questions (in perfect English I recall!!). :D:D:o

Edited by gerrryuk
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I'm looking for any serious responses ^^ not these

Bottom line - can you get married with no income, or do I seek a lawyer to sort it out?


First a quote:

A man is incomplete until he gets married then he’s finished. :D

:D Don’t worry what people think they don’t do it very often.


There are mostly documents to file and translate to complete this trip. One set from your embassy to the Thai Gov. & then the other way around for your files and from Thai. Gov. to embassy.

The best steps, do the family thing first, sin sod if that is what the bride and family want to do. Usually (sin sod) this is given back to you and the bride to setup house, this is not a requirement it is only out of respect and differs in each case. Take LOTS of pictures immigration will ask for them, the Ampur may or may not depends on who happens to be in charge at the particular office.

The money part should be 800,000 Baht savings this will become clear when Married visa is applied for. Do this part prior to going to the interview with the Ampur. Also have a ready envelope with cash 2 to 4 thousand baht ready some will ask some wont. Have all your docs, copies of passport, ID card, photos, copy of bank book and letter from the bank stating deposit dates and so on.

Just explain how or what type of monetary support you have at the Ampur :o

NOTE: Bank letter will seal off your account for 24 hours so don’t do this on a Friday!

Good luck!

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The 'affirmation of freedom to marry' form can be downloaded from the British Embassy website, Bangkok. It is already filled in with the name, 'Joe bloggs'. You copy the form and fill in your details. It does ask about employment and income. The cost is about 2500 baht, and takes about 5 minutes.

I did it yesterday. They will forward the letter to you the next day at a cost of 40 baht.

Everything you need to know is on the website. Good luck.

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Post 12 (meelousee) seems to be drinking extra strong Irish Coffee today.

There is no 800k requirement anywhere. There is no need for any envelopes. There is no need for photos in getting married. Bank letters for extensions do not have to be within 24 hours and do not have to seal your account (just report balance end of previous day). There are no Thai government to Embassy documents.

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Thanks for your help - seems to be a minor issue and I should just have a story ready should they throw a few questions. I have known several people get married with little or no income. It is the Thai form for the Amphur office I believe, which asks about income. You have been a great help.



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I was married last month and the only mention anywhere of income was on the short form that you fill in at The Ministry of Forign Affairs.

Seemed statistical to me, rather like the same question on the TM card.

As far as witnesses are concerned, I suppose that the two girls who did our certificates acted in that capacity. I asked how much the Amphur cost was and was told it was up to me - "maybe 100 baht?" I gave 200. Hadn't occurred to me until now that that was possibly a witness fee.

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