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Israeli forces kill Palestinian along Gaza border


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I've had enough of the fighting and name calling. None of you were there so pointing out that someone else wasn't is irrelevant. Either have a sensible discussion without attacking each other of find yourself muted.

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And what of the events leading up to the incident? There is no denying that there was hostile activity going on at the time in the immediate vicinity. Mortar fire, an attack on civilian vehicles and an attack on an Israeli border patrol all acknowledged by the local militant groups.

Exactly. Who is going to be "collecting construction materials" under such circumstances? :blink:


Edited by Ulysses G.
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It is of course practical, when trying to trace the root of the cause and effect to get to the lead-up the string of events from which the particular incident gained its reason/purpose/momentum. Problem is, do you start with lead-up incident #2,345 or #2,346. If the incidents are in sequence, one was Israeli and the other was Palestinian. If we must measure damage done, I prefer to use the bottom line and consider actual damage done over an extended period of time. I personally get a clearer picture of the problem but each will see it our own way.

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And what of the events leading up to the incident? There is no denying that there was hostile activity going on at the time in the immediate vicinity. Mortar fire, an attack on civilian vehicles and an attack on an Israeli border patrol all acknowledged by the local militant groups.

Exactly. Who is going to be "collecting construction materials" under such circumstances? :blink:


Clearly the Palestinians behind these lies know that their positions are wrong otherwise they wouldn't need to fake so much. I'm sure the Palestinian people are better than that and just being duped by these scum. who are profitting from the situation.

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