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G/F Wants To Bring Bra From England


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I thought that my g/f was joking when I asked her what she wanted me to bring her as a present so I have gone along with the joke, may be se is serious. I said what size and she said 38e.

Is that right? Sounds big to me for an Asian lady. I now just have to get the courage to do this.

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Well, since you are in the Ladies forum, perhaps a woman's contribution is in order.

Thai sizes are not the same sizes as UK ones, so you'd better double check on that. That said, are you sure its for her?

Here are a few previous threads about bras and bra sizes that have run in the forum:

Best you tell her to go to a good department store and get properly fitted and then you will know for sure what the correct size is.

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What do women know about bras? You just do that trick with the fastening it on backwards and swivelling it around. Men however have to be able to unfasten them around the back from the front, often in the dark, under a blouse and, if we're lucky, while blindfolded and handcuffed. :ph34r:

OP: It's either for a fat aunty or a 'surgically enhanced' brother, or she's had some work done while you were away. :whistling:

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Yes if she is somewhere near a Central store she should be able to get fitted at Marks and Spencer there. They have western sizing, so should match anything available in the UK.

I was thinking of taking her to a good store in Bangkok. I did question when she said the size and she confirmed it so guessed Thai sizes were different. better I wait until I get to Thailand I think.

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I once had to go and buy a box of tampons for my western gf when in Brunei. They prefer to use the pads. Had to go to 3 shops before i got what she wanted.

Nice young ladies in each shop tried to help but didn't speak english. Was quite entertaining for them to watch me trying to exlpain what I wanted with exagerated hand movements etc.

One of the most embarrassing moments of my life. Buying a bra? No contest.

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