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Stateless Children


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Hi was wondering if anyone has had any experience with the situation I find myself in

My partner is expecting and she's Karen, as such she hasn't got an ID card (even a Karen ID but we're working on that) let alone a passport

The process of getting her ID is underway and I'm in no doubt it will happen, it's the time factor that is the biggest hurdle

When we fronted the hospital for the initial test/confirmation of pregnancy she was given a booklet with a "16 digit number" that I'm under the impression will form the basis of a Thai ID card but it's not a given that ID will be granted to the child due to the mother being stateless herself effectively.

I can apply for citizenship by descent for the child from my country should the Thai authorities not accept the child as "legitimate" and that part seems straightforward but....

How will it sit with Thai Immigration that now they have a foreign national (albeit born in Thailand) living in Thailand without a visa, attending school and living with biological mother?

Any takers?

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Normally no problem, until the child leaves the country and returns. When a foreign child is born in Thailand it never has a visa or permission to stay. What happens is that when the child leaves Thailand the parents simply show the passport and Thai birth certificate, which makes it clear why the child doesn't have a record of entry.

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