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Neighbour Threatened To Kill My Cat


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1) cats do not scratch the paint of your car. My cats walk all over my car all of the time and the scratches I have certainly do not come from them but..well..motorcycles and stuff...:whistling:

With all due respect Raro that's just plain horse pucks...

Washing your car with the wrong type of sponge or without properly rinsing off the loose dirt first can scratch your car so it's certain cats claws can and do as well..

Well play that game though and ask whether or not your cats wipe their feet before jumping on peoples cars?? If not then they still bring sand scratches to the paint, 6 of one........

I rest my case, warpy is a car buff, he's calling it how other car buffs see it.

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off topic, but how do you guys handle the dust on the motorway? The bumper and hood of my car is scratched all over from gravel, dust, whatever you encounter on the motorway. The damage my cats do to it is neglectable.

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off topic, but how do you guys handle the dust on the motorway? The bumper and hood of my car is scratched all over from gravel, dust, whatever you encounter on the motorway. The damage my cats do to it is neglectable.

Well since you've asked. Firstly I keep the car spotlessly cleaned and it is polished with a very high quality polish, so generally 90% of the stuff on the highway doesnt mark the paintwork. When the car is dirty, I try not to leave it in places that people might touch it. Its kept garaged & covered clean.

Of course, if I am driving it and I damage or mark it, then at least I am the one that caused the damage not some other person. I've always found there to be a difference to the damage I cause to my things that I worked for THAN the damaged caused by someone else (whom ever or what ever that might be).

No disrespect intended to anyone, Rimmer might like Gardens & flowers & might get really upset if someone was to trample on those, whilst warp speed might be too busy waxing his car to notice the dam_n flowers wink.giflaugh.gif

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off topic, but how do you guys handle the dust on the motorway? The bumper and hood of my car is scratched all over from gravel, dust, whatever you encounter on the motorway. The damage my cats do to it is neglectable.

Yes, but hang on a second there mate, don't you have a feline placenta in your glove box that wards off any cat damage.

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As my neighbour was shouting foul language, he was not complaining of scratches, he said the cat had Sh*t on his car, I presume he meant she left dirty footprints, as I have never in my life seen a cat having a poo on top of a car roof.

I went to the shop once and saw a human turd on a car bonnet, god only knows what happned during the night :blink:

as far as the cat goes I've had my own car scratched by my own cat so I know this does happen, if i was the falang next door i would be sending a bill to your house for the respray if it was bad, but i polished mine out they were only little so didn't send a bill to myself.

Cat runs are easy to build and really good for peace of mind hope you have a garden. I wonder if there is a cat deterrent in the form of a spray you could put on your border with your neighbour.

Does the falang have a thai girlfriend? I find thai girls aren't overly keen on cats maybe she is pressing the buttons and he is the mouthpiece.

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off topic, but how do you guys handle the dust on the motorway? The bumper and hood of my car is scratched all over from gravel, dust, whatever you encounter on the motorway. The damage my cats do to it is neglectable.

I'm sorry Raro I don't usually do this but had to highlight this one, the irony is too much to be believed.. :cheesy: :cheesy:

In answer to your query have this done to the exposed surfaces you want to protect I wouldn't do my entire car but I see a use for the front end at least and maybe the rear bumpers..


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off topic, but how do you guys handle the dust on the motorway? The bumper and hood of my car is scratched all over from gravel, dust, whatever you encounter on the motorway. The damage my cats do to it is neglectable.

Well since you've asked. Firstly I keep the car spotlessly cleaned and it is polished with a very high quality polish, so generally 90% of the stuff on the highway doesnt mark the paintwork. When the car is dirty, I try not to leave it in places that people might touch it. Its kept garaged & covered clean.

Of course, if I am driving it and I damage or mark it, then at least I am the one that caused the damage not some other person. I've always found there to be a difference to the damage I cause to my things that I worked for THAN the damaged caused by someone else (whom ever or what ever that might be).

No disrespect intended to anyone, Rimmer might like Gardens & flowers & might get really upset if someone was to trample on those, whilst warp speed might be too busy waxing his car to notice the dam_n flowers wink.giflaugh.gif

Hey!!! :o I like flowers!!! :(

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Fag? Isn't that a British term for ciggie <_< ??

35 years ago, a few years before the Brit invasion of USA, i went to Miami on holiday

first time to the States

i checked into a beachfront hotel and later went for drinks in the hotel bar

i was a smoker then and asked the barman where i could get 20 fags ?

his eyes opened as wide as dinner plates

true story

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Fag? Isn't that a British term for ciggie <_< ??

35 years ago, a few years before the Brit invasion of USA, i went to Miami on holiday

first time to the States

i checked into a beachfront hotel and later went for drinks in the hotel bar

i was a smoker then and asked the barman where i could get 20 fags ?

his eyes opened as wide as dinner plates

true story


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off topic, but how do you guys handle the dust on the motorway? The bumper and hood of my car is scratched all over from gravel, dust, whatever you encounter on the motorway. The damage my cats do to it is neglectable.

You are lucky I never get to drive on the motorway the cats asleep on the roof of the SUV don't like to go above 30 kmh. :(

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raro, I'm speechless, I don't know what you are doing wrong to cause that much damage to your vehicle in only 40,000km. Do you live up a dirt road or something? Most stonechips happen because people are travelling too close to the car in front. Lets face it the airway is full of flying stones and for them to get up onto the very front extremities of ur car they must come from somewhere?

clearly from your comments, you are the type of person that just buys a car to drive it & isnt overly fussed on its presentation or format, of course thats up to you but doesnt mean the OP's neighbour should be expected to be the same. To you its painted tin, to others its more.

anyway, besides, if the guy wants to damage his own car, thats up to him he paid for it, doesnt make any difference to the issue, its someone else's cat in his yard on his car - thats the real issue.

i also hate to see the cat at risk of becoming baited but it would appear theres not alot the owner can do except desex the thing and keep it caged up either inside the house or in a cage.

Edited by neverdie
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Just buy to your cat his own car, here in the sticks every average Somjoe got a flashy new truck for him his dog, the cat and the chickens, the second option would be reorganize a bit your lifestyle, keeping the cat indooor and taking him out regularly everydays under your supervision, or even better, find a more suitable place for both of you...i never had my neighbours threatening to kill "my" pets, usually they threaten to kill me, it must to be because the dogs are thai, you got short of luck getting a neighbour farang though :D

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Years ago in England I had a friend who worked at Windsor Safari Park. He had a great side line going: he sold lion dung. This keeps cats off your property if you spread it around your borders. They smell it and know it's from a much bigger cat than them. How about going down to Nong Nooch and getting some tiger dung, put it where your cat goes through to next door?

He's going to get a garden full of....roaring flowers :lol:

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Fag? Isn't that a British term for ciggie <_< ??

35 years ago, a few years before the Brit invasion of USA, i went to Miami on holiday

first time to the States

i checked into a beachfront hotel and later went for drinks in the hotel bar

i was a smoker then and asked the barman where i could get 20 fags ?

his eyes opened as wide as dinner plates

true story

I would have told you to go about 15 miles north of there to a club called the "Copa" north of Ft. Laud. Airport for your request... I know about it as we all knew it was a club for straight men to avoid :whistling: .... Sorry Off topic, last one, promise..

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The cat is Thai.

I might start to keep her inside for a while, she is in most of the time and never ventures very far.

Thank you for all your replies :)

How do you know for sure that the cat is Thai? Does it mutter falang falang under it's breath to the other Thai cats? Does it charge them "Special price for Falang" for cat food/litter? Does it give you a vacant dissenterseted stare when you try and complain about something? Does it drive it's little cat car round the soi with total disregard for any one elso on the Soi?

Darrendsd - The cat in question is 100% Thai ok. I had her mother 8 Years ago so i do know, but to be honest, what has this got to do with it lol.

And you believed the Thai mother cat that she didn't know a Falang cat! Was the cat from Pattaya?

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Rubbish. The farang neighbour and his car should move out of Pattaya.

P_Girl, get yourself another 3 cats, a couple of rescue dogs (noisy, yappy type) and maybe a cockerel.:ph34r:

so that would mean the neighbour has to buy 3 fishes and maybe half kilo of pork, 100 baht max. but if you really want some rescue dogs have 150 can provide you with.

the scatch think my pick up gets scratch marks from my nails around handles and from my dogs, i cut them out but cutter is not good for the paint, so i am sure cat claws could scratch but cannot understand why a cat would want to scratch at metal. dirty paws marks over a car i cared for would annoy me immensly, just as much as dirty dog paw prints on the roof of my truck but dogs dont do that .

as for the nature thing and domesticated, dogs years ago did not have tin openers and cans of dog food, they hunted, killed etc that was there nature but they evolved and became domesticated where as cats never have.

each to there own but i dislike cats but would never harm one, and in fact do feed them if they seem in a bad way.

at least the neighbour has given the oppurtunity wto put things right and not just done it and said nothing.

i am lost on how cats and cars can turn into a gays in florida thread :unsure:

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Dont make a fuss when they piss on your front porch, once you complain to the typical cat owner who says the cat was here before you they then know you have a problem with them.

Just stay shtum and drop them a tasty morsel that will dissuade them from doing it again.

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