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Neighbour Threatened To Kill My Cat


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I was recently on a small chunk of beach in the south that had a large pack of dogs, a couple from each of the 6 or so bungalow operations. One of them was getting into some chickens at a cluster of houses behind the beach, so the locals set out poison. Within a few days every last dog on that beach was dead, even the ones that never left their properties. Outside of the city these issues are dealt with quickly and decisively!

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Obviously your cats are very precious to you and there will always be people who dislie cats for one reason or another, justified or not. Why not invest in a cat run . I persume u are not in a condo . It is just a elongated cage (made out of wire) that can give the cat a sense of freedom but confine it to the run so it does not wander.I have seen some that have been built going from inside the house to various points around the yard so the cat can chase the shade or sun . They can be elavated above the ground or built along the ground level. They could also be built to be portable and dismantled and re-erected if you should move house.Yes it is a investment but could save alot of people a lot of heartache too.These work for dogs too in similar situations.

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Phil Connors,

What the hell are you dribbling about?

Birds are free animals, we are talking about a pet cat here.

Do you honestly believe that if cats were not domesticated that they would roam urban areas as freely as birds?

Have you ever owned a car and lived next door to someone with cats?

As I have mentioned above, I have had 4 cars scratched to pieces by stray (neighbours) cats and judging by the responses on this board, I'm not the only one.

One of my neighbours bought a new Merc, it was only a C class but imagine how good he felt when the local moggies scratched it up after less than a week.

Try telling him that cats cannot scratch cars or that spiteful cat owners have allowed their cats to scratch his car because having to look after the pet was too much of a task.

Cats have claws, claws cause scratches.

What part do you not comprehend or believe?

I am not against humans keeping cats, Rimmer has mentioned that he has ten cats and he is able to look after them without forcing them onto other people.

I am guessing that you are a cat owner and judging from your responses not a good neighbour to have.

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Yes if cats were not domesticated feral cats would still roam the cities.

Yes, I have 3 cats and a new car. Never saw a single scratch caused by any cats. Nonsense. Cats don't scratch metal, they scratch soft stuff like trees. Even if they tried they wouldn't make a mark, their nails are softer than the paint. If a cat was able to scratch your paint I'd suggest you complain to the painter.

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Feral cats would still roam the cities, what a load of crap.

Despite me telling you that cats have scratched 4 of my cars and transam (a cat owner) saying that his cat scratched his car, you do not beleive that cats can scratch cars.

Your argument for this is that a cats claws are softer than metal.

Well see if you can understand this, cats do not scratch through the metal, they scratch the paintwork which is softer than a cats claws and considerably softer than metal.

Go to Google and search 'Cats scratch cars' and see what results come back.

Pattarya Girl came on here asking for feedback, which enough people provided for her.

It may not have been the positive feedback she wanted to hear but it was constructive.

you jumped onto this thread just to try to wind people up and have given no feedback on the subject matter.

I cannot beleive that all of your posts (5,621 posts at this moment) have been trolling posts, so instead of stiring people up find a thread where you will be able to offer some useful feedback.

I see dumb people, I see them everywhere.................

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Yes if cats were not domesticated feral cats would still roam the cities.

Yes, I have 3 cats and a new car. Never saw a single scratch caused by any cats. Nonsense. Cats don't scratch metal, they scratch soft stuff like trees. Even if they tried they wouldn't make a mark, their nails are softer than the paint. If a cat was able to scratch your paint I'd suggest you complain to the painter.

No offence, but you must be joking. :)

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Yes if cats were not domesticated feral cats would still roam the cities.

Yes, I have 3 cats and a new car. Never saw a single scratch caused by any cats. Nonsense. Cats don't scratch metal, they scratch soft stuff like trees. Even if they tried they wouldn't make a mark, their nails are softer than the paint. If a cat was able to scratch your paint I'd suggest you complain to the painter.

No offence, but you must be joking. :)

Unless they are ferel bionic cats with diamond tipped claws.B)

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The cat is Thai.

I might start to keep her inside for a while, she is in most of the time and never ventures very far.

Thank you for all your replies :)

How do you know for sure that the cat is Thai? Does it mutter falang falang under it's breath to the other Thai cats? Does it charge them "Special price for Falang" for cat food/litter? Does it give you a vacant dissenterseted stare when you try and complain about something? Does it drive it's little cat car round the soi with total disregard for any one elso on the Soi?

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Feral cats would still roam the cities, what a load of crap.

Despite me telling you that cats have scratched 4 of my cars and transam (a cat owner) saying that his cat scratched his car, you do not beleive that cats can scratch cars.

Your argument for this is that a cats claws are softer than metal.

Well see if you can understand this, cats do not scratch through the metal, they scratch the paintwork which is softer than a cats claws and considerably softer than metal.

Go to Google and search 'Cats scratch cars' and see what results come back.

Pattarya Girl came on here asking for feedback, which enough people provided for her.

It may not have been the positive feedback she wanted to hear but it was constructive.

you jumped onto this thread just to try to wind people up and have given no feedback on the subject matter.

I cannot beleive that all of your posts (5,621 posts at this moment) have been trolling posts, so instead of stiring people up find a thread where you will be able to offer some useful feedback.

I see dumb people, I see them everywhere.................

Just though I'd balance all those testosterone-fuming, cat-hating comments. Keep on the good work. Make it a flame war. Make it personal.

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The cat is Thai.

I might start to keep her inside for a while, she is in most of the time and never ventures very far.

Thank you for all your replies :)

How do you know for sure that the cat is Thai? Does it mutter falang falang under it's breath to the other Thai cats? Does it charge them "Special price for Falang" for cat food/litter? Does it give you a vacant dissenterseted stare when you try and complain about something? Does it drive it's little cat car round the soi with total disregard for any one elso on the Soi?

Darrendsd - The cat in question is 100% Thai ok. I had her mother 8 Years ago so i do know, but to be honest, what has this got to do with it lol.

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The cat is Thai.

I might start to keep her inside for a while, she is in most of the time and never ventures very far.

Thank you for all your replies :)

How do you know for sure that the cat is Thai? Does it mutter falang falang under it's breath to the other Thai cats? Does it charge them "Special price for Falang" for cat food/litter? Does it give you a vacant dissenterseted stare when you try and complain about something? Does it drive it's little cat car round the soi with total disregard for any one elso on the Soi?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Yes, I thought of that myself, my mum's cat has a habit of jumping on her slimline TV, and she has to threaten with a water pistol.

This guy wants her dead though, and he is not very friendly, he will not speak to us at all.

Thank you for your advise anyway.

At the risk of sounding sarcastic, you should warn your mum about the dangers of mixing water with electricity.

As for the cat, I have to side with your neighbour. Life isn't always fair, and there's not much we can do if a stray animal damages someone's property, but you know your cat is habitually trespassing and going where it definitely should not go. The onus is on you to remedy the situation by keeping the cat inside (house-trained) or removing it from Pattaya to a more cat-friendly environment like a farm. The fact that you've lived there for 9 years gives you and your pet absolutely no extra rights. Regardless if your neighbour moved in 1 day ago or 9 years ago, you both have equal rights to protect your property and assets. Sorry to say it, but I'd be shocked and thought you've lost your marbles if you came to my door with duvet and water pistol, asking me to take some responsibility for your cat. So, although you may not care for my suggestions, there they are -- keep the cat inside at all times or give a nice and more appropriate home in the countryside.

Wavefloater - My mum THREATENS the cat with a water pistol, she does not spray water onto her television.

Ya, I knew shouldn't have bothered with that little joke first. I'm sure your mum knows better than to spray water on her TV. I just hope she doesn't get trigger happy one day when it's mistakenly loaded.

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Rimmer has best idea, i dont like cats, so i am with the neighbour, if a dog craps in somebodys gaqrden its up roar if somebodys cat does it it is supposed to be accepted. if it were a dog jumping all over a car people would say the owner should keep it under control. if i had just paid a few hundred baht to have car cleaned and it was continually cover in dirty foot prints i would be well hacked off.

my thai neighbour said he hated dogs and would kill them if they came into his garden, he has a full time gardener, a beuatifull lawn and i understand how he feels so i built a good fence.

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as a moderator: tone it down.

as a general board member and cat owner:

1) cats do not scratch the paint of your car. My cats walk all over my car all of the time and the scratches I have certainly do not come from them but..well..motorcycles and stuff...:whistling:

2) My neighbour indeed shot my cat with a crossbow. The cat made it, he admitted to it and I reported him to the Banglamung cop shop. He has been informed in no uncertain terms about the legal situation of such action and I could claim a handsome amount of money out of him if I was in the mood to sue him in court.

3) a water gun is the best defense against cats. It is fun for the humans and the cats will hate you after a while, not to return.

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One uncalled for remark removed from view, Be warned I like cats and have ten of them.

Keep you cat indoors or if that is not possible buy or have made a 1 by 1 1/2 meter cage for her to live, when she is not in the house. Cats spend a lot of time sleeping and are quite happy going outside once a day with you walking with them, we do it all the time every day with ten of them.

Well Rimmer, you say you like kitty but do you really keep all of your 10 cats caged up all the time, or do they roam the streets too?

I like kitty as well but I certainly wouldnt like my prestige motor vehicle being climbed all over, dirty foot prints, piss stains etc etc. Some time back I had a neighbour, he was thai, very strange and he had a dozen or so cats and because his yard was such a brothel of a mess his cats use to cross the road to piss in my lovely garden. The smell was shocking & worse still the cats didnt limit their pissings to my garden but my clothes hanging on my portable hanger copped it, as did my motorcycle annoyed.gif.

Anyway, theres heaps more to the story, but in the interests of keeping this short -OP, keep ur cat out of your neighbours property & there isnt a problem. wink.gif I might like to add that I have always found that the desexed cat, prefers to stay close to home, but perhaps your neighbour is also very close, in which case that wont help.

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Phil Connors,

What the hell are you dribbling about?

Birds are free animals, we are talking about a pet cat here.

Do you honestly believe that if cats were not domesticated that they would roam urban areas as freely as birds?

Have you ever owned a car and lived next door to someone with cats?

As I have mentioned above, I have had 4 cars scratched to pieces by stray (neighbours) cats and judging by the responses on this board, I'm not the only one.

One of my neighbours bought a new Merc, it was only a C class but imagine how good he felt when the local moggies scratched it up after less than a week.

Try telling him that cats cannot scratch cars or that spiteful cat owners have allowed their cats to scratch his car because having to look after the pet was too much of a task.

Cats have claws, claws cause scratches.

What part do you not comprehend or believe?

I am not against humans keeping cats, Rimmer has mentioned that he has ten cats and he is able to look after them without forcing them onto other people.

I am guessing that you are a cat owner and judging from your responses not a good neighbour to have.

And a well waxed car causes the cat to lose it's grip when it jumps up on it which in turn their response is to attempt to bury their claws in to get a grip thus scratching the car badly which is also what Phil should do, get a grip :) ..

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Yes if cats were not domesticated feral cats would still roam the cities.

Yes, I have 3 cats and a new car. Never saw a single scratch caused by any cats. Nonsense. Cats don't scratch metal, they scratch soft stuff like trees. Even if they tried they wouldn't make a mark, their nails are softer than the paint. If a cat was able to scratch your paint I'd suggest you complain to the painter.

It isn't exposed metal it's paint susceptible to scratches and your cats don't scratch your car because they're scratching your neighbors like so many others do..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Well Rimmer, you say you like kitty but do you really keep all of your 10 cats caged up all the time, or do they roam the streets too?

I have a three rai garden with a 2 1/2 meter wall around it, the cats never go outside the wall but they take it in turns to 'own' the garden. B)

Oh and FYI there are no streets where I live or roads or houses which is probably why I have to own two SUVs just to drive to the shops :ph34r:

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Yes if cats were not domesticated feral cats would still roam the cities.

Yes, I have 3 cats and a new car. Never saw a single scratch caused by any cats. Nonsense. Cats don't scratch metal, they scratch soft stuff like trees. Even if they tried they wouldn't make a mark, their nails are softer than the paint. If a cat was able to scratch your paint I'd suggest you complain to the painter.

No offence, but you must be joking. :)

Sadly, I think not :( ....

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As my neighbour was shouting foul language, he was not complaining of scratches, he said the cat had Sh*t on his car, I presume he meant she left dirty footprints, as I have never in my life seen a cat having a poo on top of a car roof.

Edit: Never mind, trying to be clever but, read wrong :( ..

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my thai neighbour said he hated dogs and would kill them if they came into his garden, he has a full time gardener, a beuatifull lawn and i understand how he feels so i built a good fence.

I love dogs too but there you have it, an understanding, considerate dog owner who respects someone elses feelings about his neighbors property...

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Well Rimmer, you say you like kitty but do you really keep all of your 10 cats caged up all the time, or do they roam the streets too?

I have a three rai garden with a 2 1/2 meter wall around it, the cats never go outside the wall but they take it in turns to 'own' the garden. B)

Oh and FYI there are no streets where I live or roads or houses which is probably why I have to own two SUVs just to drive to the shops :ph34r:

THATS RIGHT, its all racing back to me, you also have a big waterway pond thingy.

Sounds like you have room for the OP's cat then laugh.gif

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1) cats do not scratch the paint of your car. My cats walk all over my car all of the time and the scratches I have certainly do not come from them but..well..motorcycles and stuff...:whistling:

With all due respect Raro that's just plain horse pucks...

Washing your car with the wrong type of sponge or without properly rinsing off the loose dirt first can scratch your car so it's certain cats claws can and do as well..

Well play that game though and ask whether or not your cats wipe their feet before jumping on peoples cars?? If not then they still bring sand scratches to the paint, 6 of one........

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Never saw a single scratch caused by any cats. Nonsense.

Filthy phil, how are you dude? I would also have to DISagree with you on this point. What you might call a scratch and what a car lover might call a scratch might be two different things. For example, depending on the colour or finish of a given motor vehicle that a cat merely walking across the paint work with dirt on its paws might be enuf to leave small scratches. It might even be the case that the car is dirty and the cat is clean but as it drags its backside across the paintwork it becomes damaged. It may be small and insignificant to you, but to the car buff, the perfectionist VERY ANNOYING. wink.gif

If you chatted with MRO & discussed how much he liked animals climbing over his highly polished motor vehicles, I am sure his blood pressure will increase & his fists clench......he may even have a firearm at the ready to deal with the situation laugh.gif.

I really like cats, BUT NOT ON MY CAR! annoyed.gifmad.gif

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