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UN suspends Libya from Human Rights Council


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UN suspends Libya from Human Rights Council

2011-03-02 04:31:03 GMT+7 (ICT)

UNITED NATIONS (BNO NEWS) -- The United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday adopted a resolution to suspend Libya's membership of the UN Human Rights Council because of Muammar al-Gaddafi's violence against demonstrators who demand his ouster.

Libya has been plunged into chaos as massive anti-government protests continue nationwide, resulting in a violent crackdown by security forces which included aerial bombardments on protesters. At least 300 people and as many as more than 1,000 people have been killed in the uprising, but confirmed information has been difficult to obtain due to reporting restrictions by Libyan authorities.

Members of the Council are elected by the General Assembly, which has the right to suspend the membership of a country that has persistently committed gross and systematic violations of human rights during its term of membership. The process of suspension requires a two-thirds majority vote by the 192-member Assembly, but none of them opposed the suspension.

Monday's resolution to suspend Libya was unprecedented and it is the first time that a member state has been suspended from the Council. Libya was first elected to the Human Rights Council in April 2010.

UK Foreign Secretary William Hague immediately welcomed the suspension. "This outcome, which the UK has pressed for with partners, demonstrates the unity of the international community and its commitment to hold the Libyan regime accountable," he said.

He added: "Libya's suspension from the Council is unprecedented. But it is absolutely right that a regime that has failed so shamefully in its responsibility to its people and that has been referred to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court should not be allowed to continue to enjoy the rights of membership."

On Saturday, the United Nations Security Council voted unanimously to impose sanctions against Libyan authorities, slapping the country with an arms embargo and freezing the assets of its leaders, while referring the ongoing violent repression of civilian demonstrators to the International Criminal Court (ICC).


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-03-02

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How quickly recent events are forgotten. When Libya was elected to the United Nations Human Rights Council a common front group of 37 human rights organizations had called upon the UN's 192 members not to allow Libya a seat on the council, the UN's main body dealing with human rights.

In a shocking vote, the unopposed Libya (representing Africa) received 155 votes (5 absententions and 32 nays). This was far more than the 97 votes needed. 155 countries have blood on their hands. More astounding was the council meeting in November 2010 which reviewed Libyan human rights, but instead was a love fest for the thug Col G. Prof. Aurel Braun (International Relations and Political Science) University of Toronto provides the following description of events; Qatar expressed its appreciation for Libya’s human rights performance. The Syrian representative, without irony, spoke of the unique experience of democracy in Libya and the growth and development of human rights there. Saudi Arabia strongly praised Libya’s interest in “promoting and protecting human rights.” North Korea and Cuba glowingly endorsed Libya’s efforts and “significant achievements” in human rights.


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In a shocking vote, the unopposed Libya (representing Africa) received 155 votes (5 absententions and 32 nays). This was far more than the 97 votes needed. 155 countries have blood on their hands.

It seems as if a lot of these same UN members are posting on Thai Visa in the political threads. :whistling:

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Useless as teats on a boar comes to mind. The plight of foreign workers in Libya is a disaster in the making and the best the U.N. can do is a slap on the wrist. Procrastination seems to be a trademark of this organization.

Edited by Hawaiian
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The Syrian representative, without irony, spoke of the unique experience of democracy in Libya and the growth and development of human rights there. Saudi Arabia strongly praised Libya’s interest in “promoting and protecting human rights.” North Korea and Cuba glowingly endorsed Libya’s efforts and “significant achievements” in human rights[/i].


Of course Syria know all about human rights especially for their own citizens in light of the estimated 17,000-40,000 killed by president Assad's pop in violently stamping out a rebellion in the city of Hama in 1982, lucky the HRC was only formed in 2006 or with form like that their election would have been a breeze. :whistling:

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