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Non Imm O + Work Permit = ?

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I'm having trouble figuring this out from reading the posts, so could someone please explain how this works to me.

I have a multiple entry non-imm o visa from KL for visiting my wife. I have about 6 months left before it expires. I am trying to get a job teaching English to help make ends meet.

If I lose my job teaching, then I only have 60 days to leave the country, thus ruining my visa. But this is IF I have a work permit attached to the visa.

Does this mean I should get another type of visa? Wouldn't that cancel out my current visa? Are they hinting that I should just work without a permit?

What's the safest route to take to keep from losing the current visa (we can afford to lose the job income but not the visa; I have a steady monthly income from out side Thailand)? I don't have any experience teaching and I don't feel confident about it, so probability of failure is reasonably high.

Thank you for any comments.

Edited by deusbelli
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Your visa has nothing to do with work. Only an extension of stay based on work would be lost with a loss of job - and that would be immediately. A multi entry non immigrant O visa allows unlimited entry for up to 90 days during the validity period.

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I would stick with the non-O visa since you have some concern about losing your job. If you are on B visa and lose job you would have to leave but with O that is because you are married can stay for her and don't need a job.

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I would stick with the non-O visa since you have some concern about losing your job. If you are on B visa and lose job you would have to leave but with O that is because you are married can stay for her and don't need a job.

But you can't work on a O visa, can you?

Q: if a holder of a O or OA visa applies for and is granted a non-Imm B visa + WP, will thier O/OA automatically be cancelled out or will they wind up holding two valid visas? If the latter, then when you stop working you could just revert to using the O or OA visa.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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You must have a work permit to legally work and a work permit can be issued on a non immigrant O visa. It is extensions of stay that are of concern for ending when reason for them ends.

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But you can't work on a O visa, can you?

Q: if a holder of a O or OA visa applies for and is granted a non-Imm B visa + WP, will thier O/OA automatically be cancelled out or will they wind up holding two valid visas? If the latter, then when you stop working you could just revert to using the O or OA visa.

You can get WP if it's based on other than retirement.

You can not get a work permit on a OA-visa because it's for retirement.

No, you can not have two visas. old one will be cancelled.

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