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English Language Requirements

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Dear All,

My wife has a Bachelor of Arts degree in the "Tourism Industry". The course was predominantly English based.

The modules studied in English were as follows:

*English for communication and English retrieval

*English for communication and study skills

*Business communication in English 1

*Business communication in English 2

*English for hotel 1

*English for hotel 2

*English for tourism 1

*English for tourism 2

*English for tourism 3

*English for tourism 4

*English for tourism 5

*Business communication in English 3

*Business communication in English 4

She passed all of the above.

There were a number of additional modules including Japanese, hospitality management, thinking and decision making etc. Also passed all additional modules.

The degree certificate is written in English with the universities official stamp.

My question is: Is this sufficient for her not to have to take the English test in BKK KOL requirements before applying for settlement in the UK?

Thanks in advance.

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Dear Razzell, I know that the life in the UK test must be completed in the UK. There is however the additional requirement to pass an English test under the CEFR framework before she can apply for settlement.This must be done in the country where she is resident. I want to know whether her current qualifications will permit her not to have to take the test.

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Dear Razzell, I know that the life in the UK test must be completed in the UK. There is however the additional requirement to pass an English test under the CEFR framework before she can apply for settlement.This must be done in the country where she is resident. I want to know whether her current qualifications will permit her not to have to take the test.

I know, my now wife has just taken an English Test in the UK a month ago... ;)


Get in touch with NARIC.


Personally, I wouldn't bother mucking about I'd get her to sit a test, sounds like she'd sail through it.



Good luck :thumbsup:


EDIT - I believe the EMD Tests are not valid for applications after 17th July as they are no longer on the "new list" of approved providers.

Edited by RAZZELL
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Yes ThaiVisaExpress she has a Bachelor of Arts in "tourism" including all of the above English qualifications as mentioned above the degree certificate is written in English and officially stamped. I'd just hate them to knock it back on a technicality. I shall have a look at your link. Cheers.

Yes we use one in Bangkok she will fly through.

My link - see here I don't think she needs to take it has she a degree ?

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I have in fact looked at this link several times already and it seems pretty vague.

Degrees taught in English

If you have an academic qualification which is deemed by UK NARIC to meet the recognised standard of a Bachelor's degree, we will accept this as evidence that you can speak and understand English to level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference. Therefore you do not need to take a test.

For information about Masters Degree's and PhD's please see the new English language requirement for partners (PDF 86KB opens in a new window).

There is supposedly a system for checking whether her degree reaches permitted requirements but it "apologises for any inconvenience" as it will not be ready till Summer 2011!

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Yes we use one in Bangkok she will fly through.

My link - see here I don't think she needs to take it has she a degree ?

My wife has a degree too and sat courses in English as part of it. I read the headline which says "a degree taught in English" and assumed the "whole course" had to be in English ?

So, TVE are you saying that any degree judged by NARIC to be the equivalent of a UK degree is sufficient? :blink: Just because you have a degree doesn't mean you can speak English? :whistling:


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I don't think the rules or guidance are vague. It seems straightforward that NARIC are the people to contact if you have any doubts. They will inform you if the qualification held is sufficient for a settlement application, and UKBA will accept NARIC's decision. If the points based calculator doesn't work, then contact NARIC direct.

The immigration rules state inter alia:

__(iv) the applicant has obtained an academic qualification(not a professional or vocational qualification), which is deemed by UK NARIC to meet the recognised standard of a Bachelor's degree in the UK, from an educational establishment in one of the following countries: Antigua and Barbuda; Australia; The Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Dominica; Grenada; Guyana; Ireland; Jamaica; New Zealand; St Kitts and Nevis; St Lucia; St Vincent and The Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; the UK; the USA; and provides the specified documents; or

__ __(v) the applicant has obtained an academic qualification (not a professional or vocational qualification) which is deemed by UK NARIC to meet the recognised standard of a Bachelor's degree in the UK, and

(1) provides the specified evidence to show he has the qualification, and

(2) UK NARIC has confirmed that the degree was taught or researched in English, or

__ __(vi) has obtained an academic qualification (not a professional or vocational qualification) which is deemed by UK NARIC to meet the recognised standard of a Bachelor's degree in the UK, and provides the specified evidence to show:

(1) he has the qualification, and

(2) that the qualification was taught or researched in English.

UKBA guidance further states inter alia :

What evidence do I need to supply about my degree?

You will need to supply the original certificate issued by the relevant institution confirming the award of the academic qualification.

What evidence is needed to show my degree was taught in English?

If an academic qualification has been taught by one of the majority English speaking countries listed above, with the exception of Canada, we will assume it to have been taught in English.

If an applicant claims that they have completed an academic qualification taught in English, they must provide the original academic qualification certificate (provisional academic qualification certificates are not acceptable),


the applicant's name;

the title of award;

the date of award; and

the name of the awarding institution.

How can I check if my Bachelors degree meets the criteria for the English language requirement before I make an application?

You can check this using the Points Based Calculator which can be located at the following UK Border Agency web address:


The calculator contains information from UK NARIC as to which academic qualifications they deem to have been taught to the standard of a Bachelors degree in the UK. When you start using the calculator input any answer you wish until you get to the page on 'English language'. Then select

I have a qualification that was taught in English

On the following page 'English language qualifications'

enter the details of your qualification as requested including country of award; qualification; institution or body: course length, course subject and year of award.

I have a Bachelors degree but it is not included on the points based calculator. Will you still accept it as evidence I meet the English requirement?

We can only accept Bachelors degrees that are recognised by UK NARIC.

If your Bachelors degree is recognised by UK NARIC please submit evidence of your qualification as indicated above.

If you cannot find your Bachelors degree on the points-based calculator, you may still be able to use it to meet the English requirement. In these circumstances you should contact UK NARIC directly for an assessment of the level of the qualification and, if UK NARIC confirms it is of the required level, obtain a letter and/or confirmation certificate from UK NARIC. You can find a link to the UK NARIC website below. It is an independent website, for which we are not responsible. It may charge a fee for confirming qualifications. http://www.naric.org.uk/

You can then supply this statement of compatibility from UK NARIC with your application. However if UK NARIC cannot confirm the equivalence of your qualification you will not be able to use it to meet the new English language requirement.

Edited by VisasPlus
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The problem is this. There are dates to hand in the paperwork on the 29th May this month. Then they are fully booked throughout June. Which i personally think is outrageous. If I was to get her to sit the exams which can be done this friday she will not get the results back until the following week. Even if I went down the NARiC route it will take 2 weeks or more. Meaning that she will be stuck in Limbo for over a month just to hand in the papers!

So, I was wondering if it would be best to just book the 29th May pay the fee and hand everything in to get the ball rolling.

I don't know but would presume that if her bachelor degree as a "Tour Guide" which was 50% English based was for some reason unacceptable. Then what is the worst that can happen? Would she just have to sit the English test and away we go? Or do we lose all of our £840:00 and have to start again?


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Thanks Bangcockney, I shall try and send her to BKK this week to take her TB test and to do the English exam as well. They certainly don't make it easy for us.

Don't submit your application without knowing for sure. You run the risk of the application being rejected.

You can't usually submit further evidence after your application.

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I think you're right to just take the line of least resistance and take the exam. It will save you grief in the long run.

I have been, and continue to, administer the "A1" test on behalf of one of the test providers authorised under UKBA's transitional arrangements. Some months ago because of one or two enquiries I looked into this question of degree exemptions.

From the info already quoted by VisasPlus and mirrored in the caseworking instrucions here:- http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/policyandlaw/IDIs/idischapter8/section1/annexa3.pdf?view=Binary - it is apparent that there are 2 ways applicants can secure an exemption; either submit your degree to Naric, pay a fee and wait up to 3 weeks for their clearance, or the caseworkers can make their own decision using the points based assessment tool referred to in IDIs. I therefore emailed the ECM in Bangkok and asked for confirmation whether ECOs were instructed to use the assessment tool where applicants sought an exemption and were not directly certified by NARIC. Guess what, I never had a reply.

Early last week we had an urgent enquiry from a lady who had submitted a settlement application to UKVisas in March and claimed an exemption on the basis of a bachelor's degree taught in English. Having waited for 2 months without any reply to several enquiries as to what was happening, she had just been informed that her degree did not attract an exemption, and she had 2 weeks in which to submit a test certificate. Quite clearly the Embassy hadn't bothered to think about the details of the exemption provisions, or they wouldn't have needed to sit on the application for 2 months. She attended our session on Thursday, obviously spoke English far better than 'A1' standard, and will meet the deadline to submit her certificate.

So the moral is, either apply to NARIC for an exemption certificate or take a test.

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The problem is this. There are dates to hand in the paperwork on the 29th May this month. Then they are fully booked throughout June. Which i personally think is outrageous.


i havent read all your posts, but if you are talking about dates for appointments to hand in your visa application, do not worry. They only show available dates for the following week. if you want an appointment for the end of June, for example, start looking around june 20 onwards.

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Thanks for the update. Line of least resistance it is then. We are in BKK this week so i have booked her in to sit a Cambridge ESOL course this week. They said that we should have the results within a few days so there's a bit of good news. A lot of the other testers that I have spoken to said that the papers have to be sent back to UK and can take up to a couple of weeks to mark and we just don't have the time. After your clients experience and there indecision quite clearly this is the way to move forward.

I think you're right to just take the line of least resistance and take the exam. It will save you grief in the long run.

I have been, and continue to, administer the "A1" test on behalf of one of the test providers authorised under UKBA's transitional arrangements. Some months ago because of one or two enquiries I looked into this question of degree exemptions.

From the info already quoted by VisasPlus and mirrored in the caseworking instrucions here:- http://www.ukba.home...pdf?view=Binary - it is apparent that there are 2 ways applicants can secure an exemption; either submit your degree to Naric, pay a fee and wait up to 3 weeks for their clearance, or the caseworkers can make their own decision using the points based assessment tool referred to in IDIs. I therefore emailed the ECM in Bangkok and asked for confirmation whether ECOs were instructed to use the assessment tool where applicants sought an exemption and were not directly certified by NARIC. Guess what, I never had a reply.

Early last week we had an urgent enquiry from a lady who had submitted a settlement application to UKVisas in March and claimed an exemption on the basis of a bachelor's degree taught in English. Having waited for 2 months without any reply to several enquiries as to what was happening, she had just been informed that her degree did not attract an exemption, and she had 2 weeks in which to submit a test certificate. Quite clearly the Embassy hadn't bothered to think about the details of the exemption provisions, or they wouldn't have needed to sit on the application for 2 months. She attended our session on Thursday, obviously spoke English far better than 'A1' standard, and will meet the deadline to submit her certificate.

So the moral is, either apply to NARIC for an exemption certificate or take a test.

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Thank you that is most helpful and has put my mind at rest. I shall have a look tomorrow.

The problem is this. There are dates to hand in the paperwork on the 29th May this month. Then they are fully booked throughout June. Which i personally think is outrageous.


i havent read all your posts, but if you are talking about dates for appointments to hand in your visa application, do not worry. They only show available dates for the following week. if you want an appointment for the end of June, for example, start looking around june 20 onwards.

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Hi Ballantyne Kunash is correct , i thought that June 2011 appointments were fully booked ( they're just not available yet!)

as its not very well explained on the website

If you check the appointments after 6.00pm on VFS Bangkok site from the UK

I found there's another date available which is different from when checking in the morning in the UK.As i was checking twice a day.

My wife has a BA from Bangkok and has Elementary English Pass but decided to take the A1 English Test with

Siam-Vantage as we didn't have time to wait for the Naric info, seemed the best option for her as UKBA require

it. The A1 English Test cost 5614 baht and is every friday and can be collected a few days later if you need it quickly.

Its University of Cambridge ESOL approved Bulats this is whats it says on their Facebook site

"Vantage Siam is the authorized BULATS agent for Thailand. BULATS is an Approved Test Provider for the United Kingdom Border Agency (UKBA) visa requirements. These tests were developed by Cambridge ESOL and are designed to test all four English language proficiency skills: reading and listening as well as speaking and writing. The three BULATS examinations assess the receptive proficiency skills of reading and listening as well as the productive language skills of speaking and writing as follows: BULATS Computer Test—this is a computer-adaptive test for reading and listening assessment, which typically takes some 60 minutes to complete. Results are available immediately. Computer adaptive tests are not pass/fail. Rather it’s the most accurate measurement of language proficiency"

Good luck hope your wife soon gets her appointment and Settlement Visa which ever route you go with the English

cheers from Pomchob

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Cheers Pomchob, funnily enough that is exactly who I am going to use for my wife. She takes the test on Fri. Thanks for the adviuce.

quote name='POMCHOB' timestamp='1306184237' post='4444230']

Hi Ballantyne Kunash is correct , i thought that June 2011 appointments were fully booked ( they're just not available yet!)

as its not very well explained on the website

If you check the appointments after 6.00pm on VFS Bangkok site from the UK

I found there's another date available which is different from when checking in the morning in the UK.As i was checking twice a day.

My wife has a BA from Bangkok and has Elementary English Pass but decided to take the A1 English Test with

Siam-Vantage as we didn't have time to wait for the Naric info, seemed the best option for her as UKBA require

it. The A1 English Test cost 5614 baht and is every friday and can be collected a few days later if you need it quickly.

Its University of Cambridge ESOL approved Bulats this is whats it says on their Facebook site

"Vantage Siam is the authorized BULATS agent for Thailand. BULATS is an Approved Test Provider for the United Kingdom Border Agency (UKBA) visa requirements. These tests were developed by Cambridge ESOL and are designed to test all four English language proficiency skills: reading and listening as well as speaking and writing. The three BULATS examinations assess the receptive proficiency skills of reading and listening as well as the productive language skills of speaking and writing as follows: BULATS Computer Test—this is a computer-adaptive test for reading and listening assessment, which typically takes some 60 minutes to complete. Results are available immediately. Computer adaptive tests are not pass/fail. Rather it's the most accurate measurement of language proficiency"

Good luck hope your wife soon gets her appointment and Settlement Visa which ever route you go with the English

cheers from Pomchob

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Hi Ballantyne

I'm glad your wife is getting things sorted out regarding the A1 English Certificate

You can get a practice test sent in email to you from Kevin at Vantage Siam who is very helpful,

maybe not needed in your wifes case but my

wife found it helpful to try the practise test to see what it

all entails. Good Luck regards from Pomchob. ;)

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My girlfriend went to CPA in Chiang Mai (from the VFS list of CEFR A1 providers) to take TOEIC.

They don't offer testing in speaking or writing.

Does anyone know somewhere where she can take a full TOEIC test or A1 near Chiang Mai ? It's not practical for her to travel to Kon Kaen or Bangkok.

Thank you in advance.

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Dear Koan, I looked all over the North around chiang Ma/Rai etc. to find somewhere local. Sadly, I couldn't find anywhere. In the end we had to travel to BKK to take the tests. She was however able to do all the exams in one day and we got all the results back in 4. We used www.vantage-siam.com tel: 02248 8306. The chap who runs it is called Kevin Cullen and is quite helpful. Best of luck!

hope that this helps.

My girlfriend went to CPA in Chiang Mai (from the VFS list of CEFR A1 providers) to take TOEIC.

They don't offer testing in speaking or writing.

Does anyone know somewhere where she can take a full TOEIC test or A1 near Chiang Mai ? It's not practical for her to travel to Kon Kaen or Bangkok.

Thank you in advance.

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