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World Premiere The Hangover Part II In Thailand

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'Hangover' star Justin Bartha has revealed that he regrets having gone to Thai sex clubs for research of the film's sequel after seeing some "disgusting" things over there. The actor said he feels so "ashamed" about what he saw there, but refuses to talk about them for fear of offending people.

Watched it online last night and am a bit perplexed by Justin Bartha's comments.

His character was never in any of the sex clubs during the movie and instead he remained at the luxury resort the entire time, so quite why he went out to do "research" in them is intriguing.

btw, I thought the movie was quite funny in parts and so-so funny for most of it.

One down note regarding the stuntman's tragic incident. I can quite empathize with the family's dissatisfaction that the scene wasn't cut out of the movie. After watching the footage of the car scene, it's easy to imagine his head hitting the truck was as catastrophic as it was. He's lucky to have survived at all.


Edited by Buchholz
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One down note regarding the stuntman's tragic incident. I can quite empathize with the family's dissatisfaction that the scene wasn't cut out of the movie. After watching the footage of the car scene, it's easy to imagine his head hitting the truck was as catastrophic as it was. He's lucky to have survived at all.


Hollywood has a history of using scenes in which actors were killed. A charioteer in Ben Hur died, and that was shown on the screen. Vic Morrow and two young actors were killed in The Twilgith Zone when a helicopter fell on them, and that was shown including the moment they were killed, although the explosion kept anyone from seeing the impact.. In xXx, VIn Deisel's stunt man was killed, and the kept the scene up to the moment of death "as a tribute" to the actor.

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Watched it online only a few moderately funny parts. Didn't like a whole lot about the film, just mindless actions to a forgone conclusion

I just watched it too and that about sums it up, very dissapointing :angry:

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just curious how bad are the Thai female cliches in this movie? are there ping pong shows and teh like? is it something my thai wife will be insulted by/?

Depends. Does your wife think of Yasmin Lee as a Thai woman? whistling.gif

There are ping pong pics at the end credits from the night before like in the first movie.

No Thai woman are really in the movie.

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Yes, the movie is full of stereotypes but Jesus people ALL MOVIES ARE! I am from England and half of the English movies I see are full of young blokes saying talking cockney slang. It’s all Jags, slags, fags and blags. Either that or some posh bird is swanning around Notting Hill with the Priminister chasing her security guard free.

All movies are based on stereotype. You take some of the most obvious renound traits of a country and greatly exaggerate it.

In my country, this exaggerated trait is gangster’s castles and cockneys. In Thailand, the exaggerated traits are lady boys, hookers and corruption.

Some of you people really should lighten up and stop being so sensitive towards a country which you are simply a guest in. Why get so bloody anal and girly about it all?

Furthermore, are you kidding me that the film portrays Bangkok as dangerous? I assume you refer to the two ferang mafia guys wildly shooting guns in the street? This would honestly deter people from visiting Thailand? I think the footage which was prime news globally for a month showing civilian red shirts running riot in the streets and burning down buildings did a good enough job of that don’t you?

The movie was hilarious in my opinion. Chang and Alan are two of the funniest characters I have seen in years. The film is funnier if you have not led the life of a boring fart for years and have occasionally got drunk and woke up thinking “Ohhhh noooo….. What the hell did I do last night” Unfortunately I fear some of the holier than thou posters here can’t relate to that as they have indeed led the boring life of an old fart.

The first film was better but only because you had the element of surprise. The same format was adapted in the second film and so you knew what to expect, which took away the shock factor. It was a little too predictable but still my favorite film of the year so far.

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Who was your sad little rant actually aimed at because I don't think anyone really slated the movie as much as you make out, or as much as they should?!

Worst movie of the year for me so far (and I've seen a lot!) and by far the biggest disppointment. Typical Hollywood bullshit philosophy of "the 1st movie was successful so let's copy the first movie scene for scene and take all the good parts and redo them 10 times bigger and 20 times more" which just gets real old quick. Yeah the movie was steroetyped and pretty much delivered every thing about Bangkok I was expecting but I was hoping for much more, and much funnier. This movie was just a darker version of the Vegas one and nowhere near as funny.

Some of you people really should lighten up and stop being so sensitive towards a country which you are simply a guest in. Why get so bloody anal and girly about it all?

Straight back at cha about your Thaivisa precence! Ironically you come off sounding like the sad old gits you are trying to complain about. I suggest you have a ceremonial unbunching of your panties today and just enjoy your crappy movies without trying to make an issue about it!! :)

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I haven't seen it yet, from what I've heard it sounds no more or less like total fiction than those TAT commercials full of smiling people and pristine beaches.

The truth lies somewhere in between, or with equal amounts of both, but at the end of the day it's just a MOVIE. It doesn't pretend to be a documentary on modern Thailand.

Way too much tut-tutting about a stupid movie.

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'Hangover' star Justin Bartha has revealed that he regrets having gone to Thai sex clubs for research of the film's sequel after seeing some "disgusting" things over there. The actor said he feels so "ashamed" about what he saw there, but refuses to talk about them for fear of offending people.


This is to be expected... I am guessing he decided to go out and have a crazy night in Bangkok :burp: and somebody (maybe his wife or girlfriend ???) found out and then the :hit-the-fan:

So then immediately made up the excuse that he was doing "research" for the film :whistling: and claimed that it was "So awful that he will be scarred for life" and that he can not even talk about it. :jerk:

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'Hangover' star Justin Bartha has revealed that he regrets having gone to Thai sex clubs for research of the film's sequel after seeing some "disgusting" things over there. The actor said he feels so "ashamed" about what he saw there, but refuses to talk about them for fear of offending people.


This is to be expected... I am guessing he decided to go out and have a crazy night in Bangkok :burp: and somebody (maybe his wife or girlfriend ???) found out and then the :hit-the-fan:

So then immediately made up the excuse that he was doing "research" for the film :whistling: and claimed that it was "So awful that he will be scarred for life" and that he can not even talk about it. :jerk:

The excuse wouldn't work when his wife/gf says, "But Jake, I read the script. Your character never goes to Bangkok and never goes to the sex club with the other characters. So why did you feel you needed to research something you were never going to be a part of?"


Edited by Buchholz
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Was the first one even funny? ??? :unsure:

Yeah, the last 30 seconds when they went through the pictures. I heard this sequel was rating pretty highly on the stink-o-meter.

Wonder why some goofball actor felt it necessary to go to a Bkk sex club to research a part. Even more wonder that he felt obligated to piss and moan about it after collecting his cheese. Does that mean he researched Vegas hookers, nudie bars, and dope dealers for the first one? Hmm, didn't hear any complaining about that, did we? Gotta be more to that story.

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Was the first one even funny? ??? :unsure:

Yeah, the last 30 seconds when they went through the pictures. I heard this sequel was rating pretty highly on the stink-o-meter.

Wonder why some goofball actor felt it necessary to go to a Bkk sex club to research a part. Even more wonder that he felt obligated to piss and moan about it after collecting his cheese. Does that mean he researched Vegas hookers, nudie bars, and dope dealers for the first one? Hmm, didn't hear any complaining about that, did we? Gotta be more to that story.

Basically its a load of <deleted>....rather like the sequel and as UG says every city has hookers etc so why make an issue of it? Another example of a self adoring <deleted> of a hollywood actor.

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My wife and I saw this in the States last night. It was amusing, but as with the original, the real funny stuff is at the end when they show the pictures from the night before. The scene with the ladyboy was funny, but the pictures of it were hilarious.

Since the pictures go by so fast, I wonder if many audience members understand what is being portrayed. Specifically, there is a "Pu**y" show going on in one sequence. During the film, most scenes inside a-go-gos are tame and look like they could have been filmed in the US, but the pictures show more.

The movie really didn't portray Thailand as badly as it could have. It implies Thailand has a poor electrical grid (while I lived there I never encountered a black out), lots of road deaths (true), and dirty streets and hotels (again true, but most cities do). But it also showed nice resorts and the beautiful scenery of Krabi.

Honestly, the biggest problem I had with the movies is the fairly short boat ride from Bangkok to what looked like Krabi. I'm not sure how they were able to get around Singapore so quickly.

All in all, I'm glad I saw the film.

With respect to the stunt accident during filming. If I were the person injured, I most definitely would want the scene included in the film, otherwise I would have felt my accident was for nothing.

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