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Riders Corner

Ulysses G.

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The staff will be informed today ask for Som, my wife is the owner.

Magic word is "THAIVISA" for 10% discount on beer

Cheers, I'll write the magic word down in case I forget it. blink.gif

Just start your day's tippling at the place with the discount, when your still sober enough to remember the codeword.

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Ive never been since the owner stole my email address from a mutual friends mailing list and started spamming me at least twice a week with <deleted> about bike rides round Alaska.

Don't fancy Alaska then :o:D

Edited by sbk
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Met Philip and staff on Saturday night, had the stew and dumplings and very nice it was, the wife also enjoyed her Thai food.

Cheers for the discount on the drinks and also many thanks to the customer that offered to pay my bill because he accidentally touched my wife! Wish now that I'd taken up his offer!!!

Writing this while I'm in the airport waiting for a flight to England, really depressed now!

Looking forward to returning next month and will be having the stew and dumplings again.

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Tried it out the other day for lunch. Had the fish and chips and a pineapple juice, while the wife had meatball spaghetti and a banana smoothy. My only gripe with the fish and chips was the batter was a little undercooked, rendering the inside a little gooey. The spaghetti was tasty, but the meatballs were far too dry. Total price 450 Baht, or there about.

Not bad, but room for improvement.

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Tried it out the other day for lunch. Had the fish and chips and a pineapple juice, while the wife had meatball spaghetti and a banana smoothy. My only gripe with the fish and chips was the batter was a little undercooked, rendering the inside a little gooey. The spaghetti was tasty, but the meatballs were far too dry. Total price 450 Baht, or there about.

Not bad, but room for improvement.

thanks for the heads up on the fish batter, the kitchen staff have been informed

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My only gripe with the fish and chips was the batter was a little undercooked, rendering the inside a little gooey. The spaghetti was tasty, but the meatballs were far too dry.

I have had the fish and chips a number of times and the batter was cooked correctly, but I agree about the meatballs. I do have to add that I do not know of even one restauarant in Chiang Mai that does not have this problem which is why I usually order meat sauce instead.

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Tried the Beef Stew with DUMPLINGS the other day excellent.

Can't remember last time I had an English DUMPLING, very nice.

Had the Steak yesterday and was well satisfied with Snake and Chips, both big and well prepared.

The Lady asked 'You with Thai Visa '?


So 10% discount on my Beers.


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My only gripe with the fish and chips was the batter was a little undercooked, rendering the inside a little gooey. The spaghetti was tasty, but the meatballs were far too dry.

I have had the fish and chips a number of times and the batter was cooked correctly, but I agree about the meatballs. I do have to add that I do not know of even one restauarant in Chiang Mai that does not have this problem which is why I usually order meat sauce instead.

I had the fish and chips yesterday, fish was perfect, i've made sure they check carefully regarding the batter

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Is there free WiFi access in the restaurant?

By the way, this is the restaurant's Google Maps place page: http://maps.google.com/maps/place?cid=6430046937180876596&q=rider%27s+corner,+chiang+mai&hl=en&ved=0CCEQ-gswAA&sa=X&ei=OusuTqf0PIWH8gPMlNXmBQ&sig2=LkvkgYzIjxWNykKK-bo8IA, where one can also give a rating. It's why I asked about WiFi. I like to rate a place right there and then, when my experience is fresh in my mind.

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I went to Riders last night and tried their beef stew and dumplings.It was delicious,lots of tender beef and some decent bread to go with it.Very good value at 160bt. My wife had a Thai fish dish and said that too was good.Certainly worth a visit and I would recommend Riders to anyone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Last night, Friday night, dodged the down pours of rain to come try you out for dinner.

Suprised, with both the resturant and rooms that it was closed and dark.

OK maybe you were not to serve drinks on the holiday, the shop I ended up eating at just up the road was service everything, Though I did not drink

Are there some nights your closed ?

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I'll be sure to check it out UG. I think this city has a large number of places that are reliable for what they are or do like Daret's, but moreover, there are less noticeable independents or guesthouses who really do care about what they're serving. These small-but-often -overlooked places, usually with a Farang behind the scenes are probably worth their own thread. I've had some great German food recently, and then also seen a plate of pat krapow at a bar and pool place that was so big n looked so good I know I'll be in to try it soon. I need to do some name/ fact checking before I'd mention any names or locations, but it's nice to see some real love going into the food without any pretension around town.

And now I'm also feeling a sliver of guilt for still not having made it out to Gonzo's ! Dangit, this month !

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What happened ? this tread just stopped with no more word after they were closed that day ???

What happened are they still open or did something happen

Anyone in the know ?

Not in the know, but they were open tonight and the stew was great!

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