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Thai Hookers Paid To Smuggle S.African Rhino Horns: Reports


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The above inane posts do little to explain the B.S and no offence George but the hookers are just part of the chain.

I have a friend who actually put his money where his mouth is and took over the late George Adomson's park in Tanzania many years ago after he was murdered.

Most of the above guys have probably never seen the movie Born Free but it was where that movie was filmed.

Any way some history......

After a visit from the Duke of Windsor a couple of years ago to my friends park, the govt delegation decided that the infrastructure and improvements were a great assett and decided that they will take it all including all the vehicles, quad bikes and a C206 Robinson STOL aircraft....oh and all the land and houses too.He was put on the Non Gratia Visa list, and I said why not fly the plane out at least...reply a suicide mission as the guards all have AK 47s.

The intent by the goverment at that time was to harvest the stock so obviously the herd has been culled to probably zero and another species bites the dust.

He proudly told me a few yrs ago here in Thai that he had the last free roaming herd of black african rhino world.

Many $100,000s down to help ecology and he is now heartbroken......he resides in Thai almost full time now.

Posts by all the above talking about thai ladies...get a life.

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The above inane posts do little to explain the B.S and no offence George but the hookers are just part of the chain.

I have a friend who actually put his money where his mouth is and took over the late George Adomson's park in Tanzania many years ago after he was murdered.

Most of the above guys have probably never seen the movie Born Free but it was where that movie was filmed.

Any way some history......

After a visit from the Duke of Windsor a couple of years ago to my friends park, the black bastards govt delegation decided that the infrastructure and improvements were a great assett and decided that they will take it all including all the vehicles, quad bikes and a C206 Robinson STOL aircraft....oh and all the land and houses too.He was put on the Non Gratia Visa list, and I said why not fly the plane out at least...reply a suicide mission as the guards all have AK 47s.

The intent by the goverment at that time was to harvest the stock so obviously the herd has been culled to probably zero and another species bites the dust.

He proudly told me a few yrs ago here in Thai that he had the last free roaming herd of black african rhino world.

Many $100,000s down to help ecology and he is now heartbroken......he resides in Thai almost full time now.

Posts by all the above talking about thai ladies...get a life.

Best post yet!

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"Chumlong paid 65,000 rands a kilo for the horns and sold them for $55,000 (380,000 rands) a kilo, the papers said.

With the average horn weighing five kilos, he made more than $8.9 million in profit on the 40 rhinos shot to date, they said.

South African national parks officials say rhino poaching has risen from 13 cases in 2007 to a record 333 last year and 222 so far this year."

Sounds like a business mans mind set - looking at the profit with no regard for the wild life - quite a lot of Thai baht

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The same idots who buy the Rhino Horn also buy the sharkfins....... tw*ts

and the birds nests...... all BS.

Buddha said..... those who are wise can be counted like the number of horns on a cow.....whilst the unwise can be counted like the number of hairs on a cow...!!!

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...yeah, my mind was firmly in place in the gutter along with everyone else!

In fact, I was wondering if there was a :champion" amongst the girls on who had smuggled the most horns per trip...four?


Boggles the imagination....

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When I read the headline it brought a smile to my face,wundering where they they were hiding them,may be it was my (dirty)mind. :lol::whistling:

made me WUNDER

isn't there a bar in Pattaya called Wunderbar ?

OK, is there anyone who read the article title, and DIDN'T imagine a flock of Thai brass returning from 'safari' in SA, each with a rhino horn jammed fat-end-first up their accommodating frontbums???? Cmon now, anyone?

I was imagining it stuck up pointy end first actually,

He proudly told me a few yrs ago here in Thai that he had the last free roaming herd of black african rhino world.

So he's a foreigner but he speaks Thai to you ?, that's a little strange.

What other kind of Rhino are there in Africa besides Black ones ?

Posts by all the above talking about thai ladies...get a life.

well, if you didn't notice the obvious maybe you need to develop a sense for irony.

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The term 'Thai Hooker" is a bit much.

I agree. I have met some Thai ladies that I would not care to encounter in a dark alley, or indeed anywhere but in the cold light of day, but I have never seen one who looked capable of being the lynch pin of the front row of a rugby XV. Neither have I come across one that resembled the eponymous T.J. - or for that matter, a Thai Police Sergeant that looked to possess even a smidgen of femininity.

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The revelation came from a South African manager for Thai Airways, John Oliviers, who worked with Chumlong but then turned whistle-blower and informed the police, the papers said.

Sounds like Mr Oliviers was not getting his share and decided to inform the authorities........

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Do black rhino's have bigger horns than white ??????:lol::lol:B)

black or white? i doubt..;)

me thinks the article's topix is very discriminated.....

Thai hookers? how do they know they are hookers? and if so. are they to be called "HOOKERs"?

and if this is in the western countries they could be sued though.

Edited by dunkin2012
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OK, is there anyone who read the article title, and DIDN'T imagine a flock of Thai brass returning from 'safari' in SA, each with a rhino horn jammed fat-end-first up their accommodating frontbums???? Cmon now, anyone?

My first thought was "I didn't know Thailand had a rugby team!"

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The same idots who buy the Rhino Horn also buy the sharkfins....... tw*ts

The advent of viagra, which has the dual advantages of actually working as well as being cheap, has driven down the value of a tiger carcass. I never read if it has done the same with rhino horns, and given the Yemenese appetite for rhino horn daggers, I don't know if it has. But as rhino horns, when used as a aphrodisiac, have nothing other than a placebo effect, viagra is really a much better option. Rhino horns are just keratin, so you can do as well chewing on your fingernails.

I have often thought that the WWF should have a statue of a single viagra tablet at its Zurich headquarters as perhaps the most effective advance in the 20th Century to fight poaching.

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When I read the headline it brought a smile to my face,wundering where they they were hiding them,may be it was my (dirty)mind. :lol::whistling:

I know its all very funny.

But its a huge tragedy to have so many wildlife killed.

Its a sad thing what humans will do for a buck.

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Gives new meaning to the word "horny", and there must be a joke in there somewhere - "How do you tell a Thai hooker is on safari? Because........".

Or "A horn in the hand is worth two in the bush"?

In this case maybe the saying should be modified to "A horn in the bush is worth a 10 by hand"

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Most of the post here are really off target, read the headline and posted a comment duh :blink:

"Each horn was taken to a taxidermist, who mounted it on a shield to look like a hunting trophy." "The trophy is just a cover for getting the horn out of South Africa and into Asia."

Anyway the problem is the silly idea that the Rhino horn is medicine, you know what it is made of? Hair :o

Go to Yaowarat road (ถนนเยาวราช), you will find at least 10 shops that sell Rhino horn. Cant blame them they make a bundle off of hardened hair. :lol:

I blame the idiots that buy it.


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"Friends, strippers and prostitutes were paid 5,000 rands ($740, 514 euros) to pose as hunters and export the horns, the papers said."

The notion of a Thai Stripper or hooker in stilettos , full makeup and a little school uniform with a rifle slung over her shoulder posing as a hunter is certainly amusing . But as someone else pointed out this trade is abhorrent and the idea that animals like tigers and rhino are being killed for body parts that have only imaginary medicinal effects is really sad. Some witch doctor somewhere could probably say that the liver of the King Charles Cavalier Spaniel will cure the common cold and,....well, that'd be it for spaniels . Its such a croc of shizen.

Edited by carvets
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The above inane posts do little to explain the B.S and no offence George but the hookers are just part of the chain.

I have a friend who actually put his money where his mouth is and took over the late George Adomson's park in Tanzania many years ago after he was murdered.

Most of the above guys have probably never seen the movie Born Free but it was where that movie was filmed.

Any way some history......

After a visit from the Duke of Windsor a couple of years ago to my friends park, the govt delegation decided that the infrastructure and improvements were a great assett and decided that they will take it all including all the vehicles, quad bikes and a C206 Robinson STOL aircraft....oh and all the land and houses too.He was put on the Non Gratia Visa list, and I said why not fly the plane out at least...reply a suicide mission as the guards all have AK 47s.

The intent by the goverment at that time was to harvest the stock so obviously the herd has been culled to probably zero and another species bites the dust.

He proudly told me a few yrs ago here in Thai that he had the last free roaming herd of black african rhino world.

Many $100,000s down to help ecology and he is now heartbroken......he resides in Thai almost full time now.

Posts by all the above talking about thai ladies...get a life.

Concern for the Rhinos aside, get off your high horse man. Having a craic about Thai honeys consuming Rhino horns is a comical image. You know, a joke. Humour. Don't let it ruin your day ...

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strippers and prostitutes were paid 5,000 rands ($740, 514 euros) to pose as hunters and export the horns, the papers said.

OMG, what a brilliant idea!!! Because each time have visited Soi Cowboy or Nana, it has been so hard for me to know if I was speaking to a working girl or a hunter.


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