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Falang Threatening Falang


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He won't?? I'd say not so much experience as you think. What a blind and potentially fatal assumption on your part in light of this very recent event..

Breivik Manifesto

that weirdo was keeping a log which has only been found after the event as far as I know...

as I said if this cretin is making threats directly by SMS-email and down the phone then it's more than probably likely he isn't going to carry them out....can I be any clearer than that for you?

out of all the people making threats all over the world and putting them in writing how many of them actually carry them out then?

please educate me :blink:

and the rest of my post doesn't make senese though or you looking for some keyboard action to fill your day up or something...

I figured it was too perfect an example and you'd try to find some way to wriggle out of it.. No he didn't it was open and public just ignored as a "weirdo" making Internet threats..

Oh yes let me look at my personal log I've been keeping on all written threats carried out all over the world???? <deleted> :rolleyes: ... In the mean time why don't you "educate" me on your qualifications, empirical experience and figures on how many instances of written threats and how they relate to actual threats carried out world wide that you've experienced that resulted in a false alarm?? Really quite a senseless statement isn't it? Kind of like asking otherwise..

JFYI Does it have to be hundreds or even thousands of threats? How many is reason to take it seriously?? From my point of view it need only be just 1 when my family may be involved, better overly cautious then become a statistic...

you sound like a curtain twitcher you paranoid weirdo :lol:

as for internet threats.....how many of them actually turn out to be carried out, you are using one freak case as your example...

again I will ask you, do you have anything to say about the rest of my post?

PROBABLY not :rolleyes:

Thanks for the childish name calling, is that all you can produce as a counter point??

I figured as much as you still haven't answered ANY of my points only resorted to repetitious tripe and school yard name calling...

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I figured as much as you still haven't answered ANY of my points only resorted to repetitious tripe and school yard name calling...

lets have this right....I reffered to you as a curtain twitching paranoid weirdo!

You quoted my original reply and picked out the bit where I said in my experience and probably...then made a big deal out of it and got on your high horse!

answered any of your points....what exactly are your points?

it's all a bit vague :ermm:

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Figures it would be vague to you as you're only interested in flaming and childish name throwing. In reality though the post is quite comprehensible so it behooves you to review the material better before posting a response this time..

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Figures it would be vague to you as you're only interested in flaming and childish name throwing. In reality though the post is quite comprehensible so it behooves you to review the material better before posting a response this time..

go back to my original reply, read the last sentence and do one please :lol:

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O.M.G!! I didnt think that I would be posting again on this thread,but after reading two PMs today I think it is the right thing to do for all the right moral reasons. I cant believe I almost got the diagnostics correct yesterday regarding this topic. Basically we have all been decieved deliberately with full intent by the OP and his friend/boss/employer into believing that this "third party" person is a crazy person who is after the money of the OPs friend. This couldnt be further from the truth!! The OPs friend it looks like is trying to elaborately sew a thread of deception and basically frame this "third party" for something he didnt do or say.

The OP it seems like short chained considerably and back-doored and back stabbed this poor "third party" and when confronted with the corruption and mis conduct chose to run away and hide and spread layers upon layers of conspiracy theories and lies about this person to try and get everyone to turn against this third-party.The OPs friend it looks like deliberately poisioned the water supply!

Now the real shocking news is that its been noted that the OPs friend is stooping to an all time low and trying to sew and sell the story now that this third party has upset or threatened his new wife to be(as stated in the OP). This is like Saddam using his own dear people as human shields so as he can save and protect his own butt! What kind of person would drag his wife to be into a potenially volitile situation and hide behind her? Absolutely shocking!

My last comment onthis subject is for the OPs friend to seek some professional help from the health forum here,and just come clean maybe with a health professional. This therapy does work. Be honest and truthly to yourself and it will help you be honest and truthful with others. God bless you OP.

Also whomever the third party is,please forgive this person as he does not know what hes doing it looks like...I know its difficult but try to forgive and forget. I dont know the magnitude of how this person ripped you off or defaulted on you,but try anyway. It seems like everybody knows who the OPs friend is,let him dig his own hole,as hes seems to be doing a fine job of it anyway all by himself!

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Well fooooook me! It's like 'Eastenders' ……"Pat……Pat……You cow pat" (I wish I was better at articulating, I would have done the closing them tune to this soap!)

Point of order……Am I the only person on here that doesn't know the identity of the other subscribers by their alias? You could say that TV subscriber 'xxxxxx' was a midget monkey <deleted>*ker………..<deleted> am I to do with this info?

But don't stop dishing out your views, I will tune in tomorrow.

Edited by Tonto21
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O.M.G!! I didnt think that I would be posting again on this thread,but after reading two PMs today I think it is the right thing to do for all the right moral reasons. I cant believe I almost got the diagnostics correct yesterday regarding this topic. Basically we have all been decieved deliberately with full intent by the OP and his friend/boss/employer into believing that this "third party" person is a crazy person who is after the money of the OPs friend. This couldnt be further from the truth!! The OPs friend it looks like is trying to elaborately sew a thread of deception and basically frame this "third party" for something he didnt do or say.

The OP it seems like short chained considerably and back-doored and back stabbed this poor "third party" and when confronted with the corruption and mis conduct chose to run away and hide and spread layers upon layers of conspiracy theories and lies about this person to try and get everyone to turn against this third-party.The OPs friend it looks like deliberately poisioned the water supply!

Now the real shocking news is that its been noted that the OPs friend is stooping to an all time low and trying to sew and sell the story now that this third party has upset or threatened his new wife to be(as stated in the OP). This is like Saddam using his own dear people as human shields so as he can save and protect his own butt! What kind of person would drag his wife to be into a potenially volitile situation and hide behind her? Absolutely shocking!

My last comment onthis subject is for the OPs friend to seek some professional help from the health forum here,and just come clean maybe with a health professional. This therapy does work. Be honest and truthly to yourself and it will help you be honest and truthful with others. God bless you OP.

Also whomever the third party is,please forgive this person as he does not know what hes doing it looks like...I know its difficult but try to forgive and forget. I dont know the magnitude of how this person ripped you off or defaulted on you,but try anyway. It seems like everybody knows who the OPs friend is,let him dig his own hole,as hes seems to be doing a fine job of it anyway all by himself!

@ Jaypersons???

To make it clear to you my friend is being threatened by a third party because he would not loan money to him..End of story, there are no health issues with my friend he is no axe murderer etc he is the innocent person in this mess.

I hope you understanf this as your reply is way out of context!!!!

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