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Corn Beef, Italian Beef, And Roast Beef


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Hi, greetings to all.

My experience with CM is having had spent about 2 weeks in 5 trips during the past 6 months (excluding a one-night business trip made about 20 years ago).

While there, I ate at different places and there is not much to write home about. However, one memorable place is Outdoors (Nim soi 9?) where the food was quite good with economical prices. Mind you, my assessment may have been impaired due to the presence of this cute Johnny Walker lady there. Had I been with my wife on that trip I could probably give a better assessment now since I would have been looking at the birds on the trees while consuming my food instead of looking at the bird on the ground.

Anyway, joke aside, thanks to the TV members, I now know many different venues to take my wife to go eat – Gecko, Why not, Goodview and Holiday Inn buffets, etc – when we fly up from Bangkok to inspect the house that I bought in March. They say it'll be finished in August. Closing is expected at the end of August.

We'll soon join the CM community for most, if not all, of each subsequent year. I would appreciate any information on any delicatessens or restaurants that serve good corn beef, Italian beef, and roast beef - especially corn beef.

Thank you all.

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IMHO, there are not any meatcutters or grocers selling anything that even approaches tasty corn beef or roast beef, but Butter is Better has both from time to time and they are excellent to me. They sell a variety of genuine deli foods.

I'm not sure about Italian beef, but I suspect that it will be hard to find around here if any good.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The last that I heard, that is not a Duke's, but there will be a small Duke's hamburger franchise selling burgers and hotdogs included in the design of a place with Mocodor coffee (and possibly Mexican food in the main restaurant?). It is supposed to be called "Loco Elvis".

Edited by Ulysses G.
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<br />I heard a rumor that Dukes will be opening a sandwich shop in the old city on the moat opposite Mikes burgers.<br /><br />They might have some there if you can swallow  their food and prices. Good luck with that.<br />

The Duke sure knows how to make a Reuben.

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I'm glad that you concur the food is good. It does reinforce that my judgment is not so bad even when drunk looking at birds <_<

Mr. Grant,

"...from time to time"? Does it mean that Butter is Better doesn't serve them all the time? Butter is Better is often mentioned in the forum and y impression has always been that they serve shakes and pastry and some hot dog, oh yes chilli dog. And thanks to you, I certainly would love to try some roast beef sandwich if I'll be lucky to catch that time that falls within the time-to-time time frame.


Hmmm, Reuben at the Duke! Will check it out when I fly up to CM this month. Frankly, I went to the Independent Day celebration in Bangkok that just passed, I wasn't impressed with the grilled chicken though.


Thanks for the inf on the deli at Tops. Btw, do they have Foodland in CM?


Ha ha, next time you might just ask me to ask for "roasted beef" instead of "roast beef". But before you do that, remember that we have General Ulysses Grant to answer to :lol:


Anyway, Mr. Grant, is fish and chip a special at Gecko on Wednesday? Do they serve it any day of the week beside Wednesday at a higher price? It's always better to save a couple of bucks to get the special anyway!

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Oh, I forgot to ask . Mr. Grant, do you mean that all those Italian restaurants that you and others have previously mentioned do not even serve a simple sandwich like Italian beef sandwich? My wife and I used to often order two Italian beef sandwich with hot pepper and a dozen clam while being college students living in an Italian neighborhood. The sandwich then was a dollar fifty. Last time I took my daughter back to the States for college, it was almost six bucks. I hurriedly came back to Thailand :lol:

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I am pretty sure that you can get all the Gecko restaurant specials all of the time for a slightly higher price.

As far as getting roast beef, corned beef, pastrami, turkey, salami, etc., I have heard that B is B's new Thapae Gate Branch will have all of them, all of the time. It should be opening pretty soon.

I could be wrong about this, but I do not remember any local Italian restaurants making a sandwich like you describe. There are a lot of good Italian restaurants around here though, so maybe someone knows of one that does.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I have had the corn beef at Butter is Better several times.

I was not necessarily a fan of corn beef until I tried it at BiB.

It is really great and nice serving... order includes 3 half size sandwiches.

Thanks for the endorsement. Currently we don't have it all the time. We are working on that. When we have it again I'll post it on thaivisa.

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