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Swedish Expat Murdered At Luxury Villa In Phuket


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You know something seriously wrong with Thailand - expats retire there to get away from crime in Aussie/ USA pommy land etc / all the crap etc =- what a race of dickheads where they murder thier own meal tickets !!!!! and nobody is safe ''land of smiles and she'll be right '' ok when does it all get cleaned up ! i seen all the red shirts there when i stayed last year for awhile - what a scaremongering lot of crap that was '' red shirts about as dangerous as a stone garden gnome ! yet they shut down towns ohh gosh!!!! in one way i see violence there as a lot of crap! then you see some expat 25 murdered by Thais for what ??? they don't steal his loot or credit card = then whats the purpose ? since when did a Thai man ever give 2 tosse's what a westerner did ??

Something seriously wrong here Thais must be dumb eh ?

(1 Thailand without westerner - like a rolls royce with no motor - no dollars to drive it - so you look after 'your meal ticket ( dickheads - you dont kill it ) as without him you got a big percentage of nothing = tis fact ! ( they cant count eh ) everything is a quid these days sad but true -so you dont kill it -------what the way the world is!!! down to its last 2 cents ! what do Thais do ''doh we ''not want ferlang'' --thats ok we'd rather eat grass = dickheads ! you cant have the $$$ without the man sorry it don't work that way ---you embrace his money, he's the boss and you embrace his ways ! - thats the law of the jungle !

Yes thats the shot'' now Thailand scare's away the Swede tourists thats the way eh !----------iriots''''' you embrace the dollars'' --------------hellloooo))))) you don't chase it away ! i mean who cares what he did ? whats the worst he could have done -slept with 4 tarts in a week - no crime in that ! He'd not be stealing---- nothing there you'd risk jail for !!!! lol ----------

Nothing in Thailand where a Thai could justify murder ! if you read travel brochures - and believe them!! then nothing happens in Thailand as to what we read here today hmm--- somebody is telling fibs !

But hey Thais gottu wake up my friends western man unless its paedephile well in Thailand he should never be upset by anybody because i mean 90% westerners living there doing the Thais a favour ! most get robbed for the favour ?- be me if i was a Thai id be to scared to say ''boo '' to western guy '' let alone attack it - maybe they are just total nut cases -thats easy fixed just lock em all up , or bump em off ----------i mean who's going to miss them !

Hm strange place with a lot to learn -about - who's paying your way in life !----------old analogie applies man with the $$$$ makes the rules!! the rest bow the head and follow !


Sorry Zakk, wrong. If one person does not confess, penalty is applied to all concerned.

Had a 2 in-laws in a pick-up (cheap ride to BKK) where drugs were found. 8 got 12 years each, no money for lawyers, driver never faced charges.

Jesus Stevo, were you on the slops when you wrote this? Say a few words mate.

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Really Thai Visa - where are the mods?

How many racists comments go unpunished on these boards.

"These" people are psychopaths

This illustrates just how helpful Thai's are not in these situations.

I always know that Thai are the beasts.

do you clowns really think this does not happen in London and New York. Do you think greater numbers never pick on smaller numbers in these places.

If you dont like here LEAVE - simple. I know many Thai's and most are as nice if not nicer than many many wwesterners I have met. Both living here and abroad.

I really thought TV was beter than this. STOP racists comments. Please.


Let's not confuse racism with discrimination based on differences in culture. There are cultures that have components of acted-out violence that spans race boundaries in probably most countries. Thailand has many cultures/sub-cultures. Apparently, the victim got across one of the violent ones but, short of mob activity (such as lynchings), having such a large number of participants (if this is the case) seems unusual to me. Although I am seeing a lot of recent reports of violent mob activity in the USA these days. The USA has had in the past a culture of immediate, non-judicial punishment (lynchings) as recently as the 1930s and they were not necessary based on race-hate. These days I believe hate based on race is mistaken for hate based on culture so the term racism is often misapplied or over-used.

Note: Although multiculturalism can be found on www.dictionary.com, culturalism cannot be, but it is in use on the internet, at least. It may have an implicit, context-derived or subjective definition so I didn't use it.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Really Thai Visa - where are the mods?

How many racists comments go unpunished on these boards.

I agree lets start with your comment shall we?

If you dont like here LEAVE - simple. I know many Thai's and most are as nice if not nicer than many many wwesterners I have met.

There is a word for people such as yourself. It's called being a hypocrite.

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name='adamokeefe' timestamp='1312253584' post='4597749']

Lets just say that usually in most cultures they dont attack in packs like mad dogs .

Lets hope its never your turn and you dont get to see people who dont give a shit stand around and watch you die

So thailand has the exclusivity in gang attacks does it? doesnt happen in any other country???

and yes, i hope its never my turn too! what a stupid thing to say. but thanks for not wishing me a brutal death, that's very nice of you. I think we could be friends, you say such nice things. Moron.

i'd hope people step in to help, but SERIOUSLY what would you expect a bell-boy or cleaning lady to do in that situation??? against a gang of 12 armed men? You think they get paid enough to risk their life?

'Lets just say' you're speaking nonsense.

AMBUSHED... they were in the Villa waitng for him, photos show that. The security guard job is to keep people out of the property, they should not have been there in the first place to be able to mug him, 12 Thai guys get it 12, just hanging around for no reason with no business being there apart from alleged revenge.

But, I'm sure after your extensive one year here in Thailand, you would know best, when the honeymoon is over let me know.


and how long i've been living in one place makes your point how exactly? Am i supposed to agree with you now you've pointed out my residence in this country has been short thus far? Does that make you more right?

are you going to tell me next that your dad is bigger than mine?

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You know something seriously wrong with Thailand - expats retire there to get away from crime in Aussie/ USA pommy land etc / all the crap etc =- what a race of dickheads where they murder thier own meal tickets !!!!! and nobody is safe ''land of smiles and she'll be right '' ok when does it all get cleaned up ! i seen all the red shirts there when i stayed last year for awhile - what a scaremongering lot of crap that was '' red shirts about as dangerous as a stone garden gnome ! yet they shut down towns ohh gosh!!!! in one way i see violence there as a lot of crap! then you see some expat 25 murdered by Thais for what ??? they don't steal his loot or credit card = then whats the purpose ? since when did a Thai man ever give 2 tosse's what a westerner did ??

Something seriously wrong here Thais must be dumb eh ?

(1 Thailand without westerner - like a rolls royce with no motor - no dollars to drive it - so you look after 'your meal ticket ( dickheads - you dont kill it ) as without him you got a big percentage of nothing = tis fact ! ( they cant count eh ) everything is a quid these days sad but true -so you dont kill it -------what the way the world is!!! down to its last 2 cents ! what do Thais do ''doh we ''not want ferlang'' --thats ok we'd rather eat grass = dickheads ! you cant have the $$$ without the man sorry it don't work that way ---you embrace his money, he's the boss and you embrace his ways ! - thats the law of the jungle !

Yes thats the shot'' now Thailand scare's away the Swede tourists thats the way eh !----------iriots''''' you embrace the dollars'' --------------hellloooo))))) you don't chase it away ! i mean who cares what he did ? whats the worst he could have done -slept with 4 tarts in a week - no crime in that ! He'd not be stealing---- nothing there you'd risk jail for !!!! lol ----------

Nothing in Thailand where a Thai could justify murder ! if you read travel brochures - and believe them!! then nothing happens in Thailand as to what we read here today hmm--- somebody is telling fibs !

But hey Thais gottu wake up my friends western man unless its paedephile well in Thailand he should never be upset by anybody because i mean 90% westerners living there doing the Thais a favour ! most get robbed for the favour ?- be me if i was a Thai id be to scared to say ''boo '' to western guy '' let alone attack it - maybe they are just total nut cases -thats easy fixed just lock em all up , or bump em off ----------i mean who's going to miss them !

Hm strange place with a lot to learn -about - who's paying your way in life !----------old analogie applies man with the $$$$ makes the rules!! the rest bow the head and follow !


what an astonishingly unwarranted, overwhelmingly pompous, and ridiculous diatribe, in this century, you treat Thai people as coolies, who should kiss your ass. wake up, this country has more nationals with real money than many "developed countries" it has an economy that would survive very well without the "Farang" although it would miss us. Grow up, do some research, get a life.

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Googled the deceased.

Found out that he was involved in several companies in Sweden that sends out false invoices for adds in a telephone-book to unsuspecting companies.

For Swedes the name " Riksdelen JJ Solution KB" is infamous for this.

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This illustrates just how helpful Thai's are not in these situations.

how do you blame to Thai's for not helping? I'm guessing the fact it was a luxury villa in Phuket would indicate most of the guests observing the incident would be foreign, so how exactly can you pick fault with Thais?!

and what exactly, would you have Thai's do in that situation? It sounds like anyone that had tried to intervene would have met the same fate as the poor Swede. Would you die for a stranger?

why do so many people have a go at Thai people all the time?

next you'll be telling me that no-one in England ever gets stabbed, and no-one in the US ever gets shot...

I'm glad there are people who think like you. I'm thai but I come to this site for some interesting reading and insightful comments but lately its been depressing with all this thai-bashing and racist-like comments on every single frikin topic. Thailand was voted the numero uno spot to visit for many years running. Is the reason we are such a highly rated destination because of the food?, the beaches? the unique culture?, good value for your money?, easy going smiling attitude of thais? sex industry? easy access to ganja or various uppers or is it because all you tourists are just sadists yearning for a bunch of psychopaths to mug you at every corner and scam you on jewelry. Constructive criticism is ok but alot of you guys just show how cynical and bitter you are despite being guests in this country. Nobody put a gun to your head and asked you to stay.

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This was no random attack. Sounds like gang/mafia stuff with so many attackers. they left his apple computer so a hit, not mugging. this person was wanted by someone. 25yrs old with a luxury villa, so wealthy for such a young person.we'll see what he was up to as the investigation unfolds (may be). has obvoiusly upset someone with connections.

RIP young man & dont piss people off again!

LOL (sarcastic here) Yeah, after you get back from being dead you should remember not to piss anyone off again.

I agree that this sounds more like a hit or a warning gone wrong then anything else though.

Always be prepared to fight (know how to do that too, likely more important then having a knife or other weapon). No matter where you go. People who would do violence to you will not hesitate, so you should not either when it's warranted. It may just save your life.

As to the comment about the witnesses not helping or not being sure about the numbers, what do you expect. Rarely will you find people willing to jump into a fight that is not their own. It's a survival tactic, and sadly why these types of people can get away with what they do. Also, "eye witnesses" are some of the worst sources of information if you need specifics. Unless they are trained and know what to look for, you can have a room of witnesses shown the same thing and get a different story from each of them.

Ex cop here, so I have an idea of what I'm talking about.

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I deleted a few posts for reasons including:

Messed up quotes

Promotional URLs

Making fun of others' English proficiency. English is not everyone's first language here so please cut people some slack.

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Let's see, just yesterday we read about the 2 Dutch boys getting the crap beat out of them by a gang of minibus drivers in Phuket. And today we have a Swedish national, only 25, being murdered in broad daylight, and in plain sight, in Pattaya. Really good for the tourism image.

Someone needs to start collecting all these stories about Phuket & Pattaya and then email them to every travel agency they can find. Maybe then the agencies will actually start discouraging people from going there. This isn't 15-20 years ago when things like this could be covered up or kept quiet. Today things get emailed, Tweeted, Twittered and Facebooked, quick, fast and in a hurry! Maybe in a few years when these two places have actually become a "no travel zone" to tourists, and there's no more money to fleece, things will start to change. But I doubt I'll see it in my lifetime.

Thai"S get so hot hearted (JI RON) so easy take things to heart and seek revenge and most thai"s are like that when they loose control.

Western people have more self control and walk away from most trouble but thai"s do not as they will loose face hate this loose face culture in asia not only Thailand.RIP to the young guy

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The other Phuket newspaper does not mention a gang of 12 Thais.

They report that police are looking for two Swedes, Tommy Viktor, 26, and Johan Hellbacken, 36.

They escaped the housing through a hole in the fencing and forced a Thai man to give them his motorbike.

They also name the deceased.

That makes a lot more sense

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it's pretty sad im the only person in this whole country who has noticed that 98.5% of murders and beatup in ANY major city comes from someone that is from Nakhon Sri Tammarrat ..

This is thailand's only problem, the gene pool from this province

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This illustrates just how helpful Thai's are not in these situations.

how do you blame to Thai's for not helping? I'm guessing the fact it was a luxury villa in Phuket would indicate most of the guests observing the incident would be foreign, so how exactly can you pick fault with Thais?!

and what exactly, would you have Thai's do in that situation? It sounds like anyone that had tried to intervene would have met the same fate as the poor Swede. Would you die for a stranger?

why do so many people have a go at Thai people all the time?

next you'll be telling me that no-one in England ever gets stabbed, and no-one in the US ever gets shot...

I'm glad there are people who think like you. I'm thai but I come to this site for some interesting reading and insightful comments but lately its been depressing with all this thai-bashing and racist-like comments on every single frikin topic. Thailand was voted the numero uno spot to visit for many years running. Is the reason we are such a highly rated destination because of the food?, the beaches? the unique culture?, good value for your money?, easy going smiling attitude of thais? sex industry? easy access to ganja or various uppers or is it because all you tourists are just sadists yearning for a bunch of psychopaths to mug you at every corner and scam you on jewelry. Constructive criticism is ok but alot of you guys just show how cynical and bitter you are despite being guests in this country. Nobody put a gun to your head and asked you to stay.

Well said Smiley

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Really Thai Visa - where are the mods?

How many racists comments go unpunished on these boards.

"These" people are psychopaths

This illustrates just how helpful Thai's are not in these situations.

I always know that Thai are the beasts.

do you clowns really think this does not happen in London and New York. Do you think greater numbers never pick on smaller numbers in these places.

If you dont like here LEAVE - simple. I know many Thai's and most are as nice if not nicer than many many wwesterners I have met. Both living here and abroad.

I really thought TV was beter than this. STOP racists comments. Please.


Thank you Graeme----you echo my sentiments---i too get pissed off with these people and their attitude to Thais----my friends and neighbours--- like you say there is one easy solution to their problem----P++++ss of back home and let us enjoy our new lives

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it's pretty sad im the only person in this whole country who has noticed that 98.5% of murders and beatup in ANY major city comes from someone that is from Nakhon Sri Tammarrat ..

This is thailand's only problem, the gene pool from this province

Ooh thats on the nose a bit, and should be good for a lawsuit.

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This illustrates just how helpful Thai's are not in these situations.

how do you blame to Thai's for not helping? I'm guessing the fact it was a luxury villa in Phuket would indicate most of the guests observing the incident would be foreign, so how exactly can you pick fault with Thais?!

and what exactly, would you have Thai's do in that situation? It sounds like anyone that had tried to intervene would have met the same fate as the poor Swede. Would you die for a stranger?

why do so many people have a go at Thai people all the time?

next you'll be telling me that no-one in England ever gets stabbed, and no-one in the US ever gets shot...

I'm glad there are people who think like you. I'm thai but I come to this site for some interesting reading and insightful comments but lately its been depressing with all this thai-bashing and racist-like comments on every single frikin topic. Thailand was voted the numero uno spot to visit for many years running. Is the reason we are such a highly rated destination because of the food?, the beaches? the unique culture?, good value for your money?, easy going smiling attitude of thais? sex industry? easy access to ganja or various uppers or is it because all you tourists are just sadists yearning for a bunch of psychopaths to mug you at every corner and scam you on jewelry. Constructive criticism is ok but alot of you guys just show how cynical and bitter you are despite being guests in this country. Nobody put a gun to your head and asked you to stay.

ummmm how has what smiley said appeared as if i've said it?

i didnt write any of that bottom paragraph!!

i think its a mistake with the writer quoting me...

can a mod change this please!

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This illustrates just how helpful Thai's are not in these situations.

how do you blame to Thai's for not helping? I'm guessing the fact it was a luxury villa in Phuket would indicate most of the guests observing the incident would be foreign, so how exactly can you pick fault with Thais?!

and what exactly, would you have Thai's do in that situation? It sounds like anyone that had tried to intervene would have met the same fate as the poor Swede. Would you die for a stranger?

why do so many people have a go at Thai people all the time?

next you'll be telling me that no-one in England ever gets stabbed, and no-one in the US ever gets shot...

I'm glad there are people who think like you. I'm thai but I come to this site for some interesting reading and insightful comments but lately its been depressing with all this thai-bashing and racist-like comments on every single frikin topic. Thailand was voted the numero uno spot to visit for many years running. Is the reason we are such a highly rated destination because of the food?, the beaches? the unique culture?, good value for your money?, easy going smiling attitude of thais? sex industry? easy access to ganja or various uppers or is it because all you tourists are just sadists yearning for a bunch of psychopaths to mug you at every corner and scam you on jewelry. Constructive criticism is ok but alot of you guys just show how cynical and bitter you are despite being guests in this country. Nobody put a gun to your head and asked you to stay.

seems to be a problem with quoting here, smileydude have you written your post in the quote box, it makes adamokeefe look like he has written something that you may have written

edit, you noticed already, how astute you are :whistling:

Edited by random
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One post removed that was an uncredited news source.

We understand that emotions run high in these stories and people need to vent but the comments regarding Thais are getting way out of hand. Please self-moderate in this regard so that this thread doesn't get out of control.

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sad to hear things like this happens. News reporst are very bad and creates lots of confusions at times. Don't take for face value what you read, this is a save way to stay sane. I know personally many good cops in Thailand and they will do their job. Bad apples are everywhere.


Here a proof of police, a bunch of, beating and tasering to death a mildly mentally disturbed man. - attention - graphic image! So before we judge without proof in sight it often will create misunderstandings and prejudgements. I think it is important to encourage everyone witnessing crime to film it with your mobile or camera. One of these is always handy. http://civoc.com/m/n...death-by-police

I'm sure most want to have the truth as it is.

Edited by elcent
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Since when does an expat have to "piss a local off", or "annoy someone" to get robbed, beaten, and murdered here.

More than likely, " they" needed to pay for a drug habit.

Another brick in the wall.

12 men lie in wait in a specific place, by pass security, tie a man up, then leave his apple laptop and credit card behind ?

That doesn't sound like a random mugging to me to pay for a bit of yabba or smack. Why not just rob a random tourist for his wallet to pay for a hit ? Less clues and instant cash.

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Now if it turns out, that "the other newspaper" is correct, and this poor man was in fact killed by one or two westerners,

how many of these "bash the Thai's" commenters will come back and apologize ?

None is my guess.

So after we have seen this other story - why dont we start bashing the Swedes too ?

Apparently thats the nationality of the man most sought after, if we can believe "the other newspaper"

Or let us all refrain from bashing people, nationalities, and each other ( here in the forums at least ) ?

What possible joy is there, to make a comment about someone's English skills ?

A man was murdered.

By persons yet unknown.

Even the nationality of murderer(s) is still in question.

So wait for facts, before being so judgemental please.

Edit : corrected few spelling issues to avoid being flamed for that ( yes I still may have missed some )

Edited by peterdk
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Incredible, there are not enough eggs in Thailand to cover the faces of all shoot-from-the-hip, must-be-first-to-comment posters here. A fox in a chicken coop couldn't cause more commotion than each and any unsubstantiated news story and the prejudices of Thailand experts, expats, whatever...

So while a lot of people are wiping the yellow off their faces...

The two named suspects should not be strangers to TV readers (or Google users):

Should have locked them up for longer

Well, unless those are very common names. I wouldn't be surprised if it all comes down to that.

By the way, in the international guessing game, my own wager was "25 years + Mac + Villa = Finance Scam", but evidently it pays off to wait for the real news before making silly comments.

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If the neighbours are witnesses why does it say 'about' 12 men, unless different neighbours counted different amounts,

you would have to guess a warning was the motive as 12 men seems overkill for a theft or burglary, but then again also seems overkill for murder, so maybe it was a warning but he managed to cut the jugular rather than just leave a nasty scar and warning.

Easy to understand the confusion about numbers of participants when so much is going on. If you don't believe me here is a test for you.


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Really Thai Visa - where are the mods?

How many racists comments go unpunished on these boards.

“These” people are psychopaths

This illustrates just how helpful Thai's are not in these situations.

I always know that Thai are the beasts.

do you clowns really think this does not happen in London and New York. Do you think greater numbers never pick on smaller numbers in these places.

If you dont like here LEAVE - simple. I know many Thai's and most are as nice if not nicer than many many wwesterners I have met. Both living here and abroad.

I really thought TV was beter than this. STOP racists comments. Please.


No racist comments here. Thai is a nationality, not a race. If the terms Orientals or Caucasians was used, you might have a case. :o

Think you should update your idea of racism, as it is not just a pure racial question.

Basic definition of racism from UN website:

"However, article 1 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination provides that the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life."

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How on earth can it be reported here that a gang of 12 Thai men perpetrated this attack, while that publication-that-must-never-be-mentioned is reporting that Police are searching for 2 Swedish men in relation to this death?

One of these reports will turn out to be seriously flawed...

Agree entirely! Exaggeration is one thing, but this is ridiculous.

The truth is likely to lie somewhere inbetween? Swedes paid some locals?

Hopefully one of the murderers has been caught and 'fingered' the Swedes?

Otherwise how would the police know to be looking for two Swedes?

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If the neighbours are witnesses why does it say 'about' 12 men, unless different neighbours counted different amounts,

you would have to guess a warning was the motive as 12 men seems overkill for a theft or burglary, but then again also seems overkill for murder, so maybe it was a warning but he managed to cut the jugular rather than just leave a nasty scar and warning.

Easy to understand the confusion about numbers of participants when so much is going on. If you don't believe me here is a test for you.


I am an ex UK police officer, I am well aware how confused witnesses can be, however even I would would be incredulous that 12 people can suddenly become 2 people of a different race :D (I appreciate my first comment is strictly about 12 people though)

Nice test that you posted though,

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Really Thai Visa - where are the mods?

How many racists comments go unpunished on these boards.

"These" people are psychopaths

This illustrates just how helpful Thai's are not in these situations.

I always know that Thai are the beasts.

do you clowns really think this does not happen in London and New York. Do you think greater numbers never pick on smaller numbers in these places.

If you dont like here LEAVE - simple. I know many Thai's and most are as nice if not nicer than many many wwesterners I have met. Both living here and abroad.

I really thought TV was beter than this. STOP racists comments. Please.


Thank you Graeme----you echo my sentiments---i too get pissed off with these people and their attitude to Thais----my friends and neighbours--- like you say there is one easy solution to their problem----P++++ss of back home and let us enjoy our new lives

I agree with both of you, they should either remove hate comments or warn/ban the users!

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