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Red-Shirts Mark May 19 With Bangkok Rally


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Reds mark May 19 with small rally

By Pravit Rojanaphruk,

Kesinee Taengkhio

The Nation

The red-shirt movement staged a small rally at the Ratchaprasong intersection in Bangkok yesterday to mark the May 19 crackdown, and said they would keep returning until Thailand became a true democracy and the truth was uncovered about the military suppression last year that claimed at least 92 lives.

This is the first such gathering to take place since the red-backed Pheu Thai government came in to office, though none of the key leaders of the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship was present.

"Until the killers are punished, we will return here on the 19th of every month," Jitra Kotchadej, a prominent red-shirt labour activist told the few hundred gathered near CentralWorld last night. Jitra is known for coining the phrase "good at only talking" about previous premier Abhisit Vejjajiva.

"When they give us [compensation money] without punishing the killers, will we accept it?" she asked.

"No," the crowd replied.

This comes after speculation that the Pheu Thai government might want to appease the Army by not pursuing the truth behind the April-May 2010 military crackdown, which is why they are hoping to pacify those who lost their relatives during the crackdown with a large compensation. Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, along with the Army, could perhaps benefit from the blanket amnesty, some people believe.

Jitra also reminded her fellow reds that abolishing dictatorial laws such as the emergency decree and ensuring an impartial judicial system were necessary.

Pongpit Jaradon, 55, a red-shirt supporter and former communist insurgent, had been waiting for the rally to kick off on a pedestrian overpass linking Gaysorn Plaza to CentralWorld, which was damaged by fire in the clashes.

"I'm nobody's child [including that of Pheu Thai]. I want liberty" from the yoke of the elite, he said.

He added that if the poor continued being exploited under Pheu Thai, the reds would keep their struggle going.

"The laws are still the laws of the amataya [elite]," he said "The government we have voted for does not have guns, but the amataya do. It is this part of the system that needs to be cleansed."

Earlier, the man was heard telling other fellow reds: "I want to arm people with knowledge. Justice has to be achieved. They say we're stupid. They see us as water buffaloes and never think we have brains. Our parents have been fooled but we are gathering under the rights and liberty we enjoy. Our life belongs to us, as does our ideology. Spread our ideas in the villages."

David Streckfuss, a Khon Kaen-based scholar and a close observer of the red shirts, told The Nation yesterday that no matter what happened to the red-shirt movement now, they "have already changed the course of Thai politics".

"My hunch would be that they will establish a clear, separate identity from Pheu Thai," Streckfuss said, adding that reds were now demanding nothing short of the real truth and accountability for what happened last year.

"That 'truth' thing is very new to Thailand. It's [about] confronting an entrenched power of injustice."

He said he thought the reds were greater than just "an arm of the [new Pheu Thai] government" and might "pull away" if the new government fails to push for democracy. "Is that wishful thinking? I don't know."

Even thought the new government declared yesterday that it had every intention to "revere the monarchy institution" as part of its 16 urgent policies, sentiments critical of the lese majeste laws could still be detected at the rally site. One stall was selling a compact disc featuring anti-lese majeste songs, with one of them titled "The Invisible Hand". Also nearby, a stall was selling T-shirts emblazoned with "Yingluck Shinawatra: Thailand's First Female Prime Minister".

Earlier in the day, Payao Akhad, whose daughter was killed while helping the injured inside Pathum Wanaram Temple compound, was told by the temple's administration that she would not be allowed to perform religious rites inside the temple because she had failed to book a pavilion in advance. Payao claimed that these were new rules, though 10 monks from the temple did set up a makeshift booth to pray and accept alms.

Meanwhile, the Criminal Court yesterday refused to release red-shirt leaders Somyos Prueksakasemsuk and Surachai Danwattananusorn, who have been detained over lese majeste charges.

Red-shirt leaders such as Thida Thawornseth and Pheu Thai MP Jatuporn Promphan yesterday asked the court to release nine red shirts, including Somyos and Surachai, using the position of eight Pheu Thai MPs and Bt500,000 each as collateral.

However, the court only approved the release of Tawatchai Iamnak, who was detained for having an explosive on his person, at a bail guarantee of Bt300,000 and MP's surety. The bail request for the other six red shirts was dropped because their cases are in the Appeals Court.

In Min Buri, the provincial court granted release for four red shirts on bail of Bt250,000 each.

In Khon Kaen, six Pheu Thai MPs yesterday used their positions to seek the release of four red shirts detained for allegedly torching Khon Kaen City Hall last year. The court will make its decision on Monday.

In Maha Sarakham, two MPs tried to use their positions to bail out nine red shirts, but were unable to do so because more MPs were needed.


-- The Nation 2011-08-20

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Pongpit Jaradon, 55, a red-shirt supporter and former communist insurgent, had been waiting for the rally to kick off on a pedestrian overpass linking Gaysorn Plaza to CentralWorld, which was damaged by fire in the clashes.

"I'm nobody's child [including that of Pheu Thai]. I want liberty" from the yoke of the elite, he said.

He added that if the poor continued being exploited under Pheu Thai, the reds would keep their struggle going.

"The laws are still the laws of the amataya [elite]," he said "The government we have voted for does not have guns, but the amataya do. It is this part of the system that needs to be cleansed."

Earlier, the man was heard telling other fellow reds: "I want to arm people with knowledge. Justice has to be achieved. They say we're stupid. They see us as water buffaloes and never think we have brains. Our parents have been fooled but we are gathering under the rights and liberty we enjoy. Our life belongs to us, as does our ideology. Spread our ideas in the villages."

Sensible guy and I love the nobody's child shot at Pheu Thai. Its people like these that need to come out of Isaan with the dream and strength minus the petrol bombs and brought thugs and without the patronage of the soon to be returned scum bag elitest thief of the highest calibre.

Edited by Roadman
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I'm wondering just what sort of 'true democracy' they have in mind? We've just had an election, the so called Phrai won governmental power hands down over the Amartya. Is Democracy the right to hold a city hostage without any punishment or action from the rest of the country. I feel sorry for these guys, their thinking is so far off the scale and unrealistic they will never be satisfied until they run a country of kangaroo courts at their discretion, Khmer Rouge style, and we all know where that ended up.

I suggest they engage in a Ratchaprasong two and refuse to go home until they get their 'real democracy'.

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Didnt read the whole thing but saw something about a true democracy? They won the election correct-somebody please let them know.

Democracy to a Red shirt is when they get there own way

In fairness the same claim can be made of several parties in places around the world.

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These cretins are just that - cretins.....

If Yingluck wants to stamp her authority on her position she would announce that this crap will no longer be tolerated..... the whole red shirt rubbish started coz they wanted elections..... they got them..... now enough is enough......

If she is going to stand by and let these <deleted> run amuck then she is every bit the procastinating dope as Abhusit. The second that 1 car is stopped because of these muppets they should be locked up, with no mercy. She has risen to power, no exercise it and demonstrate the rule of law, not rule of mob..... and let there be no doubt in anyones mind that "we don't care if your yellow, red, black, blue, or otherwise - Thailand will put up with this crap no longer" .......... if she did that there just might be some glimmer of hope that the yellow's etc. would she her as a leader and not an obstacle to be overthrown.....

But that's all just wishful thinking..... TIT...... morons 'R' us. Has anyone ever seen that movie "Resident Evil" where the world is taken over by mindless zombies ..........

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These cretins are just that - cretins.....

If Yingluck wants to stamp her authority on her position she would announce that this crap will no longer be tolerated..... the whole red shirt rubbish started coz they wanted elections..... they got them..... now enough is enough......

If she is going to stand by and let these <deleted> run amuck then she is every bit the procastinating dope as Abhusit. The second that 1 car is stopped because of these muppets they should be locked up, with no mercy. She has risen to power, no exercise it and demonstrate the rule of law, not rule of mob..... and let there be no doubt in anyones mind that "we don't care if your yellow, red, black, blue, or otherwise - Thailand will put up with this crap no longer" .......... if she did that there just might be some glimmer of hope that the yellow's etc. would she her as a leader and not an obstacle to be overthrown.....

But that's all just wishful thinking..... TIT...... morons 'R' us. Has anyone ever seen that movie "Resident Evil" where the world is taken over by mindless zombies ..........

Red Democracy Vs Red Democracy ................. Yay.

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These cretins are just that - cretins.....

If Yingluck wants to stamp her authority on her position she would announce that this crap will no longer be tolerated..... the whole red shirt rubbish started coz they wanted elections..... they got them..... now enough is enough......

If she is going to stand by and let these <deleted> run amuck then she is every bit the procastinating dope as Abhusit. The second that 1 car is stopped because of these muppets they should be locked up, with no mercy. She has risen to power, no exercise it and demonstrate the rule of law, not rule of mob..... and let there be no doubt in anyones mind that "we don't care if your yellow, red, black, blue, or otherwise - Thailand will put up with this crap no longer" .......... if she did that there just might be some glimmer of hope that the yellow's etc. would she her as a leader and not an obstacle to be overthrown.....

But that's all just wishful thinking..... TIT...... morons 'R' us. Has anyone ever seen that movie "Resident Evil" where the world is taken over by mindless zombies ..........

Red Democracy Vs Red Democracy ................. Yay.

Agree.........Red Democracy definition below. Anyone can guess who said this? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.

"If you seize power from us, then we'll burn the whole country down. Burn it, burn everything, my brothers — Guarantee: Bangkok will turn into a sea of flames. Those of you who live in the country, it's OK if you cannot join us. If anything happens, just gather at your provincial or city halls. No need to wait for the order. Burn your city halls down to the ground."

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How about the government allocates some money - say off the top of the head 920M Baht.

That find is then used to appoint a panel of forensic experts. These experts then compile a list of the 51 supposedly missing people and confirm with the police that they were indeed reported missing at the time.

Then with a list of names, DNA samples can be put together using parents or siblings if necessary.

The panel then takes samples from bodies at any location and compares them for matching.

The remaining funds are then distributed to the confirmed dead.

Once this process is established then it can be repeated for the war on drugs, the southern unrest, Tak Bai etc.

Red democracy in motion.

Methinks however that the majority (great word) of these reds now think the time is right to sit back , sink some Lao khao and wait to get rich from the 300B per day, 15,v000 per month for graduates, home loans, car loans, 20,000B per tonne of rice that has been promised.

All that is left from the reds is a few communists hankering after something that died decades ago.

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This is a wonderful story and its also very amusing to see the brainwashing the Reds did of their rank and file come back to haunt the PTP now. For months they were told the DEMs were the party of the devil and once "THEY" got in power things would be different, So when PTP railed on about all the stuff that would be done for them they figured it was status quo they get in make a few noises about things getting better throw a few scraps and it will be ok.

Now they are seeing that the Reds they woke up with months of speeches and rallies etc... have decided they do ACTUALLY want all the stuff promised to them and they want the truth about ALL the dead, the stuff that they kept going on and on about when the DEM were in power.. but gosh the PTP didn't think they would actually have to follow through on any of this stuff...

So what happens when the truth comes out that the Red Shirts killed their own, or the DEMs in fact had the army using snipers to take people out and on and on no matter what comes out some people are not going to be happy and the Red Shirts have now seen they have power they can clog up city streets and demand something else they want.. are the PTP going to send the army after them??

Interesting times indeed...

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The Yellow shirts came back to bite their Democrat masters in the ass and it seems in the long run the Red shirts may very well end up biting their PTP masters in their ass too.

Unless the Red shirts get exactly what they want (god knows what that actually is now) they could become a dangerous new political force that could force the country into further turmoil right when the time is actually right for reconciliation to begin for the benefit of all Thai's. I hope like the Yellow shirts their numbers dwindle until they actually have a real cause to get behind like the end of corruption in government in Thailand for example.

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The Yellow shirts came back to bite their Democrat masters in the ass and it seems in the long run the Red shirts may very well end up biting their PTP masters in their ass too.

Very true on both counts... seems that PTP is going to get a chance to learn how to play the same game as the DEMS how to put the toothpaste BACK IN the tube...

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"When they give us [compensation money] without punishing the killers, will we accept it?" she asked.

"No," the crowd replied

Yeah, right. I want to see the redshirt that will turn down 10 million Baht - the compensation sum currently demanded and flogged by uber-redshirt honcho Jatuporn Promphan for the family of each redshirt protester killed.

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Anyone can guess who said this? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.

"If you seize power from us, then we'll burn the whole country down. Burn it, burn everything, my brothers — Guarantee: Bangkok will turn into a sea of flames. Those of you who live in the country, it's OK if you cannot join us. If anything happens, just gather at your provincial or city halls. No need to wait for the order. Burn your city halls down to the ground."

Err.....Girly Berry?

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Anyone can guess who said this? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.

"If you seize power from us, then we'll burn the whole country down. Burn it, burn everything, my brothers — Guarantee: Bangkok will turn into a sea of flames. Those of you who live in the country, it's OK if you cannot join us. If anything happens, just gather at your provincial or city halls. No need to wait for the order. Burn your city halls down to the ground."

Err.....Girly Berry?


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Anyone can guess who said this? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.

"If you seize power from us, then we'll burn the whole country down. Burn it, burn everything, my brothers — Guarantee: Bangkok will turn into a sea of flames. Those of you who live in the country, it's OK if you cannot join us. If anything happens, just gather at your provincial or city halls. No need to wait for the order. Burn your city halls down to the ground."

Err.....Girly Berry?


No, I never said that. And neither did my wife.

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  • 8 months later...

the Criminal Court yesterday refused to release red-shirt leaders Somyos Prueksakasemsuk and Surachai Danwattananusorn, who have been detained over lese majeste charges.

Red-shirt leaders such as Thida Thawornseth and Pheu Thai MP Jatuporn Promphan yesterday asked the court to release nine red shirts, including Somyos and Surachai, using the position of eight Pheu Thai MPs and Bt500,000 each as collateral.

Surachai was recently convicted 3 days ago and sentenced here:

Somyos trial is currently ongoing and now he's assigning responsibility to someone else:

Jakrapob wrote the articles, lese majeste trial told

Jakrapob Penkair, a fugitive former PM's Office minister, was the author of the two articles in Voice of Taksin two years ago that allegedly defamed His Majesty the King, the magazine's editor Somyos Prueksakasem-suk testified yesterday.

Somyos is facing trial for lese majeste for the two articles written under the pen name "Jit Polachan", which he now claims was used by Jakrapob, a close aide of fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

Somyos later confirmed to The Nation that Jakrapob was also the real person in charge of the now banned Voice of Taksin magazine as well as the Red Power magazine, which is still being published.

Somyos denied that the two articles that got him arrested should be interpreted as an attack on His Majesty. He said it was more of a criticism of the aristocratic-bureaucratic elite or "amataya", and that the people criticised in the articles were referred to as fictitious plural characters.

He also said he didn't spend much time reviewing the two articles since they were written by Jakrapob, who had been doing his column for some time.

"I trusted him to continue writing," Somyos told the judges.

The two articles published in February 2010 merely warned of an impending violent crackdown on the red shirts, he said.

In his defence, Somyos said the lese majeste law is too draconian with its heavy penalty. It violates the rights of citizens to express themselves and was used by some to crush its opponents, he said.

The yellow-shirt People's Alliance for Democracy has invoked the monarchy in advancing its own political agenda, he said.

Later Somyos talked briefly with a representative from the Reporters Without Borders organisation who came to observe the trial.

"My duty is to say everything truthfully. If I'm punished, that's okay," Somyos said.

The representative later told The Nation that in France, "It's not a crime to write an article." An observer from the EU delegation to Thailand was also present at Somyos' trial yesterday.


-- The Nation 2012-05-02

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Didnt read the whole thing but saw something about a true democracy? They won the election correct-somebody please let them know.

Democracy to a Red shirt is when they get there own way

In fairness the same claim can be made of several parties in places around the world.

Are you sure you are not talking about one religion.

You might want to remember that fact in all your posts on how bad things are in Thailand.

Have you been on holidays haven't seen you lately.

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The Yellow shirts came back to bite their Democrat masters in the ass and it seems in the long run the Red shirts may very well end up biting their PTP masters in their ass too.

Unless the Red shirts get exactly what they want (god knows what that actually is now) they could become a dangerous new political force that could force the country into further turmoil right when the time is actually right for reconciliation to begin for the benefit of all Thai's. I hope like the Yellow shirts their numbers dwindle until they actually have a real cause to get behind like the end of corruption in government in Thailand for example.

I don't think they want to end corruption I think they want the money to flow into their pockets.

Same same only with them as the beneficiaries.

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