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What Causes A Small %age Of Thai Girls To Lie?


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The view from some expats that all Thai women are liars and thieves really pisses me off. Some poor girls will lie their arse off when there is some old sucker willing to give them 5,000 baht a month. Do this for a few years, then when he is close to death, marry him and deprive his middle-aged kids of their inheritance. Even if he is a poor farang with only 5 million baht, that is still more than if you won the national lottery! All they have to do is lie for a few of weeks a year. The jackpot is relatively HUGE for them.

Thai women are not more or less honest than western women, in my experience.

It usually comes from the retired newbie who thinks all Thai woman say "chawp poong koon mak mak tee rak" whilst sitting on their laps in a public bar. :o

She was a waitress in Pattaya restaurant, honest! She went there as a career move, meeting a farang(me, 25 years her senior) was a lucky bonus.

What many guys don't realise is the huge amounts of cash at stake here. 10,000 baht a month is huge for many Thais, and they would never normally get half that much even working a 80 hour week.

I know young women who work 60 hard hours a week in Isaan for 3500 baht.

Just think what is the most money you have ever earned in a week. Double that amount and then think what you would do if some old foreigner was willing to give you that every week if you stopped working, if all you had to do was spend 4 weeks a year with them at a holiday resort and they paid for everything and gave you expensive gifts.

How many Western women would do the same. What's the average wage? I'm sure there would be a lot more "prossie" in my country if the same relative jackpots were so easily available there.

It's not that Thai women are liars or cheats, it's because the poor ones just can't refuse the easy big money.

Edited by Neeranam
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Here we go with the up country poverty packing 1000-baht-notes-are-like-gold-bars mentality again. These dudes up there get lost in their 10K/month is equivalent to millionaire status peasant like lives. Do yourself a favor, Neer or anyone else caught up in that, read Stickman's column 10-30-05. He talks ALL about you people this week. It's a classic and true read.

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Here we go with the up country poverty packing 1000-baht-notes-are-like-gold-bars mentality again. These dudes up there get lost in their 10K/month is equivalent to millionaire status peasant like lives. Do yourself a favor, Neer or anyone else caught up in that, read Stickman's column 10-30-05. He talks ALL about you people this week. It's a classic and true read.

Well Stickman is not exactly an expert...he's a dork that I believe writes his wifes own column. :o

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Well Stickman is not exactly an expert...he's a dork that I believe writes his wifes own column.
What understanding do you have of Asian culture in general Neeranam?

What is your contribution to this thread?

Are you some kind of expert? Please help us all and try to answer our questions.

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why do i get the feeling that this will turn into another bargirl (issan probably) slanging match.

is it possible for TVforum to go more than a week without this -

already well flogged dead horse to be flogged again....


just my 2 bahts worth anyway!

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Well Stickman is not exactly an expert...he's a dork that I believe writes his wifes own column.
What understanding do you have of Asian culture in general Neeranam?
What is your contribution to this thread?

Are you some kind of expert? Please help us all and try to answer our questions.

I am trying to find out where you are coming from in this.An Asians perception of honesty can be a little different than western culture.I'm no expert at all, whatever gave you that idea. :o

my contribution was to point out that I believe that sickmans impression of things can be alot different than others. His name was mentioned in a post above..christ I'm sorry I commented on it.

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Do yourself a favor, Neer or anyone else caught up in that, read Stickman's column 10-30-05. He talks ALL about you people this week. It's a classic and true read.
I just read it and it was a good reminder why I gave up reading that crap years ago. Are you suggesting that I scrounge 3 day old Bangkok Posts from my friends?

I happen to live in one of the largest cities in Thailand. Not sure what you are going on about ", ALL you people.

QUOTE(Neeranam @ 2005-10-31 14:29:17)


Well Stickman is not exactly an expert...he's a dork that I believe writes his wifes own column.


What understanding do you have of Asian culture in general Neeranam?

What is your contribution to this thread?

Are you some kind of expert? Please help us all and try to answer our questions.

I am trying to find out where you are coming from in this.An Asians perception of honesty can be a little different than western culture.I'm no expert at all, whatever gave you that idea. 

my contribution was to point out that I believe that sickmans impression of things can be alot different than others. His name was mentioned in a post above..christ I'm sorry I commented on it.

Sorry man, I didn't know what you meant.

Do you think I am Asian?

I'm not Asian.

I'm Scottish.

Are you Asian?

Yeah, your right sickman's impression of things are very different to some.

Edited by Neeranam
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I am trying to find out where you are coming from in this.An Asians perception of honesty can be a little different than western culture.I'm no expert at all, whatever gave you that idea. :o

my contribution was to point out that I believe that sickmans impression of things can be alot different than others. His name was mentioned in a post above..christ I'm  sorry I commented on it.

talk of flogging a dead horse put me in mind of your avatar chuchok

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I am trying to find out where you are coming from in this.An Asians perception of honesty can be a little different than western culture.I'm no expert at all, whatever gave you that idea. :o

my contribution was to point out that I believe that sickmans impression of things can be alot different than others. His name was mentioned in a post above..christ I'm  sorry I commented on it.

talk of flogging a dead horse put me in mind of your avatar chuchok

I like Muttley.Do you know where he comes from? :D

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why do i get the feeling that this will turn into another bargirl (issan probably) slanging match.

is it possible for TVforum to go more than a week without this -

already well flogged dead horse to be flogged again....

Quite right... I hope i dont have to close this thread down after a couple of hours with the customary "Take it over there" statement...

Prove me wrong, turn this into something constructive. :o

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Back to the OP I agree with Neeranam, the money is too good to refuse. I also think that it's not only the poorest girls that end up like this. It's such an easy way to make a "living" that those girls who could get themselves a half decent job just can't refuse this lottery ticket either. Heck, who'd blame them? I've said it before, I'd probably do the same! But for how long? Surely they'd get bored of lying all the time and keeping the momentum of the meaningless "I love you long time" blah blah? But that is the trap these girls get themselves into because its the easy way out and just too good to let go. But guys don't forget it's not only older men that get palyed its younger blokes aswell. I do feel sorry for them but I can't see things changing due to the supply and demand factor of what goes on in LOS.

Mods, (not suggesting this topic will turn into a bargirl discussion) we've often seen bargirl types of topics being closed and been suggested to move onto another more appropriate forum. I've been to that forum and quite frankly don't really like the type of place it is or being in the company of such guys. I would much rather prefer to have a civilised discussion on such a topic in the company of TV members if I may...

Thats my 2 quids worth... :o

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Prove me wrong, turn this into something constructive.  :o

Thai girls generally, and especially those from poorer backgrounds, are more likely to be attracted to someone who can give them and their families a better life, and they will tell the man what they think you want in order to achieve this. They will find an older, more financially secure, man more attractive than a young man with no money.

It is evident on this forum that many Farangs do not appear to recognise that sex is more of a commodity in Asia than in the west - more of a cultural thing. An Asian girl is more likely to expect payment if she has sex with a man than a western girl is likely to, where a Western girl may be offended if she is offered money after sex, an Asian girl may be offended if she isn't. The problem is that most Western men do not recognise that there should be a cultural difference in this respect! :D

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The view from some expats that all Thai women are liars and thieves really pisses me off. Some poor girls will lie their arse off when there is some old sucker willing to give them 5,000 baht a month. Do this for a few years, then when he is close to death, marry him and deprive his middle-aged kids of their inheritance. Even if he is a poor farang with only 5 million baht, that is still more than if you won the national lottery! All they have to do is lie for a few of weeks a year. The jackpot is relatively HUGE for them.

Thai women are not more or less honest than western women, in my experience.

It usually comes from the retired newbie who thinks all Thai woman say "chawp poong koon mak mak tee rak" whilst sitting on their laps in a public bar. :D

She was a waitress in Pattaya restaurant, honest! She went there as a career move, meeting a farang(me, 25 years her senior) was a lucky bonus.

What many guys don't realise is the huge amounts of cash at stake here. 10,000 baht a month is huge for many Thais, and they would never normally get half that much even working a 80 hour week.

I know young women who work 60 hard hours a week in Isaan for 3500 baht. 

Just think what is the most money you have ever earned in a week. Double that amount and then think what you would do if some old foreigner was willing to  give you that every week if you stopped working, if all you had to do was spend 4 weeks a year with them at a holiday resort and they paid for everything and gave you expensive gifts.

How many Western women would do the same. What's the average wage? I'm sure there would be a lot more "prossie" in my country if the same relative jackpots were so easily available there.

It's not that Thai women are liars or cheats, it's because the poor ones just can't refuse the easy big money.

But would it not be true to say that these 'poor ones' that you seem to want to champion have deliberately positioned themselves, so to speak, in the very locations where there is a potential abundance of prospects for their greed and deceit?

You seem to be saying that the temptations are just too great for them so people should be more understanding.

If a girl is motivated enough to relocate and 'switch careers' in an area where maximum success may well require lying as a part of her skill set, I just cannot see how anyone can possibly defend them.

Perhaps I am not sure what point you are actually trying to make.

Are you trying to take to task 'some' expat's who may sweepingly generalize after they have been ripped off by rented company standard girls, or defend liars and thieves by justifying their behaviour?:o

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The money/financial security aspect is a little overdone if that's what they really want. As many western women may agree a lasting relationship is not dependant on money. The casual attitude to sex in Thailand and/or Asia can only be down to the culture in this part of the world because I for one just cannot get my head round just how casual it is. If it's all about money, which a high percentage will be, then it really is sad.

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An Asian girl is more likely to expect payment if she has sex with a man than a western girl is likely to, where a Western girl may be offended if she is offered money after sex, an Asian girl may be offended if she isn't. The problem is that most Western men do not recognise that there should be a cultural difference in this respect! :o
I strongly disagree with this statement. I am quite sure that Asian girls or whatever girls will be offended like their western counterparts by offering money after sex. It's just that they need the money.

If given good enough social security, I'm sure the situation would be a lot different.

Many of the girls I see have a lot of weight on their shoulders regarding themselves and their families' future. They have to struggle, struggle and struggle. :D

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One of our staff is a divorced mother of a small boy, working to put her son through school with minimal financial support from the ex. She would smack any man upside the head if he offered her money for sex. She has never considered going out with a farang for financial security. She prefers to work to take care of herself and her son.

I don't think that out of a country of 30 million some women she is all that unusual. It is unfair to tar all Thai women with the prostitute brush.

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You seem to be saying that the temptations are just too great for them so people should be more understanding.
Try to observe carefully how those poor people fight to survive and put yourself into their shoes. Maybe you would have a different understanding. :o
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You seem to be saying that the temptations are just too great for them so people should be more understanding.
Try to observe carefully how those poor people fight to survive and put yourself into their shoes. Maybe you would have a different understanding. :o

I see that everyday when I talk with my maid, particularly when we discuss the progress of her son's education.

I also notice how careful she is with money when she goes shopping for me.

She is a lovely girl and would doubtless do very well financially with a 'career' change.

Thankfully, she has chosen not to go that route. :D

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My sister in law had a baby boy a few years back. I was told that he was quite sick but I didn't know exactly what it was. A couple of months later I was told he had passed away. I still always wonder if things would have been different if she has had more money in her pocket. And I do blame myself for not having tried better to offer help. She has always been very reluctant to ask for money from us.

She now works in Bangkok in a factory with no less than 12 hrs a day for a few thousand baht and hardly has the luxury of spending time together with her son(about 10yrs old living in Isaan). She had to stop working for half a month last month due to a back pain and had to borrow a few thousand baht from my wife.

I feel so proud of having such a wonderful woman as a sister in law.

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But would it not be true to say that these 'poor ones' that you seem to want to champion have deliberately positioned themselves, so to speak, in the very locations where there is a potential abundance of prospects for their greed and deceit?

Try putting yourself in their shoes for a minute. If i was poor and struggling to survive, and the only thing i had to offer was my looks :o which isnt likely but lets just say it is, and i knew if i hung around in these particular areas i would find someone that was willing to give me a quite a large sum of money every month if i stay with them for a week or two a year, then yes i would do it, if it meant my child(ren) could have a decent education and my family had a better standard of life.

I dont beleive anyone who says that they wouldn't do this if they were in the same position as some of these women find themselves in.

You talk about greed and deceit, is this any worse than going and paying for a young girl at a bar just for self gratification? Would you not be better off spending the money that you would have spent on the girl on a refuge or charity to help these girls out of the situation that they are in?

In the end these girls do it out of a need for survival not intentionally for greed and deceit although i am sure it probably looks that way.

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