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Growning Seasons In Northern Thailand


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I came to Thailand from a temperate region of American that had four distinct seasons. I grew vegetables in my home garden and would like to do that here also. But now that I'm in a topical climate with three seasons, I'm lost.

Are there any books or resources (in English) that cover the growing seasons for various types of vegetables in Northern Thailand. I'm interested in things like tomatoes, potatoes, celery , peas and beans, onions, garlic, greens, ginger, gangala, chilies and peppers (both hot and sweet), and herbs such as cilantro, basil, and mints.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

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Wait for rain season and plant like mad, now you need a lot of water so if you have a pond or bore hole use these to plant what you like. We have Guava from a petrol pump out of the pond, but in rain season we plant corn like mad.

You can grow veg now but you need water. Good luck.

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Hey, look what I found. This PDF has a chart listing the growing and harvesting seasons for many commmon veggies. But what the heck is the difference between

a) all seasons

cool.png winter, rainy

c) winter, summer, rainy


Edit - For some reason the forum software won't let me write b instead of that smiley with sun glasses.

Edited by Somnambulist
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