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Thai Government Gets Poor Rating For Honesty


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I am quite surprised that the numbers were this high...

Government's honesty = 58.7 %

Dedication to the people at 70.8.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's job approval rating: 64.9%

Cabinet's dedication: 64.4 %

Government's sincerity to work for the people: 63.3 %

Cabinet's job approval rating: 62.1%

Whether or not the current government is deserving of these nunbers, I will leave to thers, but most politicians in the West would kill for those kind of numbers...

To put the numbers into context, the previous government at this time last year had an overall rating of 46 per cent and Abhisits personal approval rating was 51.7 per cent.

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I am quite surprised that the numbers were this high...

Government's honesty = 58.7 %

Dedication to the people at 70.8.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's job approval rating: 64.9%

Cabinet's dedication: 64.4 %

Government's sincerity to work for the people: 63.3 %

Cabinet's job approval rating: 62.1%

Whether or not the current government is deserving of these nunbers, I will leave to thers, but most politicians in the West would kill for those kind of numbers...

To put the numbers into context, the previous government at this time last year had an overall rating of 46 per cent and Abhisits personal approval rating was 51.7 per cent.


Any particular reason you chose to leave out the honesty rating? 5.86 for the present government.

Not exactly a stellar performance. Be interesting to see that rating when the people figure out they are not going to be getting all the election promises.

If memory serves me right governments almost always get higher ratings when they are new.

Compare them to two years ago and see if there is that big a difference.

Edited by hellodolly
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I am quite surprised that the numbers were this high...

Government's honesty = 58.7 %

Dedication to the people at 70.8.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's job approval rating: 64.9%

Cabinet's dedication: 64.4 %

Government's sincerity to work for the people: 63.3 %

Cabinet's job approval rating: 62.1%

Whether or not the current government is deserving of these nunbers, I will leave to thers, but most politicians in the West would kill for those kind of numbers...

To put the numbers into context, the previous government at this time last year had an overall rating of 46 per cent and Abhisits personal approval rating was 51.7 per cent.


Any particular reason you chose to leave out the honesty rating? 5.86 for the present government.

Not exactly a stellar performance. Be interesting to see that rating when the people figure out they are not going to be getting all the election promises.

If memory serves me right governments almost always get higher ratings when they are new.

Compare them to two years ago and see if there is that big a difference.

Feel free to add the honesty ratings for the previous government if you have them - the article I have refered to does not show it hence why I 'left it out'.

I also checked to see if I could find more details from 2009 when the Democrats were new the job and they don't seem to back up your memory:

Thaksin now boasts about a percentage-point advantage over Abhisit - 34.0 per cent to 32.9 per cent, Noppadon Kannikart, director of Abac Poll Centre, said yesterday.

Back in March, Abhisit's popularity rating was more than double Thaksin's at 51 per cent versus 24 per cent.


Edited by Orac
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I am quite surprised that the numbers were this high...

Government's honesty = 58.7 %

Dedication to the people at 70.8.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's job approval rating: 64.9%

Cabinet's dedication: 64.4 %

Government's sincerity to work for the people: 63.3 %

Cabinet's job approval rating: 62.1%

Whether or not the current government is deserving of these nunbers, I will leave to thers, but most politicians in the West would kill for those kind of numbers...

To put the numbers into context, the previous government at this time last year had an overall rating of 46 per cent and Abhisits personal approval rating was 51.7 per cent.


Any particular reason you chose to leave out the honesty rating? 5.86 for the present government.

Not exactly a stellar performance. Be interesting to see that rating when the people figure out they are not going to be getting all the election promises.

If memory serves me right governments almost always get higher ratings when they are new.

Compare them to two years ago and see if there is that big a difference.

Feel free to add the honesty ratings for the previous government if you have them - the article I have refered to does not show it so one hence why I 'left it out'.

The article you refer to was a poll conducted on 1,298 respondents.

Hardly representative of Thailand.

This poll was taken of 4,238.

Wonder what side of the water barriers they were on.

Both polls make perfect sense if the people that were polled were in down town Bangkok.

A big difference. Still hardly representative of Thailand.

One government two years in.

One government six months in.

I think you are trying to compare apples to oranges.

While we are on the topic why did you bother to post that information on this thread. The title of this thread is about honesty and you drag in a bunch of red herrings based on at the best a very dubious base.

Edited by hellodolly
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And in other astounding news today it was revealed in a survey of 400 participants that... : "Next Summer is 88% likely to be hot!".


What I have never understood with all these polls, is who is it that are asked the questions? A poll is meant to be taken across the class barriers; where do they get the people to answer these indicators?

I remember a certain manufacturer of cat food had to change their advertising to say 8 out of ten owners who expressed a preference.

I wonder what percentage of the population couldn't give a hoot anyway.

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Its absurd to use the words 'honesty' and 'Yingluck' in the same sentence. Erase the lead story and start again please.

Do you have any evidence or even any reports of her dishonesty ???

Any example of any kind of proven or even alleged dishonesty ???

Any ??

Yes. She has an outstanding perjury case against her when she lied about ownership of some shares.

Next question.

That's not quite true, is it.

There is an allegation of perjury from Tul Sitthisomwong from last June, which seems not have gone forwards in any way.

That is not quite the same as an outstanding case, is it ??

Is it an "outstanding or pending case " in any court ??

Perhaps you could confirm.

Notable that the allegation is made by "The Network against Amnesty for Thaksin", a clearly impartial group..................


Throw enough mud in desperation, I suppose

There is no question whether she lied, just a question of whether she was under oath when she did.

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To put the numbers into context, the previous government at this time last year had an overall rating of 46 per cent and Abhisits personal approval rating was 51.7 per cent.


Any particular reason you chose to leave out the honesty rating? 5.86 for the present government.

Not exactly a stellar performance. Be interesting to see that rating when the people figure out they are not going to be getting all the election promises.

If memory serves me right governments almost always get higher ratings when they are new.

Compare them to two years ago and see if there is that big a difference.

Feel free to add the honesty ratings for the previous government if you have them - the article I have refered to does not show it so one hence why I 'left it out'.

The article you refer to was a poll conducted on 1,298 respondents.

Hardly representative of Thailand.

This poll was taken of 4,238.

Wonder what side of the water barriers they were on.

Both polls make perfect sense if the people that were polled were in down town Bangkok.

A big difference. Still hardly representative of Thailand.

One government two years in.

One government six months in.

I think you are trying to compare apples to oranges.

While we are on the topic why did you bother to post that information on this thread. The title of this thread is about honesty and you drag in a bunch of red herrings based on at the best a very dubious base.

I was discussing the original post and putting its results into some context using previous poll results - I am sorry if you think that is off topic because I wasn't jusdt talking about the thread title.

I editted my previous post with some additional figures from the previous democrat government after 4 months in office which give a very similar figure to the two year one - the edit must have gone through at the same time as your previous post so I didn't realise it was off topic at the time.

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Government gets poor rating for honesty

The only honest thing about this government is that it will lie 100% of the time....

And that is being honest.


Polls--Ha Ha --I would take these, the same as anything in TIT as not honest, not conducted properly the same as most things. It's quite obvious to me Living in Issan and Rural-but in cities often, most people giving an honest opinion-would surely say --DISHONEST. The family history proves it

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I really never met a truly honest Thai before since being here in Thailand for over 6 years. Only a few Thai, but not many. Thai’s would be willing to sell out their country and leaders for a few Thai Baht coins or a hand job.

I disagree with your stereotyping of all Thais but if you must there is a smiley for that.jerk.gif And here is another which will be appropriate for what is to come .hit-the-fan.gif .

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Its absurd to use the words 'honesty' and 'Yingluck' in the same sentence. Erase the lead story and start again please.

Do you have any evidence or even any reports of her dishonesty ???

Any example of any kind of proven or even alleged dishonesty ???

Any ??

Yes. She has an outstanding perjury case against her when she lied about ownership of some shares.

Next question.

If it is an outstanding case how are you able to say that she lied? Surely outstanding means that there has been no trial and therefore no finding of guilt.

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qualitatively, a lie...

October 30th, 2011

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday urged Bangkok residents to be patient as the worst flood crisis in more than five decades was expected to pass soon.


I do hate to be pedantic but exactly what is the lie you refer to ???

innuendo, innuendo, innuendo.

Got any substance ?

Qualitative substance ?

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qualitatively, a lie...

October 30th, 2011

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday urged Bangkok residents to be patient as the worst flood crisis in more than five decades was expected to pass soon.


It was obvious to any remote observer regularly watching the reports from many sources, that this statement was either incompetently idiotic or a blatant, knowingly intentional lie. Since we can't assume she is a complete moron, we must lean toward the falsity probability. Or maybe the parsing of the meaning of "Soon" is grandly and over-broadly being modified by her to fit the occasion, which case that is no less a faux-construct.

No Phil, there is no need to PROVE anything, 'she said it' and the water hadn't even started rising significantly in Bangkok and no Giant Sand bags had even been proposed at that point. It all would go significantly worse in the weeks ahead of when she blithely informed us it would be soon over. She shot her own foot, in borad daylight in full public spectacle.

Edited by animatic
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qualitatively, a lie...

October 30th, 2011

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday urged Bangkok residents to be patient as the worst flood crisis in more than five decades was expected to pass soon.


It was obvious to any remote observer regularly watching the reports from many sources, that this statement was either incompetently idiotic or a blatant, knowingly intentional lie. Since we can't assume she is a complete moron, we must lean toward the falsity probability. Or maybe the parsing of the meaning of "Soon" is grandly and over-broadly being modified by her to fit the occasion, which case that is no less a faux-construct.

No Phil, there is no need to PROVE anything, 'she said it' and the water hadn't even started rising significantly in Bangkok and no Giant Sand bags had even been proposed at that point. It all would go significantly worse in the weeks ahead of when she blithely informed us it would be soon over. She shot her own foot, in borad daylight in full public spectacle.

No need to prove or even try to establish that someone is a liar, having made the accusation ???

You can comfortably make serious allegations without any substance ??

Wonder if you can creep out from behind your keyboard and face the consequences of your comments in a public forum, such as the courts.

Thought not..........

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qualitatively, a lie...

October 30th, 2011

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday urged Bangkok residents to be patient as the worst flood crisis in more than five decades was expected to pass soon.


It was obvious to any remote observer regularly watching the reports from many sources, that this statement was either incompetently idiotic or a blatant, knowingly intentional lie. Since we can't assume she is a complete moron, we must lean toward the falsity probability. Or maybe the parsing of the meaning of "Soon" is grandly and over-broadly being modified by her to fit the occasion, which case that is no less a faux-construct.

No Phil, there is no need to PROVE anything, 'she said it' and the water hadn't even started rising significantly in Bangkok and no Giant Sand bags had even been proposed at that point. It all would go significantly worse in the weeks ahead of when she blithely informed us it would be soon over. She shot her own foot, in borad daylight in full public spectacle.

No need to prove or even try to establish that someone is a liar, having made the accusation ???

You can comfortably make serious allegations without any substance ??

Wonder if you can creep out from behind your keyboard and face the consequences of your comments in a public forum, such as the courts.

Thought not..........


October 30th, 2011

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday urged Bangkok residents to be patient as the worst flood crisis in more than five decades was expected to pass soon."

Well as the date was October 30 the worst wasn't even here yet.

She may not have lied just been stupid take your pick.Personally I hate to call her a liar for that statement. But remember according to the poll the government only scored 5.86 out of 10 on the honesty record.angry.png

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qualitatively, a lie...

October 30th, 2011

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday urged Bangkok residents to be patient as the worst flood crisis in more than five decades was expected to pass soon.


It was obvious to any remote observer regularly watching the reports from many sources, that this statement was either incompetently idiotic or a blatant, knowingly intentional lie. Since we can't assume she is a complete moron, we must lean toward the falsity probability. Or maybe the parsing of the meaning of "Soon" is grandly and over-broadly being modified by her to fit the occasion, which case that is no less a faux-construct.

No Phil, there is no need to PROVE anything, 'she said it' and the water hadn't even started rising significantly in Bangkok and no Giant Sand bags had even been proposed at that point. It all would go significantly worse in the weeks ahead of when she blithely informed us it would be soon over. She shot her own foot, in borad daylight in full public spectacle.

No need to prove or even try to establish that someone is a liar, having made the accusation ???

You can comfortably make serious allegations without any substance ??

Wonder if you can creep out from behind your keyboard and face the consequences of your comments in a public forum, such as the courts.

Thought not..........


October 30th, 2011

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday urged Bangkok residents to be patient as the worst flood crisis in more than five decades was expected to pass soon."

Well as the date was October 30 the worst wasn't even here yet.

She may not have lied just been stupid take your pick.Personally I hate to call her a liar for that statement. But remember according to the poll the government only scored 5.86 out of 10 on the honesty record.angry.png

Dare say Churchill said said something similar in the early days of the blitz.

Nobodies quite sure how long it will go on for and what the final damage will be.

How are you going to feel when she and / or her party win the next election ?

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Government gets poor rating for honesty

The only honest thing about this government is that it will lie 100% of the time....

And that is being honest.


No it isn't. But as usual why would you bother with reality?(not 100% of the time obviously as that would only invite endless rebuttals to divert from the original argument)

Edited by phiphidon
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When the proof is on the front pages of every paper.

And on the ground, or covering it 2 meters deep,

for all too see. There is no further proof needed

to put paid to a false statement.

So we need not deliver you further proof.

Because reasonable doubt is enough for the reasonable mind,

and the unreasonable must maintain their own look out.

If you can't see truth four square

in front of your senses,

we can't find more for you, that

will miraculously awaken your senses.

Sometimes the obvious is just

too philosophically painful

to acknowledge for some individuals.

Yes, I though so, another victim

of a self blinding attitude.

Edited by animatic
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When the proof is on the front pages of every paper.

And on the ground, or covering it 2 meters deep,

for all too see. There is no further proof needed

to put paid to a false statement.

So we need not deliver you further proof.

Because reasonable doubt is enough for the reasonable mind,

and the unreasonable must maintain their own look out.

If you can't see truth four square

in front of your senses,

we can't find more for you, that

will miraculously awaken your senses.

Sometimes the obvious is just

too philosophically painful

to acknowledge for some individuals.

Yes, I though so, another victim

of a self blinding attitude.

I see you've reverted to your Hailku stage again. To whom is the above whimsy directed?

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When the proof is on the front pages of every paper.

And on the ground, or covering it 2 meters deep,

for all too see. There is no further proof needed

to put paid to a false statement.

So we need not deliver you further proof.

Because reasonable doubt is enough for the reasonable mind,

and the unreasonable must maintain their own look out.

If you can't see truth four square

in front of your senses,

we can't find more for you, that

will miraculously awaken your senses.

Sometimes the obvious is just

too philosophically painful

to acknowledge for some individuals.

Yes, I though so, another victim

of a self blinding attitude.

I see you've reverted to your Hailku stage again. To whom is the above whimsy directed?

I'm rather interested in who the 'we' are that Animatic feels he has the mandate to speak collectively for........

Perhaps the 'we' as in 'we' lost the election and therefore 'we' will rubbish the government at every opportunity.....

and perhaps the 'we' who in desperation will clutch at straw poll results

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maybe it's the royal we?

or maybe he is just being Animatic......

i note he didn't feel the need to burst into prose when the same poll gave the Prime Minister " 7.08 out of 10 for her willingness and determination on the job". I wonder why that could be? biggrin.png

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maybe it's the royal we?

or maybe he is just being Animatic......

i note he didn't feel the need to burst into prose when the same poll gave the Prime Minister " 7.08 out of 10 for her willingness and determination on the job". I wonder why that could be? biggrin.png

In his own words perhaps

"Sometimes the obvious is just

too philosophically painful

to acknowledge for some individuals."


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Its absurd to use the words 'honesty' and 'Yingluck' in the same sentence. Erase the lead story and start again please.

Do you have any evidence or even any reports of her dishonesty ???

Any example of any kind of proven or even alleged dishonesty ???

Any ??

Yes. She has an outstanding perjury case against her when she lied about ownership of some shares.

Next question.

If it is an outstanding case how are you able to say that she lied? Surely outstanding means that there has been no trial and therefore no finding of guilt.

IIRC, she lied about share ownership. The reason it may not be perjury is because she may not have been under oath at the time that she lied.

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Lets get honest here, it is only the Dems that are saying this, they throw the first handful of shit, then they wait for the response, they are like little kids, they should be stomped on like a bug.


They only polled Democrats??

Yes and they were of their own choosing, anyone with half a brain knows that !

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Lets get honest here, it is only the Dems that are saying this, they throw the first handful of shit, then they wait for the response, they are like little kids, they should be stomped on like a bug.

They are the only viable opposition. Their performance as the opposition has been a bit wierd at times, but they deserve encouragement. It's not as if the current government has made a stellar start.

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