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Flight Deals For Expats


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I think it is about time we started a topic, but pinned it about sales of flight tickets to our home countries or those of others. Most of us are enrolled into Airline reward stuff, so if we get an email or information concerning a sale we could put the information on this pinned topic to allow others to see it, might save about 50 new posts a month, and help others to find cheap flights home.

For information am enrolled in Skywards, Qatar, Miles and More, MH and Etihad Guest.

All we need is a mod to pin this and bobs your uncle.

Edited by beano2274
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I've often thought about this...especially as I have posted essentially the same stuff time and time again. Let me research this a bit.

Could you in the mean time delete the Us from the topic title please. Tks

I dont want it to sound like it is just for Americans, as there are many expats from different countries here, but the software used on Thai Visa makes the first letter of the title a capital one, whereas it should be small.

Edited by beano2274
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What? And have all the lazy buggers that can't google their own <deleted> snap up bargains that they haven't the basic gumption to find out for themselves? Then they will come back and post inappropriate criticism when they either can't change the ticket, find the check-in desk or miss out on the fine dining experience. Provide another pinned topic for the ubiquitous THAI basher?

Chances are those seeking cheap airfares are NOT frequent fliers so would not qualify for some the perks that airlines offer anyway. Let them poke around with Jet and their horrific Mumbai stopovers.

Anyway, there's a TV sponsor who is a travel agent... why don't they post the specials in a 'pinned' thread as I am sure as an industry 'insider', they get much more news on many more perks than the average farang diaspora.

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What? And have all the lazy buggers that can't google their own <deleted> snap up bargains that they haven't the basic gumption to find out for themselves? Then they will come back and post inappropriate criticism when they either can't change the ticket, find the check-in desk or miss out on the fine dining experience. Provide another pinned topic for the ubiquitous THAI basher?

Chances are those seeking cheap airfares are NOT frequent fliers so would not qualify for some the perks that airlines offer anyway. Let them poke around with Jet and their horrific Mumbai stopovers.

Anyway, there's a TV sponsor who is a travel agent... why don't they post the specials in a 'pinned' thread as I am sure as an industry 'insider', they get much more news on many more perks than the average farang diaspora.

Ah, don't be so grumpy. I travel extensively and just now made it back as an elite member with an airlines. I go for the cheapest deal, loyalty isn't important to me. I use to be gold, platinum, etc. So I know the perks.

But what is interesting is how to find the cheaper deals. What sites to follow (kayak, skyscanner, itasoftware) as well as great articles like these:




Or this site I just found:


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I am an itasoftware man myself, find it easy to use and to check prices, then go to the airlines site to check again.

I have experienced that Ita (Matrix) and the airlines often give the same price or Ita slightly higher than the airline, so I try out different avenues i.e. Mox Travel, travel agent, local booking agent for certain airlines etc.

I have to admit that I have the time and the patience to do so.


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As an example :

Oman Air business class BKK/FRA return in May 2012.

Ita and Oman Air : 89.235,- Baht

Mox Travel : 87.625,- Baht

Travel agent North Pattaya : 87.500,-

If the price is right I prefer to book with a travel agent if only for the person to person experience in case something goes wrong.


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THe pinned topic sounds a good idea, depending on what paramators you going to set. I dont have air miles and I generally would be looking for a flight LHR-BKK-LHR so I am assuming I probably wont be being catered for so wil carry on doing my own research as when I look to go.

So what I am saying is just think how this going to be done before you rush in otherwise you might end up with multiple pinned threads that maybe someone has the job of keeping up dated.

But I am behind doing something along these lines.

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I think it should help everyone, as usually those people who are members get notified in advance and then could give others the heads up.

There is a special with Oman air at the moment, but is not published anywhere, I got from the BKK office, Business class buy one get one half price, until end of March.

Also there is a fair coming up at Queen SIrikhits where the airlines will be, maybe there will be some specials there.

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I agree with the suggestion, especially as regards Thailand-Farangland-Thailand routes, given that these are generally notably more-expensive than the other way round ? And that this appears to be a long-term problem for us. clap2.gif

I would propose BKK-London-BKK, BKK-FRA-BKK, BKK-LAX/SFO-BKK and BKK-SYD-BKK as routes which would appear to interest very many of us, who are expats based here in Thailand.

But there will always be scope for new threads, when one airline or another has a short-term Sale, as recently with Jet Airways for example.

Edited by Ricardo
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We can have some fun with this. I'll get a pinned topic going tomorrow. It will be open, so everybody can add to it. I will maintain it, and if possible, consolidate the posts. That way, we don't end up with 50 pages of posts.

I'll try to put it in sections. Airline websites, consolidator sites, maybe even a section for local airlines, etc.

What do you think?

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I agree with the suggestion, especially as regards Thailand-Farangland-Thailand routes, given that these are generally notably more-expensive than the other way round ? And that this appears to be a long-term problem for us. clap2.gif

I would propose BKK-London-BKK, BKK-FRA-BKK, BKK-LAX/SFO-BKK and BKK-SYD-BKK as routes which would appear to interest very many of us, who are expats based here in Thailand.

But there will always be scope for new threads, when one airline or another has a short-term Sale, as recently with Jet Airways for example.

How about flights from CNX? We don't all live in BKK.

And how about the 50 other cities that expats travel to besides the 5 mentioned above?

And I think we should have pinned info on Farangland-BKK/CNX-Farangland too since a big percentage of TV readers fly that way, many just for the discount rather than starting/ending in Thailand.

With fares and sales changing every day, it sounds like this thread will get unweildy pretty fast.

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I would be more than happy to particpate, as mentioned above Qatar sent an amazing offer ex-YUL to BKK in J class $4600, but I didn't want to bore TV members with yet another sale in Business Class. I like booking direct and use Vayama/ITA as the starting point then book direct.

I have often thought if OP would post their dates or a window it would be most helpful. Again would be more than happy to contribute as I look weekly at fares to and from BKK from Eastern Canada and the UK to BKK.

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I agree with the suggestion, especially as regards Thailand-Farangland-Thailand routes, given that these are generally notably more-expensive than the other way round ? And that this appears to be a long-term problem for us. clap2.gif

I would propose BKK-London-BKK, BKK-FRA-BKK, BKK-LAX/SFO-BKK and BKK-SYD-BKK as routes which would appear to interest very many of us, who are expats based here in Thailand.

But there will always be scope for new threads, when one airline or another has a short-term Sale, as recently with Jet Airways for example.

How about flights from CNX? We don't all live in BKK.

And how about the 50 other cities that expats travel to besides the 5 mentioned above?

And I think we should have pinned info on Farangland-BKK/CNX-Farangland too since a big percentage of TV readers fly that way, many just for the discount rather than starting/ending in Thailand.

With fares and sales changing every day, it sounds like this thread will get unweildy pretty fast.

It should be fairly easy to find out what airlines have a codeshare with local carriers such as KLM (Skyteam) that already include CNX as a 'home' airport, along with four others Thai airports. Another one that springs to mind is the Emirates codeshare for Samui with Bangkok Air. I imagine that apart from those, any Thai domestic ticketing would be a separate booking and I don't see many bargains being offered on those short-haul, high-volume, cash-cow routes.

I will be interested to see how it shapes up but agree it could become a bit of a dogs dinner when people start posting questions seeking clarification on a specific route when at that point they should be online with whatever fare-finder and/or airline and working it out for themselves. Maybe make it a locked thread to prevent this?

Here's my suggestion (again) to counter the higher cost from Bangkok 'problem'. Purchase a one-way TO your European/North American destination via one of the cheap carriers at the same time as buying the return ticket (that will include tour next departure TO your European/ North American destination) originating at your European/US/Canada entry point and on your preferred carrier. You do need to be pretty sure about your dates up to 12 months ahead of the fact but I would assume that most people favouring this thread only plan for a single trip home each year on personal business. Sure it looks like you are forking out for one-and-half tickets at the get-go but the eventual savings when you keep buying your tickets with European point of origin are worth it IMHO.

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To avoid this becoming a dogs dinner and "my own personal route" Take a little time to think about the best way round this very good idea.

Is it worthwhile considering blocks of routes, say like BKK to North America. Bkk to Europe. BKK to Oceania. Then sub divide it from there. My route is the UK and LHR my preference. I would think anyone on the UK route would look for flights from London, Manchester, Birmingham to BKK so that should suffice therwise its going to be dogs dinner alright and a headache to maintain. I hope that does not upset the Irish and Scots too much but if there is traffic from Dublin and Edinburgh it might be added. Well what do you think anyone want to develop it further?

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How about flights from CNX? We don't all live in BKK.

And how about the 50 other cities that expats travel to besides the 5 mentioned above?

And I think we should have pinned info on Farangland-BKK/CNX-Farangland too since a big percentage of TV readers fly that way, many just for the discount rather than starting/ending in Thailand.

With fares and sales changing every day, it sounds like this thread will get unweildy pretty fast.

Indeed I too live in CNX, not BKK, but when searching for cheap-flights then only a few sites know where CNX is !

And with tickets ex-Farangland generally cheaper anyway, than flights starting here, the core-problem is surely for Thai-based expats ?

Better to keep it simple, with a few threads, which reflect the vast majority of our searches/needs, IMO. KISS-Principle Rules !jap.gif

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To avoid this becoming a dogs dinner and "my own personal route" Take a little time to think about the best way round this very good idea.

Is it worthwhile considering blocks of routes, say like BKK to North America. Bkk to Europe. BKK to Oceania. Then sub divide it from there. My route is the UK and LHR my preference. I would think anyone on the UK route would look for flights from London, Manchester, Birmingham to BKK so that should suffice therwise its going to be dogs dinner alright and a headache to maintain. I hope that does not upset the Irish and Scots too much but if there is traffic from Dublin and Edinburgh it might be added. Well what do you think anyone want to develop it further?

I think you are right on. This is going to be tough to manage. I've got something almost ready to go, as a trial run. It should be pinned shortly. Please post comments suggestions there. They will probably be pruned, but it will get your thoughts across.

I think it will be too hard to have a section for every possible route alternative. But, we can have posts that show deals that crop up...no matter what route. So if you keep update on this thread, it will hopefully be a good source of deal information.

Please be kind! This is an ongoing process and we ALL will do the best we can. We're only human!

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I agree with the suggestion, especially as regards Thailand-Farangland-Thailand routes, given that these are generally notably more-expensive than the other way round ? And that this appears to be a long-term problem for us. clap2.gif

I would propose BKK-London-BKK, BKK-FRA-BKK, BKK-LAX/SFO-BKK and BKK-SYD-BKK as routes which would appear to interest very many of us, who are expats based here in Thailand.

But there will always be scope for new threads, when one airline or another has a short-term Sale, as recently with Jet Airways for example.

How about flights from CNX? We don't all live in BKK.

And how about the 50 other cities that expats travel to besides the 5 mentioned above?

And I think we should have pinned info on Farangland-BKK/CNX-Farangland too since a big percentage of TV readers fly that way, many just for the discount rather than starting/ending in Thailand.

With fares and sales changing every day, it sounds like this thread will get unweildy pretty fast.

It should be fairly easy to find out what airlines have a codeshare with local carriers such as KLM (Skyteam) that already include CNX as a 'home' airport, along with four others Thai airports. Another one that springs to mind is the Emirates codeshare for Samui with Bangkok Air. I imagine that apart from those, any Thai domestic ticketing would be a separate booking and I don't see many bargains being offered on those short-haul, high-volume, cash-cow routes.

I will be interested to see how it shapes up but agree it could become a bit of a dogs dinner when people start posting questions seeking clarification on a specific route when at that point they should be online with whatever fare-finder and/or airline and working it out for themselves. Maybe make it a locked thread to prevent this?

Here's my suggestion (again) to counter the higher cost from Bangkok 'problem'. Purchase a one-way TO your European/North American destination via one of the cheap carriers at the same time as buying the return ticket (that will include tour next departure TO your European/ North American destination) originating at your European/US/Canada entry point and on your preferred carrier. You do need to be pretty sure about your dates up to 12 months ahead of the fact but I would assume that most people favouring this thread only plan for a single trip home each year on personal business. Sure it looks like you are forking out for one-and-half tickets at the get-go but the eventual savings when you keep buying your tickets with European point of origin are worth it IMHO.

Like the idea of making it a locked thread, would stop a lot of whingeing posts.

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Well, we got it going! It's visible in the pinned topics above. And it's open for replies. For the time being, if you have suggestion, please put them here to keep the thread clean. But let's try to post some travel deals. Let's see how this thing works out. Great fun!

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I agree with the suggestion, especially as regards Thailand-Farangland-Thailand routes, given that these are generally notably more-expensive than the other way round ? And that this appears to be a long-term problem for us. clap2.gif

I would propose BKK-London-BKK, BKK-FRA-BKK, BKK-LAX/SFO-BKK and BKK-SYD-BKK as routes which would appear to interest very many of us, who are expats based here in Thailand.

But there will always be scope for new threads, when one airline or another has a short-term Sale, as recently with Jet Airways for example.

How about flights from CNX? We don't all live in BKK.

And how about the 50 other cities that expats travel to besides the 5 mentioned above?

And I think we should have pinned info on Farangland-BKK/CNX-Farangland too since a big percentage of TV readers fly that way, many just for the discount rather than starting/ending in Thailand.

With fares and sales changing every day, it sounds like this thread will get unweildy pretty fast.

It should be fairly easy to find out what airlines have a codeshare with local carriers such as KLM (Skyteam) that already include CNX as a 'home' airport, along with four others Thai airports. Another one that springs to mind is the Emirates codeshare for Samui with Bangkok Air. I imagine that apart from those, any Thai domestic ticketing would be a separate booking and I don't see many bargains being offered on those short-haul, high-volume, cash-cow routes.

I will be interested to see how it shapes up but agree it could become a bit of a dogs dinner when people start posting questions seeking clarification on a specific route when at that point they should be online with whatever fare-finder and/or airline and working it out for themselves. Maybe make it a locked thread to prevent this?

Here's my suggestion (again) to counter the higher cost from Bangkok 'problem'. Purchase a one-way TO your European/North American destination via one of the cheap carriers at the same time as buying the return ticket (that will include tour next departure TO your European/ North American destination) originating at your European/US/Canada entry point and on your preferred carrier. You do need to be pretty sure about your dates up to 12 months ahead of the fact but I would assume that most people favouring this thread only plan for a single trip home each year on personal business. Sure it looks like you are forking out for one-and-half tickets at the get-go but the eventual savings when you keep buying your tickets with European point of origin are worth it IMHO.

See, that's why we need a very long pinned thread! Why would I want to go through BKK to get to CNX??!! Assuming most TV readers are coming from North Amer, Europe, or Australia, there are several options available, incl Seoul, Singapore, KL, and soon HKG.

I look forward to the pinned thread, mostly to see how long it gets, and to see how many times someone will post "what's the best fare from X to Y"

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See, that's why we need a very long pinned thread! Why would I want to go through BKK to get to CNX??!! Assuming most TV readers are coming from North Amer, Europe, or Australia, there are several options available, incl Seoul, Singapore, KL, and soon HKG.

I look forward to the pinned thread, mostly to see how long it gets, and to see how many times someone will post "what's the best fare from X to Y"

The pinned thread is up now. And it specifically says NOT to post questions like "what's the best fare from X to Y". This will be a learning period for all of us. Please be patient!

This thread came about as a request from one of our members. You have the option to help guide it. Should be fun!

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Kayak and Kelkoo are 2 sites I tend to use. One benefit is they will mail you of updated costs.

Skyscanner has never ever been cheap for me.

travelsupermarket has been consistently good.

But anyone who has spare time and some gumption can check for cheap flights. What people cannot always do is find out about the special deals that are on offer or sales. So this seems a good idea.

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