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  1. Your post certainly illustrates that. It's certainly lacking any sense. Oops... I meant to say,
  2. Common is non-existent with some visitors to Thailand.
  3. Or the planet. "The biggest problem with solar systems are the chemicals used to turn silicate into gravel used for panels.To produce enough clean silicon, it is necessary to treat with hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, fluoride, trichloroethane and acetone. In addition, gallium, arsenide, copper-Indian-gallium diselenide and cadmium telluride are required, which are also very toxic. Silicone powder is a hazard to workers and the tiles cannot be recycled." Don't sweat it. The above is just for info. I will be 'solarizing' my shed next month, so I will doing my bit for the environment (or otherwise) and China.
  4. Not just the weekends mate! Wohoo!!!!...it's Monday!
  5. Correct. The base rate will not change. Factors affecting the cost of generating electricity will possibly change.
  6. The words MAY rise, and WILL HAVE TO BE adjusted. What's the problem? The word MAY suggests factors that cannot defined at the moment but are possible. If there is a change, saying WILL HAVE TO BE adjusted simply states the inevitability of a final bill adjustment.
  7. What's misleading? The base unit rate will be UNCHANGED, but two factors that can affect the final bill MAY change.
  8. It was a "filter" for the cheap and otherwise undesirable who couldn't afford an airfare but could manage to scrape together a minivan fare. Now it's a level playing field again, and the (fake) Louis Vuitton crowd can now save a bit of their hard-earned and rough it with the balloon-chasers.
  9. Too few (like 1.1%) of the world's population, hell-bent on getting richer, not helping their fellow man and turning the world into one gigantic sh*thole.
  10. Now that Biden is exiting, isn't it time to look at Trump's mental unfitness for office find an acceptable replacement?
  11. https://thestandard.co/digital-wallet-10k-10112566/
  12. Good God man, get your own house in order first. Up until a few minutes ago, there was absolutely NO sign that "Biden is exiting". Sheesh...
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