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Visas, Agencies For India, China In Chiang Mai?


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I need to make a two week trip to india and a two month trip to china.

I was wondering if you know a travel angent in chiang mai that can get me the visas, or if the embassies work fast enough. also, i think two months in china might be a problem. i am u.s. with one year extended non immigrant visa in thailand

some more questions:

where is the indian embassy now and do they issue visas? i need one fast but only staying in india a couple weeks.

is there a reliable agent in chiang mai that knows how to grease the wheels?

any ideas about how I can get two months in china?

thanks for any of your partial or complete answers


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I'd have thought that the Chinese Consulate might be worth a visit ? On the southern-side of the moat, near its western end, close to the mental-hospital, it's a compound with a 1-foot wall round it.

Sorry, don't know if there's still an Indian Consulate here.

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Indian Consulate is just north of the railway station. Google it.

I don't know the current status of two-month visas to China, but doing both visas quickly is no problem, assuming you're willing to pay the express fees. Going to a travel agent will only add to the cost and time required.

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Indian visas available here in Chiang mai at Consul on TungHotel Road. Usually 1 week turn-around. Can be rushed but very expensive. Trouble is they keep your passport which makes it impossible to approach other Consulates for their visas during that week. Check with them whether you can retain your passport while they are processing your visa(?). Their visa applications can only be transacted in the mornings up to 12.00hrs .

Good luck.


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India Visas for Thais less expensive. U.S. pay more, but when mine came back I was allowed to visit twice with a two month lapse between visits. Also got a cheaper raqte for India Visa because I lived here in Chiangmai and could provide a copy of my work permit.

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The Indian consulate used to be good, but, from my last experiences (one year ago), the Indian consulate now only process certain types of visa. I think you can still get a short stay tourist visa in a few days in CM and that's about it (unless you are a Thai national or have permanent residence here). Business visas or anything else have to be done in Bangkok. Worse still, the Indian Embassy has outsourced this to a separate agency and you have to apply online - http://www.ivac-th.com/ it takes a week as they refer the application back to your home country for background checks! If you don't want to send your passport by their courier service you can send the application for processing, then attend their office in BKK to collect the visa. Submit your passport at 09:00 a.m. and get it back at 5 p.m.

Chinese Visa service at consulate here in C.M. I've always found quick and efficient, though the next day service is expensive. One point of note, if providing supporting documents, such as invitation letters, they will only accept originals. Not email or fax copies.

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