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i am not a doctor but i think taking the pill on and on and not having a regular monthly period is not good for your health... Come on, its only natural and only lasts a few days and also gets alot of c-rap out of your body...

well it's not for everyobody but you're wrong actually... the only reason you bleed is because you ovulate, and when there is no fertilization, the lining cleans itself out. however if you never allow yourself to ovulate, you stop the whole process, including the build up of a lining. so now, even if i went off the pills i would not bleed for a long time, there is nothing to clean out. this is the way it was explained to me by my doctor. there have been a few studies done on this subject, and i consider myself a guinea pig as well who thus far is completely healthy. my hormones are completely stable because the pill i take delivers the same low dose every day. the studies thus far have also shown this practice does not make you infertile in the long term. for a few months after you go off the pills your body will adjust, but then it is back to business as usual and you can get pregnant. i personally have no desire to ever have children so it's not an issue for me. and even before i took this route of stopping my periods i probably couldn't have gotten pregnant, i have polycystic ovarian syndrome. that alone caused many problems for me, all of which are cleared up since i started these pills 4 years ago.

if anyone is interested in reading more on the subject:


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I had been on the pill since I was 18, a myriad of brands and dosage. I had an array of side effects (weight gain, skin discolouration, mood swings,...)

At one point, (I was 34) my doctor asked me if I plan to ever have children. I never yearned to have babies, my biological clock broken from the get-go so the answer was no.

for me the solution was

Snip, Snip

Not for every one I agree but for me, it's the best decision I could have ever made, never regretted it.

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I went on the pill at 18 and had horrendous mood swings and pmt.

The pill I was on at that time is now used as a morning after pill :o

I had my first child when I was 24 (a son). Conceived very quickly after coming off the pill.

Oddly enough although I drank alcohol and I smoked whilst carrying him and feeding him. I was more concerned about the effect taking the pill may have had on him.

I'm pleased to say he turned out fine. Tho' I do wonder about male potency with all those female hormones in the UK water supply

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I take Dianette or Diane as it is known here. At first it was purely to sort out my hormones and my skin as I have tendancy for bad skin.

I tried to come off it a few weeks ago and immediately my skin flared up and I gained 2 kilos's, so went straight back on it which I really dont want to do but cant stand the alternative.

Hope I wont have to stay on it for the rest of my life to avoid weight gain and spots :o

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Have you tried that really strong anti-acne medication? It is strictly controlled but very effective. My sister had terrible skin for years and tried everything and then her dr put her on this stuff and it worked wonders. And her skin problems never returned. She had to sign some release saying she wouldn't get pregnant while she was taking it as it can cause birth defects. But, wow, she looks great.

Accutane, I think it was called.

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I first took the pill at sixteen but it made me gain weight :o

Then the doctor changed my pill and I lost too much weight! It also made me very moody. I decided to stop using the pill because of all the troubles I had with it and just use condoms instead.

But I know a few friends that have had the implant and it is working great for them so I'm going to try that method. Why? Because I believe it stays under your skin for a number of years and there is no need to remember to take any tablets or get any injections done.

As with everything it will have side effects but if they are too severe then I will have it removed. I think it is worth a try.

Edited by Ice Maiden
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The implant is supposed to be a better alternative to the injections (see my previous post, not good) as although it is in your placed in your body, it is ealiy removed & as the dose is release daily into your bloodstream (like the oral pill) once removed, like the pill, doesn't affect your fertility or have any severe effects, unlike the injections which are a 3 month dose of the pill injected into your blood stream once every 11 weeks

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If you have problems with the hormones from the pill then you will have problems from the hormones in the implant. There are several barrier methods of contraception that you would probably find better for your situation.

Accutane is strong, she got it from a dr (I wouldn't use it without dr supervision) but she had chronic acne into her late 30's so that is why they finally put her on it.

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Ice maiden is in Pattaya so I would think that yes, they are available in Thailand. I would check with a hospital OBGYN department as it is classed as a surgical procedure (at least it is in the UK)

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for deny side effect from pill (as dizzy) take it with meal, in evening .. nearly bed time

chubby >> cant escape methinks :o p/u -p/d poly uria-poly dypsia is common effect for steroid

some girl get black patch on face too

anyhow..we gals will get bigger tits :D:D (and acne gone) :D

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Ice maiden is in Pattaya so I would think that yes, they are available in Thailand. I would check with a hospital OBGYN department as it is classed as a surgical procedure (at least it is in the UK)

I'll go eventually! Just gunna get someone to come with me so I can squeeze their hand LOL.

Oh and the doctor said that I may not have problems with the implant like I have with the pill If so I can always have it taken out and thats another method tried.

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I am sure implants are widely available in Thailand. A friend here in Chiangmai just hot one here. Someone mentioned the sponge. I used to use a sponge back inthe states many years ago. Then it disappeared from the market. It was one you could wear up to 24 hours needed nothing else with it. Is this the type you are referring to?

I tried the pill for a short period of time. Hated it, I didn't feel like myself on it as it altered my hormones. At 35 met my now husband and tried to find a suitable form of contraception. I was told being 35 the pill was not available to me. Neither of us like the idea of snip snip so..... 2 children later I await menapause. I should add very happily 2 children later. The youngest is now 7 1/2 so maybe the article on decreased fertility after 40 has a lot of truth to it.

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I am sure implants are widely available in Thailand. A friend here in Chiangmai just hot one here. Someone mentioned the sponge. I used to use a sponge back inthe states many years ago. Then it disappeared from the market. It was one you could wear up to 24 hours needed nothing else with it. Is this the type you are referring to?

I tried the pill for a short period of time. Hated it, I didn't feel like myself on it as it altered my hormones. At 35 met my now husband and tried to find a suitable form of contraception. I was told being 35 the pill was not available to me. Neither of us like the idea of snip snip so..... 2 children later I await menapause. I should add very happily 2 children later. The youngest is now 7 1/2 so maybe the article on decreased fertility after 40 has a lot of truth to it.

Are you overweight? Do you smoke? Do you have a history of blood clots? These are really the only reasons women over 35 shouldn't be on the pill.

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For pill users with side effects -- Vitamin B6 10-25 mg (or a B complex as long as it has at least 10mg of B6) is highly effective. I conducted a blind control study on this in Cambodia, haven't gotten around to publishing yet but you can read the paper on the website of the Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia (www.rhac.org.kh).

Oral contraceptives interefere with metabolism of a number of vitamins thus increasing the requirement. This effect is especially strong in women who are already borderline deficient in any of these nutrients (Cambodian & Thai women a lot due to eating polished white rice).

Oh, also should supplement folic acid.

The implants are called Norplant and readily available in Thailand, any clinic or hospital. They contain only progestin whearas the pills contain a form of estrogen plus a progestin. The injections contain only a progestin. Women who get problems from the pill may be reacting to either the estrogen or progestin componet, that's why some women cannot tolertae pills but can tolerate th injection or implants.

The injections & implants have identical hormone, the difference is that with the injection a very large dose is delivered that slowly wears off in the body over 3 months wheras with the implants there is a controlled release of a small constant dosage. So implants are often better tolerated than the injections as you are never exposed to the high levels that accompany the injections. On the other hand, because the hormone is released steadily at low levels nonstop, lack of period is common and also some spotting. Neither are dangerous, bothers some women and doersn't bother others.

I used IUD for decades and it is an excellent method except for women who tend to have unusually heavy periods. However, it does increase slightly the risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease so not so advisable for women with multiple partners. But frankly, in this day and age, in anything other than a monogomaous relationship with a guy you are sure you can trust, should always use condoms. Especially in this part of the world where HIV is so prevelant.

Re the accutane: it can only be gotten from a doctor. The reason is that it causes birth defects if taken while pregnant. You have to sign an informed consent form that you have been told of this and are using contraception (there have been a number of lawsuits in the West). It has some other side effects, but the birth defects is the main concern. It is highly effective, but has to be taken for 3-4 months.

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Other possibilities (which I wouldn't recommend) are the patch (doesn't stick in the humidity) the little things you get inserted under the skin (dont' like the idea of not being able to stop immediately if necessary) and injections (absolutely not--gave my sister horrible problems which she had to suffer with for over 2 months until it finally exited her system).

I actually used Implanon (the implants under your skin) and found them to be the easiest, lowest side-effects contraception I ever used... To get it removed is a 15 minute procedure under local anaesthetic. When I no longer needed it, I went to my local family planning clinic and had it removed the next day- had normal cycles back within a month.

I imagine in Bangkok or one of the other major cities (if it's available) it'd be very easy to get it removed, if you didn't like it.

BTW, there's no scarring left (there was a 4mm x 1mm removal scar) and you'd never know that I had it.

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Icey may I suggest you go down the barrier route.

That's certainly a great plan- but no reason not to have another form of protection in place also!

...in Thailand, is it Norplant or Implanon that is available?

Norplant is available, don't know if Impkanon also or not but anyhow they are virtually the same thing.

So OP, don't keep us in suspense..have you had the implants yet?

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There's something new here in the US called the vaginal ring. It works like the implants in that it releases hormones, and gives a nice consistent hormone level that you can't get with daily dosing from a pill. Unlike the implants, it doesn't last for several months. You have to replace the ring monthly. Have a look.

And about the Accutane: in the US the doc is required to order a pregnancy test EVERY MONTH before writing the new prescription for 30 days, and the pharmacist has to see the results of the test to fill it. A few too many cases of women who got pregnant on it caused the new restrictions. I don't know it they are government/FDA or insurance company requirements. Accutane WILL cause major birth defects if taken while pregnant. Not a maybe, it WILL.

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accutane can be very dangerous so make sure you see a doctor before you take it. they are supposed to test your blood every month when you are on it so that they can ensure proper liver function etc.

if you have acne past the age of say 23, you have a hormone imbalance. usually this is caused by elevated testosterone levels (referred to as androgeny). you might also have ovarian cysts which aggravate it. one solution is to take spironolactone along with a low dose, monophasic pill. spironolactone helps neutralize the testosterone. i have been taking it myself for a year and have perfect skin now. i order it from a pharmacy in bangkok. make sure to ask your doctor, and keep in mind it can be dangerous in higher doses, but it definitely solved all my skin probs.

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I chose birth control pills as a contraceptive. Had accidents with other forms of birth control and using the pill is less hassle and easier to deal with.

I would recommend going to a gynaecologist to ensure that you take the right kind of pill.

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