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Atm Fraud


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My wife and I have been the victims of ATM fraud and savings of 120,000 baht have been stolen from our Kasikorn account – in fact, 100,000 was taken in one day via six ATM withdrawals late at night in Chiang Mai on 19th January. (Actually our card limit is 50,000 baht? So I wonder if the bank day goes from midnight to midnight?)

We can both prove that we were in Pattaya at the time. And when we opened the account at the Kasikorn bank, the bank issued us with only one ATM card that we still have.

The police have informed us that this type of thing is rife. There have been (and possibly still are) several organised criminal groups that use sophisticated 'skimmer' devices and wireless laptops that can cleverly copy the details on the magnetic strip of an ATM card. The groups have been operating in Pattaya, Phuket, Bangkok and Chiang Mai.

We deposited the money at the bank to keep it safe, and it has been stolen - not from us directly, but via the bank’s ATM, so the ATMs are obviously not completely secure from ‘skimmer’ methods. It is very frustrating and disappointing. The Kasikorn bank have told us they are instructing the Chiang Mai bank to look at the photo images, though I doubt they will show much as I imagine the criminals will have covered their faces. The bank seems reluctant to say anything else of the process, or take any responsibility. Anyway, be warned! If anyone has had a similar experience, please make contact.

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Well unfortunately its really a "he said she said" situation as it seems you can't prove the money was stolen from your account. If your card details were skimmed, whose fault is that...the account holder it the bank? I am Nit blaming you but just asking a rhetorical question. Banks have to be careful un these cases because if they were to easily credit accounts in these instances the fraudsters and tricksters would have a field day.

The only way to be completely secure from this kind if thing is to not have an ATM card and do all your transactions at a teller.

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sorry to hear this and it is very frustrating. Kasikorn - like most Banks here I presume - have a very good alert/warning system that lets you know as soon as any ATM transactions are taking place anywhere and then an 24/7 number to call - a charge of 20baht per month but a well worth investment.

It will be very interesting to know whether the Bank will compensate or not.......

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There is not much they an do with their current technology.

If you want to protect yourself but still maintain the flexibility of having an ATM card then only use ATMs at your bank or

maintain two accounts, one with an ATM card and one without.

Only charge your ATM account with a moderate amount, as much as you would need on a given day.

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Yes I'm sorry to hear about that too, its awful. This same thing happened to a friend of mine, with similar amount taken. His account was Kasikorn too. His branch is in Jomtien, Pattaya where he reported it and I recall him saying that the manager there was unhelpful and even rude to a point,dismissing it as a case of "don't blame us, your girlfriend probably took it". Only after making a report & returning with the police they made an effort to look into it apparently.

Not sure what was the outcome. I'll speak with him and add anything here as necessary.

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Well unfortunately its really a "he said she said" situation as it seems you can't prove the money was stolen from your account. If your card details were skimmed, whose fault is that...the account holder it the bank? I am Nit blaming you but just asking a rhetorical question. Banks have to be careful un these cases because if they were to easily credit accounts in these instances the fraudsters and tricksters would have a field day.

The only way to be completely secure from this kind if thing is to not have an ATM card and do all your transactions at a teller.

Or we could all just go back to keeping cash under the mattress and in cookie jars !

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"rife" is almost an understatement. it seems weekly the thai police are rounding up yet another group of scamsters

(if you follow news in local tabloids) they've arrested groups in phuket, pattaya, bangkok, chiangmai and no telling

where else for attaching false fronts to the atm machines (superglue, velro whatever) to obtain the cards magnetic

info and then using mirco cameras nearby to snoop and try and get pin numbers.it sounds like if you don't catch it at

the machine yourself, the bank doesn't even want to know about it. but it really is their machine to maintain isn't it?

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