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Getting Back To Thailand. My Goal.


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Just wanted to quickly share my goal for the next year. i am a 19 year old guy from canada who just got back From my 6 week trip To Thailand. I went to

Koh tao, Koh Samoui and Koh Phangan and don't feel any need to go anywhere else any more :) . I need to go back. Right when I got off the plane I have been experiencing reverse culture shock!..

MY GOALS: 1)get a job.

2)save 5,000usd Before christmas.

3)Get a plane ticket to Austrailia for a christmas present. Thanks mom and dad. Im about 75-80% sure they will get this for me. or atleast help sagnifigantly.

4) Work in Austrailia ( I have a way of living there for cheap and the money is veery good ). save up close to 10grand. Go to thailand.. Live it up.

Best part about reverse culture shock is it gives you tons of motivation to reach your goals.

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Goals are good when they are realistic. Reading your post you hope/ expect parents to front up a ticket to Australia so you can live cheap (with them) save 10000 and come to Thailand to do your run and probe again.

Give yourself another few years, get an education/work experience to contribute to society in your homeland (adopted or otherwise), take a trip back to Thailand or other countries with similar weather/culture and then make a money goal for your senior/retirement years.

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In some countries 19 is old enough to be sent off to die in a war so why not shoot for your dream in Thailand. I found Thailand just before I turned 21 and I am still here some 37 years later. It can be done, just don’t expect it to be easy. If you crash and burn you still have time to do something else with your life.

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In some countries 19 is old enough to be sent off to die in a war so why not shoot for your dream in Thailand. I found Thailand just before I turned 21 and I am still here some 37 years later. It can be done, just don’t expect it to be easy. If you crash and burn you still have time to do something else with your life.

Good way of thinking. Enjoy life and decide what is best for yourself later. The one thing I WOULD advise for a youngster starting out is to NOT FALL IN LUST AND GET MARRIED! It is far too easy for a young, horny male to fall into THAT trap. Make up your mind when you get to 30 years old and you've SLIGHTLY matured.

But, a lot depends on what your passions are in life... and whether you can finance them on your own. Slapout makes some realistic suggestions.

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Bit confused...Just got back to Canada? Weren't you in Mexico a few posts back?

anyway... At 19 I would say go for it. Save some money and go live in Thailand for a while. If you can last a year on your savings you are doing well. 10k isn't going to last very long if you are partying anyway.

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In some countries 19 is old enough to be sent off to die in a war so why not shoot for your dream in Thailand. I found Thailand just before I turned 21 and I am still here some 37 years later. It can be done, just don’t expect it to be easy. If you crash and burn you still have time to do something else with your life.

Good way of thinking. Enjoy life and decide what is best for yourself later. The one thing I WOULD advise for a youngster starting out is to NOT FALL IN LUST AND GET MARRIED! It is far too easy for a young, horny male to fall into THAT trap. Make up your mind when you get to 30 years old and you've SLIGHTLY matured.

But, a lot depends on what your passions are in life... and whether you can finance them on your own. Slapout makes some realistic suggestions.

Good advice about not getting married too young. Not everyone wants to party until they are 45 before they get married but it sure worked for me.
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Bit confused...Just got back to Canada? Weren't you in Mexico a few posts back?

anyway... At 19 I would say go for it. Save some money and go live in Thailand for a while. If you can last a year on your savings you are doing well. 10k isn't going to last very long if you are partying anyway.

Yes, it's the same troller. Guess he found some good stuff in Mexico.

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Yes, it's the same troller. Guess he found some good stuff in Mexico.

If you are 19 and reasonably handsome then you can find good stuff ANYWHERE on the globe. It's when you get over 50 and the good looks are receding when you realize you should have prepared better for the future.

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Yes, it's the same troller. Guess he found some good stuff in Mexico.

If you are 19 and reasonably handsome then you can find good stuff ANYWHERE on the globe. It's when you get over 50 and the good looks are receding when you realize you should have prepared better for the future.

Well, speak for yourself. I'm a hunsum man and over 50. biggrin.png

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Bit confused...Just got back to Canada? Weren't you in Mexico a few posts back?

anyway... At 19 I would say go for it. Save some money and go live in Thailand for a while. If you can last a year on your savings you are doing well. 10k isn't going to last very long if you are partying anyway.

I like this reply the best. Yeah good eye , I am in Mexico. Its still not thailand though so I dident really think much when i put canada as thats where i live. I will be back in canada after i survive the next 10 days of this family vacation..

10,000 wont last long if partying,? probably true. I do have some tools up my sleve though. I can stay at this bar for free. Im tight with the owner and the girls that work there :))) and as for a secound tool..um...Pre drink at 7/11? lol~

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Third troll the charm?

Judging by his posting history, he's a pretty poor Troll at that. Must be bored, typing one handed.

never trolled once. I could sit here and argue with you but im too tierd.

two tiered?

a subtle dig at multiple pricing?

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10,000 wont last long if partying,? probably true. I do have some tools up my sleve though. I can stay at this bar for free. Im tight with the owner and the girls that work there smile.png)) and as for a secound tool..um...Pre drink at 7/11? lol~

LOL - So this will be fun. He's going to stay in a beer bar thinking that just because some hookers and their mamasan liked him as a customer he will be able to move in. I hope it gets onto youtube when he makes his grand return and the reception he gets. 10k USD gone in a month.

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Just curious what you plan on doing when you grow up, career plans, ambitions, I mean, you can only get away with charity/freebies for so long?

He's only 19 . . . no need at all to think of what to be doing at 45, that time will come

The best sentence from our sin-stroke Canuck:

Best part about reverse culture shock is it gives you tons of motivation to reach your goals.

Excellent applaus-1.gif

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In some countries 19 is old enough to be sent off to die in a war so why not shoot for your dream in Thailand. I found Thailand just before I turned 21 and I am still here some 37 years later. It can be done, just don’t expect it to be easy. If you crash and burn you still have time to do something else with your life.

Allways nice to hear success stories, helps me build up some positive thoughts.

I've crashed and burnt in Thailand twice so far. I'm getting ready to have another go, i have a plan and a back up plan (none of whitch are foolproof though). So lets hope the third time is the charm...

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In some countries 19 is old enough to be sent off to die in a war so why not shoot for your dream in Thailand. I found Thailand just before I turned 21 and I am still here some 37 years later. It can be done, just don’t expect it to be easy. If you crash and burn you still have time to do something else with your life.

Allways nice to hear success stories, helps me build up some positive thoughts.

I've crashed and burnt in Thailand twice so far. I'm getting ready to have another go, i have a plan and a back up plan (none of whitch are foolproof though). So lets hope the third time is the charm...

There's the spirit. smile.png

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When I was 19 I wanted to be a professional cyclist, it took me until I was 22 to get there and by 27 I realised I needed to get on the regular career ladder, packed my bikes away and went back to university.

Go read my posts, I'm the pure definition of conservative, do the right thing attitude.

But for a little over 4 years I lived my dream and when I settled down to the career thing that worked out too.

I say, live your dream, don't get to be an old bitter man looking back on the chances you didn't take and when the time comes put away the things of youth and move on.

There are times when I think about moments during my racing career that the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end - My dream with me for life - LIFE - LIVE IT !!!

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I know the first time I came here I wanted to come here to live for the rest of my life! Well, I now live here year around. Fantasy realized. drunk.gif

My goal right now is to LEAVE Thailand for a trip to Bali.

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If you are for real (and I have no way of knowing), I'd say GO FOR IT. If it turns out to be a mistake, you are still young enough. I went to another continent (North Africa) for the first time at age 17, first settled overseas (Middle East) when I was 19, and traveled around the world at age 24-25. It wasn't until age 27 that I permanently settled - in Thailand.

Do listen to the advice of not falling in love, though. Easier said than done, but otherwise your funds will be gone in a month and you'll be dropped.

Oh, and about staying at the bar: remember that the legal age for alcohol is 20 in this country.

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10,000 wont last long if partying,? probably true. I do have some tools up my sleve though. I can stay at this bar for free. Im tight with the owner and the girls that work there smile.png)) and as for a secound tool..um...Pre drink at 7/11? lol~

LOL - So this will be fun. He's going to stay in a beer bar thinking that just because some hookers and their mamasan liked him as a customer he will be able to move in. I hope it gets onto youtube when he makes his grand return and the reception he gets. 10k USD gone in a month.

Yeah manager was tight with me, sir. And I don't think I can stay there I know I can. My last trip He offered it to me and I've already stayed there a couple of nights. he said next time I come i can stay there for free. Want more? I crashed my moped on the way to a party with those guys and the manager paid for me 700baht hospital bill.
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