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  1. So, the maga-morons love the right to bear arms . . . unless it suits them not to. Hypocrites.
  2. A wall as good as an Englishman's dental situation . . . <Boom-Tish> Yea, he couldn't even do that yet still tells everyone that he did. A very sick man.
  3. Do try to make sense. Try. Hard.
  4. 'Bye', like the last time . . . with you just posting like a punchdrunk as per usual after a day of licking you wounds? ????. Als, why do you keep going back to Trump at every turn - rent-free.
  5. It's calle Freedumb over his way.
  6. ???? Yea, carcinogens and poison in general - they can break free and float all the way to your east coast and anchor there Yea, not in the context it was presented, but then you'd have to have read the post correctly.
  7. If you're having difficulties differentiating between posters and quoted posts . . . time to put the bottle down and continue telling posters that you'll not respond to them . . . while responding to them - or someone else, who knows how you think. Really? You'll need to check up on your economic structure knowledge before you say something similarly again. Yes, it is important, it is in the top five, but Germany certainly is not 'reliant' on it. Yes, he did. Because . . . nothing better to find. ???? Decline? Are things going well? Not as good as they could be and not as bad as they could be - - - like the UK, which is in a death spiral. Econimic and structural fundamentals are strong, the access to massive markets is a bonus - the UK? Nah, they're the world's pariah.
  8. ???? So, there's you and then there's everyone else. That's really not the zinger you think it is, rising to defend the orange afterbirth at every turn - it also means you're scanning all the posts for anything Trump-related. Being a Donald-Fan-Boy suits you, though. Oddly enough that doesn't seem to enter their minds when they defend the guy - is it simply a matter of wanting to be like him but not being able to? Living vicariously through his actions?
  9. Sure, it was me as I confused two posters. You were wrong, live with it. Alcohol is a curse if consumed to excess - learn a lesson.
  10. Now you claim to speak for all posters. Legend. ???? Clearly not as here you are. Again and again. QED ????
  11. It boggles the mind, it seems he is utterly uninterested in being shown to being wrong and lying because he knows that by the time his nonsense has been shown to be carp he is onto the fourth lie since.
  12. You're confused . . . take a break. A nap perhaps. Is it alcohol? Are you posting drunk? Can you differentiate between posters? ????????
  13. He's on TV and in the written news every day because he puts himself forward - it's called publicity, are you unaware of this? You've now mentioned him dozens of times, is he living in your head rent-free? You must be obsessed with him.
  14. Nah, you just bore people, to death with your simplistic and childish responses

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