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Thai PM Yingluck Orders MPs To Visit Haze Areas


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MPs told to visit haze areas





BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday ordered Cabinet members to visit haze-hit areas and fully tend to their residents' needs.

"We are taking care of people's health," Deputy Public Health Minister Dr Surawit Khonsomboon said yesterday after a Cabinet meeting.

He said the number of patients with haze-related problems in Chiang Rai's Mae Sai district had jumped fivefold.

"The number of asthma patients, patients with respiratory disorders, and patients with affected eyesight or eyes has risen to 14,000, 13,000 and 1,400 respectively," Surawit said.

The amount of small dust particles - those in the range of PM10 - has soared above safe levels for weeks in the North. According to the Pollution Control Department (PCD), each cubic metre of air should contain no more than 120 micrograms of PM10 matter for safety reasons.

The amount soared above 300 micrograms in Chiang Rai's Mae Sai district, causing grave concern among authorities.

However, despite haze problems in their hometowns, not a single northern resident had evacuated to government-provided shelters, according to Surawit.

"The shelters are located in meeting halls and air-conditioned halls," Surawit said. "Nobody has shown up there, though. Perhaps it's because they think the shelter won't help them much."


The PCD reported the haze problem in Chiang Rai eased with the amount of small dust particles dropping to 180.3 micrograms per cubic metre of air in Mae Sai district yesterday - a drop from 258.8 micrograms a day earlier.

However, the amount of small dust particles in other affected provinces - Chiang Mai, Lamphun, Lampang, Phrae, Nan and Mae Hong Son - has risen.

PCD has advised people to stay indoors, or to wear masks if they must go outdoors.

Army chief General Prayuth Chan-ocha said Their Majesties the King and Queen were concerned about the problem, which had clearly affected tourism and people's quality of life.

A flight to Songkhla's Hat Yai Airport was delayed by one to two hours as thick fog covered the district yesterday morning.

"It's the result of humidity," Southern Meteorological Centre (East Coast) director Wanchai Sak-udomchai said.


-- The Nation 2012-03-07

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What will the pollies see. They will be escorted from their airconditioned airplane direct totheir airconditioned car and direct by fast convoy to their airconditioned hotel suite. No time to get any dust on the Blueberries.

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Those with emphysema, bronchitis, lung cancer, asthma, or other breathing difficulties, are not required to attend.

"Government to spend 50 mn baht on breathing apparatus for MP's to visit hazy areas". Abhisit expresses hope that they leave a few of them behind very close to the fires.

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"We are taking care of people's health," Deputy Public Health Minister Dr Surawit Khonsomboon said yesterday after a Cabinet meeting

Please tell me how? In Chiang Rai, absolutely nothing has been done, people continue to burn daily and I'm not just talking about farmers. The only thing that has been done is that the environmental department installed a bunch of sprinklers around the measuring equipment. Not sure if this was to look after themselves or artificially reduce the particle readings. The moon at night is banana yellow and visibility around the old airport is about 400 metres. This man (and every government official) is a bare faced liar.

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What good does it do--sending the MP's up there? They'll get free hotel accomendations, meals...nice holiday. A huge government campaing needs to be done with the locals in educating them about the dangers of slashing/burning to the environment. (or provide tractors that can take the place of burning).

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According to the PCD, each cubic metre of air should contain no more than 120 micrograms of PM10 matter for safety reasons.

A goal of reducing PM to 119 and declaring it safe and worthy of a pat on the back is scary. Instead, why shouldn't the people of the north have the right to blue skies, beautiful views, and clean, fresh air to breathe and make that the goal? The air quality should match what makes sense for a beautiful countryside, not just an acceptable level of a giant metropolis.

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Science Minister Plodprasop has suggested the RTA and RTAF move all their helicopters to the area and use their rotor wash to dissipate the haze. When it was pointed out that this would push haze DOWN onto the locals, he recommended that they fly upside down to move the haze into the upper atmosphere.

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According to the PCD, each cubic metre of air should contain no more than 120 micrograms of PM10 matter for safety reasons.

A goal of reducing PM to 119 and declaring it safe and worthy of a pat on the back is scary. Instead, why shouldn't the people of the north have the right to blue skies, beautiful views, and clean, fresh air to breathe and make that the goal? The air quality should match what makes sense for a beautiful countryside, not just an acceptable level of a giant metropolis.

Absolutely. They also failed to mention that PM10 should not exceed 50 on more than 35 days per year.

That is, of course, a US / EU figure: Thais must have superior lungs.

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The only thing that has been done is that the environmental department installed a bunch of sprinklers around the measuring equipment.

I hope you are not serious. If you are, is it possible to post a picture of this?

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The only thing that has been done is that the environmental department installed a bunch of sprinklers around the measuring equipment.

I hope you are not serious. If you are, is it possible to post a picture of this?

I'm afraid I am serious although this information is second hand. One of my colleagues whose condo overlooks this watched as they put in the pipes. They were only up for a couple of days when the particle levels were over 300. All very odd. I wish I did have a pic but according to him they've now removed them. Sorry i don't have the evidence but this chap has no reason to lie!

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What good does it do--sending the MP's up there? They'll get free hotel accomendations, meals...nice holiday. A huge government campaing needs to be done with the locals in educating them about the dangers of slashing/burning to the environment. (or provide tractors that can take the place of burning).

Yes, and no, if that campaign doesn't include a workable way of getting the same result for the farmers.

For centruies this was how it was done to make fields fertile. So what can they do now?

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