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What would you do if you discover your wife has a FB page and you are not included as family an in fact no mention. Only her children as family and has her arm around an older gentleman? When this is pointed out the FB page is discontinued not corrected. Thoughts please, will be reading over a few bottles of champagne so be gentle.

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My wife on her fb page tells her many friends that she is single with no child. I think its pretty normal for these girls to have a back up plan, built in. I love it when she leaves her page open by mistake and i post youtube clips of all of us on there (family clips). She went psyco the first time..

I would be getting your own back up plan ready if i where you.

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I 2nd - OUCH! - I'd leave her. FAST!

I can see if it was your GF even long term GF sort of. Still hedging perhaps, Thai women really want to marry ultimately. The other old guy, I am not getting that one but perhaps he really is an old but good friend. Is it romantic or friendly photo? Is it featured in the profile or "just some random shot". Is it from a mobile and uploaded or from a camera?

The not in a relationship with you despite being MARRIED, that's a paddlin'

But the fact that a second profile exists - that is patently dishonest.

My GF and myself are both connected via FB "relationship", we have many mutual friends (and family). We post occasionally on each other pages and share photos as well. On very rare occasions, I pop over and see who my GF is interacting with and it's always not a worry.

I did tell her though in no uncertain terms early on that if I ever find any sort of romantic discussion in FB or find she is involved in any dating/meeting site - it is immediately finished. It would not even matter if we were married, I would still be gone as fast as I could pack my bags.

Edited by bangkokburning
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