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Would A Free Monthly Magazine In Ubon Work?


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Was talking to a few Thai friends the other day and got onto the subject of finding out new restaurants, where one can find houses (I'm currently looking), reviews etc. We all shared the same opinion that a free monthly bilingual magazine, supported by ad sales, could potentially help solves these issues.

I've heard KK and Sisakhet both have something similar, so wanted to ask whether this would be something you'd be interested in? If so, what content would you like to read?

For me, I'd be interested in seeing;

- Reviews of new and established bars, restaurants, coffee shops etc.

- Interviews with local people involved with business in Ubon

- A classified section


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I think it would be a great idea. I am currently living in Chiang Mai and considering moving to the Ubon area. The info in a publication like that would be very helpful not only to me but the many others that are considering settling in the area. Am also considering organizing a US Veterans organization and this type of media coverage would be great for letting potential members get the word. wai.gif

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Hello --

I think this is a superb idea! I've been living here for three years and would greatly benefit from such a monthly publication!

Great idea and I'd love to contribute some articles and information as well. (The private language school that I work for would likely be willing to purchase advertising space as well - depending on the cost!)

As far as content -- I would love to see the following: (and the things mentioned in the original post would be super too!)

1. Dates and places for events in town: Concerts, Chinese Operas, Asean Organic fairs, OTOP exhibitions, etc. I know there are posters around town about such events, but they are almost always in the Thai language and I can't usually read them.

2. Information about the different movie theatres and what English movies are being shown

I'll reply more later . . . gotta run --- but, this is a great idea!!!!!!!

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Great idea... every little bit helps in Ubon..Maybe get a few budding farang authors to write a piece or two. There is a need for this type of publication. Another idea would be to make it a provincial newsletter if it take's of.

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It's great to read all the positive feedback.

I'm keen to network with those who are willing to help out with the project. Let me know and I'll send you a DM once I have more details.

As for distribution, was thinking of bars, coffee shops, hotels, salons, barbers and restaurants etc. Would appreciate other ideas.

I went to the printers opposite Do Home and got a quote for a 24 page A6 - half in colour, half b/w mag. On a 500 print run they quoted me 28b per copy. This is expensive - and don't think the ad sales would cover such a run, plus extras for writers and a designer. Anyone know of anywhere else in town worth checking out?

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My girlfriend of 10 years ago used to run a very good free mag in Weymouth Dorset. The local traders and residents loved it and she printed up to 5,000 copies a month. After about 10 years it folded. Easy enough to break even but it took up a substntial part of her time and it became a real chore for a return of less than GBP 200 a month (say 350 US $).

Are you very sure you want to take this on in an environment where there must be a maximum of 1,000 English speaking readers? Sorry to pour cold water, but I think you may be overestimating the demand and underestimating the effort. Maybe be better to work with Darwin who operates WeloveUbon to develop a more comprehensive web site. Just my own opinion which you are welcome to pooh pooh. In many ways I hope you do ignore me because I'm sure I would find value in it as a user.

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I live in Sisaket and we do not to my knowledge have anything like this.

Why not make it area based Ubon and bordering provinces? I would like to know more of whats going on in Ubon maybe some festival or something where I would want to take the wife and kids.

Do it as a hobby and hope to break even it will be a lot of work for no pay, talk to owners of farang restaurants and have them have a stack of copies to hand out to customers and set up a subscription covering the cost of sending it by post via EMS for the people in the sticks.

Again great idea but treat it as a hobby with the goal of breaking even.

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Like I said in my original post, it would defo be bilingual and would expect the readership to be at least 80% for it to be profitable.

I've got a few locals interested. If we can get the print run costs down, it may be worth pursuing.

Thanks for all the feedback. I'll keep you updated on how we get on :)

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Good idea I think. As the western population is on the increase these days, a local publication would be a big help

for the newbie's, tourist and also the local ex-pat community. If you could have a classified section in yr magazine

this would be a great feature. Ever tried to find a house to rent or a removal service in this town?

I would use the service to advertise my coffee shop and bakery. Also my outlets would be available for you to distribute

your publication in Ubon.

Good luck with it.

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