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Which Bank Is Best For Checks?

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I know cashing US/UK checks here is not ideal, but I don't have any other option at the moment. The long wait sucks, but it's not the end of the world if everything goes smoothly.

I have accounts at Kasikorn and SCB. The people at the Kasikorn branch I walked into were really confused about accepting foreign checks. In the end they said ok, but that's not really the reassurance I want from a bank. The people at SCB (big branch) said "no problem" and told me the fee was $10 but "we don't know if you get charged an additional fee when the check goes to the States and is processed there." Ummmm.... ok.

So before I start making phone calls and visiting other branches, I thought it would be wise to ask here. If you've cashed a check in either bank, can you share your experience. Were there any additional charges besides the $10 charged by the bank here? Did you run into any problems or was the money credited after 45-60 days as you expected?

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I had a friend who did a lot of web page designing for various web sites. He was paid by check from Canada, US, and UK. He checked his bank (not mentioned due to forum rules) and was told he had to pay $25 per check as a service charge and it would take up to 2 months for them to clear for him to get his money. Now this might be ok for large checks, some were over $200 and up to $1,000 but a lot of his checks were less than $50 with some less than $10. He was in a quandry so he asked another guy to cash them in his bank account in the states. The friend's bank would not cash then as they were considered a two-party check.

I heard of his problem and suggested to him that he allow me to try with my US bank. I sent his checks with a letter explaining why I used my account after I counter-signed them to my bank and the bank honored the checks. When I received notice the checks had been deposited in my account, I hit the ATM for his money and gave the money to him at the going exchange rate. After that, he gave me 35% of the total number of checks each deposit. He insisted on that amount as he was going to be charged a large amount if using a Thai bank. We did this before I had internet access to my bank so it was slow. After using the internet later, when I received notice the money had been deposited, I deposited the Thai baht in his bank account here in country. We did that for years until I lost my friend to cancer. If you have a friend from the US, who is a real friend, try that.

Edited by puyaidon
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I write checks to myself on a regular basis for deposit to my bank account in Thailand.

The exchange rate seems to work out ok. These checks are for thousands of Canadian dollars.

Account at TMB.

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