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Just Sold My Car - Want To Transfer Money Back To Uk

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Hi there,

I have just sold my car, after paying the finance off I am left with about 300,000 that I wish to put into my UK bank account. Is it possible to transfer the money from my bangkok bank to my UK bank? I have read that I would need a work permit etc but I dont work here. Is there anyway I can do this without it costing a fortune in exchange rates and fees?



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Go to a large branch of the bank you have your account at and you should have little difficulty.Not all branches are authorised to do payments and as such their knowledge will be limited. The fees are probably going to be around 400 baht at this end and your overseas bank in the UK may e4xtract a further 20 pounds.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't want to highjack this thread but looks like the OP has had his answer.

I have a similar problem but was wondering after i have transfered the money, how much would i need to leave in the account to keep it open?

I'm with Bangkok Bank and i can't pop in and ask, i'm outside the country.


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Was very easy, they didnt even bother asking if I was a customer or not, 400 baht charge and it was in my bank 2 days later.

I guess all the "can't do that" guys will be silent.

Thai Banksthumbsup.gif

UK banksjerk.gif and they don't have even a balance sheet to stand on......cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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I don't want to highjack this thread but looks like the OP has had his answer.

I have a similar problem but was wondering after i have transfered the money, how much would i need to leave in the account to keep it open?

I'm with Bangkok Bank and i can't pop in and ask, i'm outside the country.


BBL have a pretty good website. Why did you not go there?


Point 14 is very clear.

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I don't want to highjack this thread but looks like the OP has had his answer.

I have a similar problem but was wondering after i have transfered the money, how much would i need to leave in the account to keep it open?

I'm with Bangkok Bank and i can't pop in and ask, i'm outside the country.


BBL have a pretty good website. Why did you not go there?

http://www.bangkokba... questions.aspx

Point 14 is very clear.

Thanks for posting that. Looks like 2000 baht will keep the account open without any charges.


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Was very easy, they didnt even bother asking if I was a customer or not, 400 baht charge and it was in my bank 2 days later.

if i may ask, did you convert to pounds before sending?

You have no choice, unless things have changed recently.

And anyway the UK banks still have their parochial attitudes and generally refuse to publish forex rates online, mainly I guess because they are piss-poor. Or perhaps their IT departments are full of brain-dead morons unable to put the information online, unlike just about every Thai Bank.

Still, won't be very long before the UK has to adjust its stance and start advertising for tourists to come and spend their 'hard' currencies, like Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia and Singapore..... in order to bolster the foreign currency reserves of Merv's vault so the UK can pay for the imports in a decent currency.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Go to a large branch of the bank you have your account at and you should have little difficulty.Not all branches are authorised to do payments and as such their knowledge will be limited. The fees are probably going to be around 400 baht at this end and your overseas bank in the UK may e4xtract a further 20 pounds.

Thank you, I will go to a large bangkok bank branch then and see what they say.

Was very easy, they didnt even bother asking if I was a customer or not, 400 baht charge and it was in my bank 2 days later.

If I may, I'd like to borrow this post to ask a related question: Is it possible to transfer money from a Thailand Bank to an internet payment service, in my case Neteller? Hopefully it is similar to the experience of Justice FT96. If so, what documents, passport, visa, residency certificate, etc., are required?

I'm in Chiang Mai, and I get the impression that here bank rules are whatever the bank officer I'm talking to says they are. If the bank officer doesn't want to work or do something unusual, the bank rules will be very strict. I went to my bank, Siam Commercial, and was told that bank transfers are very difficult, without being told why.

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About a year ago I needed to send out a couple of million bhat from my Bangkok Bank (Pattaya) joint account with my wife (a Brit). No problem. A million in my name and a million in my wifes name. Reason? I was told to put on the form "expenses".

I have no work permit or receipts from sale of property or other documentation.

I asked the guy if this was a daily limit and could I do the same the next day. He replied that it was better to wait 2 or 3 days.

I found, as always, Bangkok Bank staff willing and helpful. One thing I find helps is to pick a time when the bank is not busy, even if it means going back a couple of times.

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