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A Cautionary Tale


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As a country-living and pet-keeping newbie, I expected a few lessons. One of the first was a tough one.

The afternoon school run was interrupted by a phone call to the wife enquiring whether "she had seen the kittens".

"The kittens!" We had forgotten to check all three kittens were accounted for before driving off and now two of them were missing.

Presumably, they were sleeping in the engine compartment and had not been roused by its revving.

A check of the compartment found it empty and there was no sign of them (a black kitten and a ginger one, both females) in the area where we had stopped or on the road between Mae Yao and Rimkok Resort.

Three days, filled with hope that the improbable stories about cats finding their way home from many miles away might prove true in this case, have passed and still no sign.

The remaining kitten, whose "sister" is missing, has been pining while we have been wondering how, newbies or not, we could have been so stupid especially after religiously checking on the kittens whereabouts before putting car in gear four times a day for a month.

Flame away, we deserve it, but if nothing else writing this has been cathartic and just might save another kitten from a similar fate.

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