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Why is it when you talk to a women about this they never understand. Talk to a man and he already feels for you before the words get all the way out you mouth.

Look if you want to be equal be equal. But don't just preach about it.

Edited by bbigman21
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As the lady judge looked sympathetically at my soon to be ex wife and said, “Honey are you sure you don’t want anything else” I did not feel very equal.

Good for her dude. The Dude hands a shovel to your ex cause she

Well mark45y, if the story of your life as posted in the Ladies forum is anything close to reality (or even not that close) seems to me your wife needed all the sympathy she could get :o

Touché sbk. So you don’t feel too bad for them, wife number two got two homes, one on the beach and remarried and now has a 3000 square foot garage to house their 6 automobiles and they live in a gated estate with the yacht parked in a canal by the back door. They rent out my beach house for three grand a week in season. I like the guy though he bought my daughter a new Porsche when she graduated from college.

Wife number three got a new four bedroom ranch house on a quarter acre and all of the equity in the place and my citrus orchard and my truck. I really liked the truck.

I feel like it is my contribution to making western women equal at least in a financial sense.

Good for her dude. The Dude hands a shovel to your ex cause she got a diggable deal while you got a Thailand worship complex. No shovel 4 u dude

It is worse than that. I tried the Thailand anonymous cure. I tried Prozac and other anti depressant drugs but they didn’t help. I moved back to the States and opened a chain of Vietnamese nail studios but it was no good. I am addicted to Thailand.

I got here the first time in 1968 when I was a wet behind the ears kid. I stayed in Thailand, Laos and Vietnam for two years. When I left I was no longer a kid. This is where I grew up. This is where I got my direction or lack of direction as the case may be.

When I got back to the States I was confused. I had learned to live in an Asian culture and survive and prosper and America seemed like a foreign country to me.

No one was happy to see me when I returned to the West. They avoided me at best and at worst yelled at me and called me a baby burner. I never burned any babies I don’t even think I ever harmed anyone in Asia. Although there may be a few older Thai ladies who would like to know my location.

Think about it for a minute. A young kid comes here and everybody likes him. The Thai’s liked me and the Laotians and the Vietnamese liked me. Especially the ones who were not shooting at me. Then the kid becomes a man and goes home and all his friends treat him like a pariah. Everybody assumed I was a drug addict (which I was not). Everyone assumed I had flashbacks (the only flashbacks I had were of Go Go girls). They assumed I was loose canon.

A couple of years ago it occurred to me that I was unhappy. I started to think about the times when I was happy and decided to sell my business and spend a month in Thailand.

When I got off of the plane I could feel my spirits lifting and as I walked into the airport 30 years was erased from my age. They opened up a passport booth for me so I would not have to stand in line and waved me through customs (I don’t know why) but entry into the Kingdome took all of five minutes. I knew I had come home and I would never leave again.

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