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Choice Of Woman?


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What about a member that sends you a PM like this... 'Is your mother still sucking Aboriginals off for grog money'

Clearly anyone that sends a message like that is imbalanced

I tend to agree, but they were the nice words that he was trying to sweet talk me with.

You should see the rest.

who sent you that, not me.

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What about a member that sends you a PM like this... 'Is your mother still sucking Aboriginals off for grog money'

Clearly anyone that sends a message like that is imbalanced

I tend to agree, but they were the nice words that he was trying to sweet talk me with.

You should see the rest.

who sent you that, not me.

No, not you, you are to well dressed for that type of horse play.

A very nasty person that seems to be a well respected member of TV.

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No, not you, you are to well dressed for that type of horse play.

A very nasty person that seems to be a well respected member of TV.

Could be a fat pimply teenager sitting behind the keyboard? Not many adults bother with such nonsense PM insults

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Every time I come across one of these threads, which is actually fairly regularly, I'm always left wondering why so many people feel the need to comment on, or even judge other relationships. I'm more than happy with my life, wife and kids to feel the need to put someone else down for what I may perceive to be a "flaw" in their relationship.

You've never commented or had an opinion on someone else's relationship?

A man that does not have an opinion is not a man.

You are off course entitled to your opinion regarding my manhood, something I see no need in proving to you. A man who has an opinion and feels the need to voice it on every subject under the sun is usually, in my "opinion" not worth listening too. Who am I to judge another man's relationship? What gives me the right? I'm not going to belittle a man's wife/partner online because I wouldn't do it to his face.

you are right, but i never say anything here i will not say to someones face, so am i wrong

Are you wrong in having a strong opinion in regards to the OP? Off course not. Is your opinion wrong? It's an opinion, nothing more or less, some will agree, some disagree and some, like myself will at best be indifferent. I may be misquoting you but I'm sure you'll correct me: you said in the thread that someone involved with a prostitute is a deviate and national disgrace? Extremely strong words if, as you've stated, you would say directly to a man's face. Is it a case of you would say such a thing or have you actually done it, there's a huge difference in what we actually do as opposed to what we say we would do.

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No, not you, you are to well dressed for that type of horse play.

A very nasty person that seems to be a well respected member of TV.

Name & Shame plz

+1, whoever it is needs a holiday, from life.

not allowed to.

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yes judas i have, we dont talk now.

but he and the hooker finished shortly after i said it.

Well, whether or not I agree with you I must respect the strength of your convictions.

i will respect there decisions, but speak if they ask.

but at the end of the day who am i anyway.

Edited by payak
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Generally the man sits around with all of his older friends drinking beer while the woman sits there quietly being ignored while he shoots the s**t with his friends.

Have you ever hung out with Thais?

The men all sit around together shooting the shit, while the women wait on them, but sit somewhere else ignored by the men.


2. No

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Ive sort of stopped reading this thread, cant keep up anymore and just seems like one line come backs, but this last quote caught my eye..

Generally the man sits around with all of his older friends drinking beer while the woman sits there quietly being ignored while he shoots the s**t with his friends.

Have you ever hung out with Thais?

The men all sit around together shooting the shit, while the women wait on them, but sit somewhere else ignored by the men.


2. No

Agree with you Theoutsider.

I can only say i would think it depends upon the company you keep, and which part of Thailand.

Would be like a Thai making a sweeping generalization about a country based on ..i dunno..a rough welfare part of a town maybe??

Fact is, i have never seen educated Thai treat women in this way. In fact, not so long ago, at a friend's girlfriends restaurant, her cousin, a respectable man, whom id never met before, was taking care of us (including me, and his cousin, both women) (ie, filling drinks and serving up some of the food). I was very humbled.

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A misogynist thread full of sweeping derogatory generalizations about women, Thai women and Thai men. just to add spice to the mix.

What a surprise. coffee1.gif

TwoDogz you have an abusvie PM report it.

Now, I think I have read enough of this to last me a life time. thanks


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