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Children's Football Kit In Chiang Mai?


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I am trying to buy football kits (a team strip - any will do, we have no allegiance...) for a 7 year old and a 12 year old. I have tried the shop on Chang Puak road and also the official Chiang Mai FC shop. Neither sell children's sizes; although the guy in the Chiang Mai FC shop did get my hopes up by asking if it was Chiang Mai FC I was after, or could it be other teams. I replied that either would be fine, to which I was told "errr... no we don't have any children's sizes"; doh!

Is there anywhere else should I be looking? Or are we down to Tesco/Big C generic stuff?

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Always stock up for the kids in the market at Mae Sai.

Did this myself for a 12 year old yesterday, one black and one white set for Real Madrid.

I imagine they have the same sizes/range at night market but imagine you would be paying out a bit more. Having said that if you went to one explained what you wanted (and the number) I am sure if you came back an hour or two later they would be able to pick up from other stands or some place in Wororrot and have ready for you.

I have got 12 year old stuff there easy (some men's brand small or medium) the kids like them sort of loose anyway, thinks he is a million dollars. A 7 year old might be a problem without some serious notice but given time I am sure a stand could track one down in an evening.

Edited by mamborobert
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Always stock up for the kids in the market at Mae Sai.

Did this myself for a 12 year old yesterday, one black and one white set for Real Madrid.

I imagine they have the same sizes/range at night market but imagine you would be paying out a bit more. Having said that if you went to one explained what you wanted (and the number) I am sure if you came back an hour or two later they would be able to pick up from other stands or some place in Wororrot and have ready for you.

I have got 12 year old stuff there easy (some men's brand small or medium) the kids like them sort of loose anyway, thinks he is a million dollars. A 7 year old might be a problem without some serious notice but given time I am sure a stand could track one down in an evening.

The small sizes at Mae Sai are ok for a 6 yr old. Imagine it'd be the same stuff in the night market. Have you tried the shop on the road running west side of the river "parallel" to Chang Klan? Near Empress Hotel.

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