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People To Fight A O T Over Noise Pollution: Suvarnabhumi Airport


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People to fight AoT over noise pollution

Thanapat Kijjakosol

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- People affected by the noise pollution from Suvarnabhumi Airport are promising a 'fierce fight' against plans to construct more runways and will go as far as releasing balloons to disrupt flights, according to the Stop Global Warming Association.

The association or SGWA will today represent 406 people in lodging another complaint against the Airports of Thailand (AoT), which operates the Suvarnabhumi Airport.

"AoT has violated the rights of people," SGWA president Srisuwan Janya said yesterday, adding that people living in the area could no longer tolerate the noise pollution from the airport, which now services up to 52 million passengers each year. The environmental impact assessment for Suvarnabhumi Airport only showed measures to deal with up to 45 million passengers.

Srisuwan said the residents had vowed to fight "with their blood" against the airport's capacity-upgrading plan.

"The locals have already planned retaliatory measures. They won't reveal everything, as some moves are against the law. But I can tell you that releasing balloons is a measure residents are preparing," he said.

He added that the locals would not let Suvarnabhumi Airport to upgrade its capacity because that would mean a higher number of flights/passengers and more serious noise pollution.

Srisuwan said his association had already helped 1,075 residents get compensation because the noise pollution between 11pm and 5am was affecting their sleep. The airport began operating commercially in 2006, and has been growing very quickly, with its number of passengers and flights increasing significantly.

On September 25, the SGWA stepped in to assist 379 people lodge a complaint against the AoT, and more locals joined in later bringing the number of complaints up to 406. The complaints have been lodged with the Central Administrative Court.

"These 406 people live in communities north of the airport, and their lives are very badly affected," Srisuwan said.

Apart from loud noise, the airport's operation is also hampering telephone and television signals.

Some of these 406 people have already received compensation, but are demanding more because the flights are becoming more frequent. Other residents refused to take compensation because they believed the amount was far too low.

Srisuwan added that another 300 to 400 people living along Kingkaew Road were also planning to lodge complaints against the AoT. "Residents have come forward because they want to see organisations limit the number of passengers at Suvarnabhumi Airport and offer proper remedial action for people affected by the airport," he said.

He said AoT earned huge revenues from the airport, which now services more than 470,000 flights a year, but is doing nothing to show responsibility for affected people.


-- The Nation 2012-12-25

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I assume the complainants are people who have resided in that area since before Swampy was built, although plans were made quite a long time ago.

There were plans, I believe under the TRT for an Aerotropolis near the airport, but I am sure people who bought new homes under the flight path near the airport are not now asking for compensation because they already knew aircraft operations tend to be rather noisy.

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"The locals have already planned retaliatory measures. They won't reveal everything, as some moves are against the law. But I can tell you that releasing balloons is a measure residents are preparing," he said.

Can't wait for that! After all, we all know, that it is not too difficult to occupy Swampy.

And all that, because some people couldn't figure out, that there might be noise, when they move close to an airport. Well, well...planning ahead...

Endangering the air- traffic is always a nice idea!

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Will they have to give back some of their compensation, now that Air Asia and the other LCCs have moved across to DMK, removing all those narrow-bodied aircraft which until recently were landing/taking-off from Swampy ? wink.png

No Double Standards !

Edited by Ricardo
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Noise pollution, now theres a thing and its not just the airport. Start there then go after the loudspeaker vans, personal transports with not sp personal sound systems and end up at the local lousdpeakers on poles! Somehow I dont expect this will get off the groundwai2.gif

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This is not a problem. TAT has already decided that there will be 23, or was it 24, million tourists next year. Somehow, I doubt that a closure of the airport will change that. They just need to extend the opening hours of Thai embassies worldwide, so that tourists can leave their holiday monies there wai2.gif

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I would imagine that releasing scores of ballons into the air, could coz one of the big birds in the sky to crash, and that would certainly be a very bad thing to happen. I hardly think that releasing numbers of ballons in the Air is a good thing at all. coffee1.gif

Edited by jerrysteve
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Noise pollution, now theres a thing and its not just the airport. Start there then go after the loudspeaker vans, personal transports with not sp personal sound systems and end up at the local lousdpeakers on poles! Somehow I dont expect this will get off the groundwai2.gif

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I guess this is democracy, move next to an airport and then complain about the noise. From what I have seen, Thai like noise, everything has to be loud, even Big C has loud PA system, screaming their stupid advertisements.

Not only Thailand, lots of other citys that have airports, have people complaining, maybe I should too, who knows, might be a few baht in it for me!

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I'm assuming they mean the hot air paper balloons which are B100 for 3 in my area. I expect there are truckloads on their way to the Swampy right now. Not like Thai's to miss out on a business opportunity!

Disrupting their mind-numbing soap operas. Now that really is serious!

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Can you experts out there tell me just how a balloon brings down a jet?

Don't know...but I would not want to risk it!

And don't the paper balloons have wires inside?

When you think, that probably a piece of rubber from the tire made Concorde crash...I would not want to take my chances with wire in the turbine!

...but I am not an expert, though!

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