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Chinese Wine - Expiry?


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Okay guys/gals,

I have some Chinese wine (it smells and tastes rather like Vodka). It was given to me 6 years ago but still smells like when I first opened it. It is from "the confucious family group, Shandong".

Does anyone know how long this stuff lasts for before it can be tipped out? It outlasted my Alize, but tonight is new years and I have discovered I am down to my last 3 labels of Johnny walker and last bottle of Jose Cuervo - sad times indeed! If I cannot drink my "confucious family" firehouse my gf and I shall certainly die a slow and dry death.

Can anyone help me?


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One opened you can't keep it very long, the same as western wines. Maximum 15 days once opened. After that, throw it away

But,if it's still closed it will get better by the years.

I'm surprised you mention that it smells and that means you have opened one or more bottles.

In that case: ...it's finished and undrinkable.

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