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A E C Could Bring Infectious Diseases, Warns Thai Expert


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Wow some of the attacks on the professor emeritus (Mahidol University) have been rather harsh. I don't suppose anyone actually knows this distinguished gentleman's background? I had a chuckle at the "Thai" related insults. Does it change anything that he graduated from a German medical school and is internationally renowned? He was one of the principal investigators in the HIV vaccine research in Thailand. If he was such a boob, do you think the US CDC and US Army Medical Corps would have tossed millions of dollars his way? A quick search of citatations shows he is frequently cited in respect to Dengue. Of particular importance was his experience with SARS. The near catastrophic results that arose from the SARS epidemic most likely is the reason why he is expressing caution. The gentleman doesn't need me to defend him as his international recognition and important role within the WHO speaks for itself, but I do wish some of you people could be more respectful. This is a guy that has worked decades to keep us safe and to make our lives better.

People who think they know a lot are intimidated by those that actually do I guess. As a medic working in Thailand in the 80s I can tell you that they are ahead of the curve in research in communicable diseases.

I don't understand what is so hard to understand that an influx of people who carry diseases that the Thais have , for the most part, eradicated are at risk. The Thais who have not been exposed to such things and not vaccinated will be at susceptable.

We vaccinated ourselves not just to stay safe, but to make sure thse we exposed ourselves to also stayed safe.

Edited by Whidbeyboy
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Wow some of the attacks on the professor emeritus (Mahidol University) have been rather harsh. I don't suppose anyone actually knows this distinguished gentleman's background? I had a chuckle at the "Thai" related insults. Does it change anything that he graduated from a German medical school and is internationally renowned? He was one of the principal investigators in the HIV vaccine research in Thailand. If he was such a boob, do you think the US CDC and US Army Medical Corps would have tossed millions of dollars his way? A quick search of citatations shows he is frequently cited in respect to Dengue. Of particular importance was his experience with SARS. The near catastrophic results that arose from the SARS epidemic most likely is the reason why he is expressing caution. The gentleman doesn't need me to defend him as his international recognition and important role within the WHO speaks for itself, but I do wish some of you people could be more respectful. This is a guy that has worked decades to keep us safe and to make our lives better.

It's not his reputation that is in question. It's his remarks, or at least the Nation's reporting of them, that have been deemed dubious.

As I mentioned previously, if his words have been reported out of context by the Nation, then this is a case of - yet again - shoddy journalism. But if not, I can safely assume that a man with his professional experience fully understands the import of such comments and their impact on the general population.

As a world renowned virologist, he of all people should be aware that throw away remarks of this nature only serve to stoke the fires of ignorance, and so do nothing to educate or inform the public in a rational and useful manner.

But his job is to report the risk assessment, not to form public or political opinion. That's left up to those with an agenda. He may be aware of peoples ignorance and prejudices, but he should not hold back information to appease the PC crowd.

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Wow some of the attacks on the professor emeritus (Mahidol University) have been rather harsh. I don't suppose anyone actually knows this distinguished gentleman's background? I had a chuckle at the "Thai" related insults. Does it change anything that he graduated from a German medical school and is internationally renowned? He was one of the principal investigators in the HIV vaccine research in Thailand. If he was such a boob, do you think the US CDC and US Army Medical Corps would have tossed millions of dollars his way? A quick search of citatations shows he is frequently cited in respect to Dengue. Of particular importance was his experience with SARS. The near catastrophic results that arose from the SARS epidemic most likely is the reason why he is expressing caution. The gentleman doesn't need me to defend him as his international recognition and important role within the WHO speaks for itself, but I do wish some of you people could be more respectful. This is a guy that has worked decades to keep us safe and to make our lives better.

It's not his reputation that is in question. It's his remarks, or at least the Nation's reporting of them, that have been deemed dubious.

As I mentioned previously, if his words have been reported out of context by the Nation, then this is a case of - yet again - shoddy journalism. But if not, I can safely assume that a man with his professional experience fully understands the import of such comments and their impact on the general population.

As a world renowned virologist, he of all people should be aware that throw away remarks of this nature only serve to stoke the fires of ignorance, and so do nothing to educate or inform the public in a rational and useful manner.

But his job is to report the risk assessment, not to form public or political opinion. That's left up to those with an agenda. He may be aware of peoples ignorance and prejudices, but he should not hold back information to appease the PC crowd.

Hardly PC. As an expert in communicable diseases, his job is to report the risk assessment and the necessary recommendations to mitigate that risk in an objective manner.

As already said, if the Nation only reported part of his comments, then the newspaper has been irresponsibly selective in its reporting. However, if not, I still stand by my opinion that the good doctor should not make incomplete statements like this for the sake of a media attractive - and possibly inflammatory - sound bite.

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Can you sue The Nation for inappropriate use of the word Expert?

Ex = has been spurt = big drip. I have grave misgivings about peeps calling themselves, or being dubbed, as experts and /or consultants. Not so with specialists as it would appear that by so classifying themselves as such they at least recognise that they might be in error.

It wasn't so very long ago that to extend one's visa or get a driving licence one had to obtain a certificate from a qualified doctor (not same same as a competent one!) stating that you didn't have the clap or, for some dark reason, elephantiasis. The medical examination was farce of course and just another Thai scam. Now we don't get a lot of elephantiasis in Wimbledon, in fact we get very few elephants (yes, I know there is no connection), so if I was suffering from the dreaded tropical disease it seems reasonable to suppose that I must have contracted it here in not so beautiful Thailand. Having fallen foul of a disease prevalent here but not in my own country the Thai response is no visa and get your sad ass out of our country. Thai logic strikes again.

I suggest that this 'ex spurt' take himself round a few Government hospitals in Issan to discover the state of the nation's health before spouting about the influx of other peoples. The new arrivals have more to fear from the appalling lack of hygiene everywhere, the rubbish and detritus scattered in the streets and sois, than Thais have of their visitors.

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Wow some of the attacks on the professor emeritus (Mahidol University) have been rather harsh. I don't suppose anyone actually knows this distinguished gentleman's background? I had a chuckle at the "Thai" related insults. Does it change anything that he graduated from a German medical school and is internationally renowned? He was one of the principal investigators in the HIV vaccine research in Thailand. If he was such a boob, do you think the US CDC and US Army Medical Corps would have tossed millions of dollars his way? A quick search of citatations shows he is frequently cited in respect to Dengue. Of particular importance was his experience with SARS. The near catastrophic results that arose from the SARS epidemic most likely is the reason why he is expressing caution. The gentleman doesn't need me to defend him as his international recognition and important role within the WHO speaks for itself, but I do wish some of you people could be more respectful. This is a guy that has worked decades to keep us safe and to make our lives better.

This guy celebrated his 80th birthday recently. His days at the forefront of viral research are long gone and he is now sitting on committees, being fed info from those at the pointed end and spouting his twopennyworth. What little HIV vaccine research has been carried out in Thailand was carried out by the Government Pharmaceutical Office and all they achieved was the production of VIR, a combination of three antivirals in one tablet. Incidentally the tablet is a very profitable line of business for private hospitals who's mark up on the cost price is around 150%.

This coming week a conference of doctors specialising in the treatment of HIV patients is being held in BKK to discuss latest developments in research, exchange information and to present unusual case histories. I do not think that Prof. Prasert is attending. He is rather like a commanding General or Admiral i.e. pretty harmless. It's the Chief of Staff that you have to worry about.

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