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Aussie Deaths In Thailand


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Nothing to do with Thailand. All to do with Aussie yobs being Aussie yobs!!!

What a moronic statement!

I do not think you perceived Sqiggley's position correctly. I believe he was referring to the yobbos that gave the Thai yobbos the perceived motive to seek religious vengeance on an utterly unrelated and uninvolved third party.

"Religious vengeance"??? One of the Thais said in court they were high on drugs and simply wanted to go out and kill a westerner... watch the video

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All countries are dangerous if you don't have your wits about you.

100% correct and if you mix with slobs and prostitutes you must understand that conveniences will equate to the same problems as your own country!

Geez, the guy was out with his pregnant partner and they were set upon by a group of drugged up Thai teens looking to kill a westerner! Nothing to do with the stuff you're talking about!

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Thailand is now officially the most dangerous tourism destination for Aussies, Brits and Swedes.

No way 1300 Aussies have died in Thailand in the past 5 years. Seriously, that's one dying on average every one and a half days from mysterious causes.

Watch the video on the link on the original post. They clearly say 130.

I wonder who decides what a 'mysterious cause' is? I'd say 'mysterious causes' are an outcome of poor investigation techniques in Thailand (and sensationalist media reporting). In the case of this poor fella, Andrew, how can they say he is one of those statistics when there was no mystery. At least one culprit was caught and charged. Where's the mystery?

That was a tough story to watch. Good on the father for his crusade to track down those who murdered Andrew. Part of me hopes he punched the security guy flush in nose when he tracked him down in Macau.

"At least one culprit was caught and charged", "Where's the mystery" Given the circumstances, you're higher the giraffe snatch...and maybe you're a Thai trying to keep this sh&t hole from being recognized. Sorry, I draw the lines sometimes!

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Sickening story and my heart goes out to the family of the deceased. I don't doubt there is a % of foreigners who provoke a reaction that can often result in violence but it's obvious this guy was in the wrong place at the wrong time. What's most disturbing is the apparent lack of desire on part of the Thai authorities to dish out appropriate justice. You have to wonder at what point do incidents like these begin to have an effect on tourism.

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Absolutely heart wrenching story in the OP, the link I mean.

Pre meditated unprovoked murder = a good behavior bond. Know you know how the Thais really feel about you.

prevailing sentiment (undercurrent) in Thailand is 'it doesn't matter, it's only a falang'

Edited by DekDaeng
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Stunned after reading what that poor father had to go through. Rip mate

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

I'm not so sure. Why didn't the father take a taxi, to the village and back, leaving his son in capable hands in a BKK hopsital???

Why did the son have to go on a 20hr bus ride, to get his passport? This seems very mysterious to me.

Not only that, but in dire consequences such as this, wouldn't you just charter a flight, with a paramedic onboard, and deal with the bill and payments later, in order to save your son's life? The father siad he's spent a fortune following this up, but a chartered flight to oz, with a medic, would have reduced the follow up bill dramatically...... unless, of course, the son was on the path of dying anyway.

It's atrocious what happened to this young man, especially the consequences of his attack and the motive for it.

However, I'm not sure his father made all the right decisions, and taking him out of intensive care to go on a bus ride to get his passport? Well that to me is inexplicable. I do have great pity for the whole situation.... don't get me wrong. Just, something doesn't add up here. sad.png


Hindsight is 20 / 20

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Bogans giving Aussie a bad name worldwide.

A sub culture that is becoming mainstream in Australia unfortunately....it is a shame.

Put the bong down. Both of you..

No, seriously, Dave is right.

We've been in the western suburbs of Melbourne for the last few days; there were always a lot of bogans this side of town, but I've really been shocked by what I've been seeing. Bogan really is going mainstream, both on the streets and on TV. What we used to laugh at is now seen as being normal. Our flight back to Thailand can't come quickly enough.

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1300!!!.....<deleted>!!!....sorry, I dont believe so.

Thats 1300 from 'mysterious' causes. So is there more from 'normal' or 'accidental' causes?

Also, if they are murders ,poisoning etc so called 'mysterious' deaths, then they are reported on the news. Theres no way Ive heard of that many reported.

actually if you see the news report they say it is 130 deaths not 1300

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No way 1300 Aussies have died in Thailand in the past 5 years. Seriously, that's one dying on average every one and a half days from mysterious causes.

Watch the video on the link on the original post. They clearly say 130.

I wonder who decides what a 'mysterious cause' is? I'd say 'mysterious causes' are an outcome of poor investigation techniques in Thailand (and sensationalist media reporting). In the case of this poor fella, Andrew, how can they say he is one of those statistics when there was no mystery. At least one culprit was caught and charged. Where's the mystery?

That was a tough story to watch. Good on the father for his crusade to track down those who murdered Andrew. Part of me hopes he punched the security guy flush in nose when he tracked him down in Macau.

yes they say 130 deaths and guess what they are not all yobo's

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As an aussie I have seen the worst in a lot of the idiots that come here, all nationalities, pomms, yanks, aussies, etc, they are all as bad as each other. They think that it is just a matter of drinking cheap piss and f***ing the local girls till your hearts content, they are arrogant and have no respect for the locals or others. Unfortunately this happens a lot and it is a wonder that more are not injured/killed here but it is not the case with everyone that does come here. In this case it is the opposite, the guy was decent and was doing the right thing, trying to blame the idiots for this is wrong as well, it is the thais that need to be blamed, everyone is responsible for themselves, these 3 were planning a murder, any thai that plans to deliberately kill/hurt anyone is guilty. There are good and bad in every society, we need look no further than what their parents/acquaintences/schools/legal systems/politicians/police teach them to see where the blame lies, in thailand they are taught that they can do as they please, parents let them do/give them whatever they want, courts let them get away with murder and they are taught that the almighty dollar is the only thing that is important and to get it any way possible. As long as Thailand maintains these values nothing will change, I love living here with my thai wife and family but I can see the reality as well, thai values need to change if they want to climb out of the gutters and become more than a cheap piss up and sex holiday for morons.

great way you really described this country and truthful

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It is not 1300, it is 130. if it was 1300 in 5 years it would be more than 2 dead every 3 days Afghanistan would be safer,In fact 130 in 5 years is about 2 a month still not good but it is a.very misleading and scary post showing a ridiculously high number when dealing with such a sensitive issue

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As an aussie I have seen the worst in a lot of the idiots that come here, all nationalities, pomms, yanks, aussies, etc, they are all as bad as each other. They think that it is just a matter of drinking cheap piss and f***ing the local girls till your hearts content, they are arrogant and have no respect for the locals or others. Unfortunately this happens a lot and it is a wonder that more are not injured/killed here but it is not the case with everyone that does come here. In this case it is the opposite, the guy was decent and was doing the right thing, trying to blame the idiots for this is wrong as well, it is the thais that need to be blamed, everyone is responsible for themselves, these 3 were planning a murder, any thai that plans to deliberately kill/hurt anyone is guilty. There are good and bad in every society, we need look no further than what their parents/acquaintences/schools/legal systems/politicians/police teach them to see where the blame lies, in thailand they are taught that they can do as they please, parents let them do/give them whatever they want, courts let them get away with murder and they are taught that the almighty dollar is the only thing that is important and to get it any way possible. As long as Thailand maintains these values nothing will change, I love living here with my thai wife and family but I can see the reality as well, thai values need to change if they want to climb out of the gutters and become more than a cheap piss up and sex holiday for morons.

The thai appologists will always blame the farangs even if he/she was just walking down the street minding thier own business and they are attacked by a group of drugged out thai murdering scum, "It's the farangs fault for putting them in that position. Just like the poor elderly Australian female travel agent walking home from dinner and was stabbed to death by a Thai. She wasn't causing trouble or threatening anyone but it was her fault for the violence displayed by the Thai simply because she had the audacity to be in Thailand.
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Whilst it is patently obvious this poor bloke was one of the good guys; the comments above regarding yobbos and wanke_rs are painfully and tragically valid.

This good man died because of those disposable humans; killed by more disposable humans who perceive colour and race in Humanity. There is only one race, the human race and we should stop calling what cannot be humane that name. They are a being of some kind but they are not human beings if they are empathy-bankrupt and emotionally insane.

Then most Thais are not human. You have a point.

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100% correct and if you mix with slobs and prostitutes you must understand that conveniences will equate to the same problems as your own country!

You could find yourself in even more trouble if you mix with whores. Many prostitutes are whores, by virtue of their lying and deceit but not every prostitute is dangerous. If she's transparent and honest and not attempting to misrepresent herself or her ulterior motives or take 'advantage' or hijack you in any way, she'd be a better human than 99.9% of 'human' beings.

Whores are women who are selling sex and deceit. It's a package deal and no, they have no other product to offer. Just lies and love / leg-splitting. They lie about sex. They lie about their motives. They lie about everything. They're selling their bodies under the ludicrous pretence that they don't like sex so why don't you treat them before they'll treat you? Give them proof of your sincerity before they'll consider [doing what they want to do]. Treat them Right and they'll split their legs for you.

Whores are a problem in this world; there's nothing wrong with prostitutes unless they are also whores. It's the difference between deceit and honesty.

The whores have nothing to exchange for being treated Right. They just demand it and get it (temporarily) from fools who have been cruelly deceived by their own dear mothers who lied to them about women and sex. You can spot whores very easily; they advertise themselves.

"I'm a good girl."

"I'm not easy."

"I'm offended that you would imagine I could be interested in having sex with you for money. I only sleep with guys who take me shopping."

"I don't go home with strange men I've just met."

"Men are pigs. It's all sex, sex, sex. There's more to life than sex."

"Treat me right or I'll be treated elsewhere. Spoil me rotten and you better be competitive."

Whores. Whenever a girl starts telling me how 'good' she is or how not 'easy' she is, I instantly know she's not good and she's very easy. She'll be a whore. Sex is all they have to offer. They're parleying doing what they want to do into being supported and spoiled; marriage or security. But they only have sex to offer. They're only interested in being treated Right.

Sorry I just don't like seeing the definitions get conflated. A prostitute tells the truth. A whore tells lies. They're both selling sex. It's only immoral when lies are involved.

You're 100% correct about slobs.

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