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Another True Co Tale


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We've just moved house, and wanted to close the telephone account, the 1 year contract ends in June. True wanted 3500bt to close the account.....or we keep paying the 100bt per month standing charge until June :o

I would have been happy to pay the standing charge in a lump sum now, they save by having the cash up front instead of dribs and drabs, and not having to generate and post a bill every month, I suggested this but it went way over their heads. Oh well, never mind!

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maybe they are taking the long view - the next tennants might discover they can make phone calls with you footing the bill..... :D

maybe you might want to snip one of the conductors in a position not easily noticable so the new tennants don't discover they can just plug in a telephone and get a dialtone... :o

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