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Looking For Isaan Recommendations


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Leaving for a two week road trip to Si Saket (Kanthalarak) from Chiang Mai tomorrow.

Can anyone recommend interesting provinces to stop off in? I was planning to do one overnight stop in Khon Kaen. Not sure about other places? Also what is there to do in the provinces fairly nearby to Si Saket?

Any ideas or advice much appreciated.


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Loei is a very nice province and Mukdahan also. A nice drive would be to drive to Chiang Khan in Loei province the first night and then follow the Khon River to Ubon. Take a few days and enjoy the sights.

Good idea. The first day trip to Chiang Khan is a bit long. I would suggest going south to Uttaradit, then east to Sirikit Dam and down the border road to Ban Ahee and then Loei, or alternatively, go from Uttaradit across to Chattrakan, Nakorn Thai, Dansai, Phu Rua, and Loei. If you're not too choosy, you can stay in most of these places overnight (except Dansai at the time of the Ghost Festival).

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If you are around kk you could go to kosum phisai to watch the monkeys or king cobra village north of kk to see snake show. Mountains at loei, surin has elephants the options are many.

Nakhon Phanom is nice at the mekong river but very little english is spoken there. Mukdahan has been mentioned and is absolutely worth a stop, if you travel north from there to nakhon phanom a stop to look at temples in that phanom could be rewarding. Many Many things to see in Isaan.

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Loei is a very nice province and Mukdahan also. A nice drive would be to drive to Chiang Khan in Loei province the first night and then follow the Khon River to Ubon. Take a few days and enjoy the sights.

Good idea. The first day trip to Chiang Khan is a bit long. I would suggest going south to Uttaradit, then east to Sirikit Dam and down the border road to Ban Ahee and then Loei, or alternatively, go from Uttaradit across to Chattrakan, Nakorn Thai, Dansai, Phu Rua, and Loei. If you're not too choosy, you can stay in most of these places overnight (except Dansai at the time of the Ghost Festival).

Good advice. An overnight at the EGAT guest house maybe .. beautiful gardens around the EGAT complex. Nice little golf course as well.

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Puu Kradung mountain near Loei is nice. There's also probably the most majestic temple I've ever seen not far from Chumphae but don't know the name sorry. Its built into the side of the mountain like something from a James Bond. movie. Simply amazing and I'm not a temple lover.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks again for all your suggestions. I have actually been to Chiang Khan in Loei before, very nice yes. I have also been to Petchabun a number of times, I even enjoy just the drive through.

As well as Kanthalarak obviously I made it to Khon Kaen as planned, Ubon Ratchathani, Surin and Nakorn Ratchasima.

It's a shame I didn't get to Mukdahan as you all recommended - I'll put that on the list for next time. It's a journey I'll need to do at least once a year.

Thanks for the ideas!!

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It's a shame I didn't get to Mukdahan as you all recommended - I'll put that on the list for next time. It's a journey I'll need to do at least once a year.

Thanks for the ideas!!

If you do go mukdahan way next time, pop into Maha Jedie Chaimongkhun I think it's called. It's a big pagoda in RoiEt province, but very close to mukdahan province also. It's as impressive, one of the best I've seen in Thailand, and they're still improving it as they put on the finishing touches. RoiEt city is nice too :)

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