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Thailand Asked For Help


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Laem Chabang is a port near the sin city of Pattaya, countries such as United Kingdom, USA, Austrailia use it for shore leave in return for patrolling water for and on behalf of the Kingdom of Thailand.

This arrangement has worked extremely well for all concerned for almost 40 years, however their have been increasing reports from girls in Pattaya that some of the girls are experiencing rough treatment from the miltary personnel.

Local men who are found to be rowdy around a little rough with Thai Girls find themselves at the mercey of local police, many are let of with a system of compensatory justice.

Tourists who commit offences are offered similar opportunities to the locals.

However with up to 5000 miltary personell at one time and next week, their will be the exception of 18,000 miltary personel (I cant go into details) arriving in Pattaya from various navies, a good time will be had by all.

As it stands Thai Police cannot arrest ACTIVE miltary personel, instead they can be detained and handed over to the miltary police of their respective countries/forces.

With so many ACTIVE service personell on shore leave next week, the Thais Authorities have asked for help in relaxing powers so they can if neccesary arrest miltary personel. Both USA and UK have declined while the HMAS are considering their position.

How do we protect Thai working girls from abuse and potential overwork.

In either event the next few weeks in Pattaya should be fun.

Edited by homeownership
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In all the years I have been in Pattaya, the arrival of foreign troops has never caused more than a minor ripple here in Pattaya, just as "fleet week" never causes problems in Phuket (except from the Tuk Tuk mafia)

As far as arrest powers are concerned, rules on the conduct of foreign personnel while here in Thailand is covered by Status of Forces agreements between Thailand and foreign governments. Most participants of these exercises provide roving military police patrols to assist the locals

In most cases servicemen are usually on their best behavior during shore leave and I feel the the OP's post is a little over the top.

Trust me the girls will be more than happy to see some new faces as low season begins and are not living in fear of abuse and welcome being overworked

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I was in Pattaya 13 years ago when the US dropped a huge load of servicemen at a time, and it definitely affected the quality-to-price ratio dramatically during that period and for weeks afterwards.

The following year I headed for Sihanoukville when I heard they were coming and that worked out well.

Perhaps the local population growth has now ameliorated the impact of the flat-tops numbers, back then I estimated 75,000 sex workers in P-town, might be double that now?

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You should rephrase.

The servicemen dropped huge loads.

As their bilges were full after months at sea.

TMI guys, TMI

(too much information)

WAY too much.

On the other hand,

shore leave affecting "price to quality" ratio is great information

I'll keep that in my back pocket biggrin.png

ways to protect the girls, i got nothing i'm afraid

the post regarding treaty issues, says it all. Good luck with that one.

And i dont think LE (law enforcement) is the way to go. damage already done

maybe hire extra bouncers in preperation of the shore leave

tone down atmosphere to dampen the few outlyers

(i'm thinking that its less that 1% of the shoreleave personnel that are the problem)

like i said, i got nothing but I believe preventitive rathar than post damage action is the way to go.

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It's the Katoey that should be the most concerned.....young macho military types don't take too kindly when they discover they've made an "unforced error " !


Believe me they do a roaring trade with their "macho" customers in full knowledge of what they're getting into (or what's getting into them).

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I remember a few years ago in Phuket 4 navy ships from the US and the UK arrived at the same time they considered it to large a number to allow them all leave at the same time, so each ship was given a time and day they could go ashore 2 ships per day spread over 4 days, that worked quite well.

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I remember a few years ago in Phuket 4 navy ships from the US and the UK arrived at the same time they considered it to large a number to allow them all leave at the same time, so each ship was given a time and day they could go ashore 2 ships per day spread over 4 days, that worked quite well.

Well oiled miltary precision. I love it.

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