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What Women Want!


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I had to do it... just couldn't help myself!

What do WOMEN want? You guys had your say and now it's our turn............... :o

I know what I want, but when I really think about it 'the confusion sets in'.

Nevertheless, I want:

* peace of mind

* security (of my own making, cos you can only really depend on yourself in the long run)

* love and support of my family and true friends

* discovery of this amazing planet we live on

* to help make a difference on this planet, in whatever small or big way. that I can

* dreams of future happiness with a beautiful soul who does exist with my same wish list :o

* And some great times in between.............. :D

I can't believe this thread is almost a year old!!! I could be changing nappies by now LOL :bah: well... I guess I almost got what I wished for.... except the soul with the same wish list! :D

Are we too picky? Do we set our sights so high that a future partner just cannot meet the expectations we desire in order to share lives in today's world?

Seems to me like winning the lottery - finding a compatible partner who commits, loves, shares, cares and doesn't drive me mad when spending lots of time together .... maybe I just value my own company too much!

Oh Romeo, Romeo - where for art thou? ;):D

Your approach seems to lack a certain spontenaity.

One eye on a potential partner and one eye on your check list.

One suggestion.

You might appear more attractive if you changed your nappy more than once a year.


Thanks for the advice Sayfarang - as you may notice, I only just reviewed my wish list after a year during which time I lived life in an utterly spontaneous manner meeting all sorts of interesting characters from around the world. I love life and differences make the world go round - it's a rare thing, though, for earth's hidden magnets to stick during the rotation! :bah:

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i have said many times before on this forum that i think we are too busy finding (or trying to find) fault with people to see the really lovely things that they do.

sometimes i think life is way too short to be taking it all too seriously and that we should all relax and go with the flow instead of finding someone, thinking 'is he too good to be true' and then looking for the small crack which seals the fate of the relationship.

we all have our faults. god knows i do. but essentially i am a good person who takes people as i find them. i dont expect the fairy tale, but i do expect someone to treat me the same way i treat them. with respect.

i dont think thats asking too much.

hang in there khall64au. good things come to those who wait. and it will be great!

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Well said Donna.

I will add, that unless you are willing to throw most of the checklist out the window you may never meet the right one for you. There is nothing wrong with having a perfect ideal but they rarely exist & if you beleive they do then the reality, when it comes, will be a hard bumpy trip down to earth :D

I had a list too of mostly superficial stuff & when I met my husband he didn't match hardly any of the critera. The things he did score points on though are the ones donna has mentioned, kind hearted, honest, considerate, hard working (not a high earner but never lazy) similar interests & ambitions & a willingness to work through the bad stuff & make the compromises. His education level was of no importance (he has a better one than me :o), his money status was also not important (to me & has never been with any man as I make plenty) although work ethic WAS still up there near the top of the list.

His looks although initially important (I see the need in some sort of attraction in the beginning) eventually became irrelevant too (otherwise i would expect him to be clean shaven & dressed in designer duds 24/7 even after all this time!!) But my point is, if you want a pretty boy with degree and are not willing to move on that, then ok, you may find him but it wont automatically make him good partner material or even a nice guy so bear that in mind when the checklist becomes more important that giving someone a chance to show you who they are :D

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absolutely. and i think that the thais DO have it right when they say 'mii fan law, gin mai dai'. i dont want a handsome man. well, having said that, i dont really want a fugly one either, but as long as I find him attractive, thats enough.

i think similar interests and opinions, a good heart and someone willing to put in an honest days work are the most important things on my 'list' (that doesnt really exist).

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fugly, thats a good one, My cousing had a baby a few weeks ago & my aunt (not her mum) asked if I had seen the photo of her, baby & her bf at my nans house as the bf was a "monster" :o Fugging funny as this aunt doesn't say anything bad about anyone so can't wait to go to nans this w/e to see how bad this guy really is. Apparently not that great a bloke either, so not sure what my cousin was thinking!!!

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I think there is nothing wrong with having a checklist, it’s perfectly normal to be idealistic about something. I used to walk around with the perfect list in my head too, silly me, but then when I meet him my heart knows nothing of lists. All I know is that he makes my heart goes pitter patter in the night because his eyes say everything and he teaches me what love really is all about with his smile.

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put it this way, say you have fallen madly in love with someone, he's perfect, got the looks, everything else you could ever want from a man, then you find out he doesnt have a degree.........would you finish with him just because he didnt go to university? :o:D

I want to say for the record: When true love hits, all these lists go out the window.

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i like to walk around the house in my underwear.
id like to see THAT kayo. but remember, this is the 'what women WANT' thread....

You sure about that Donna? I'd like to see kayo in clothes before I see him out of clothes. :o

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What i want


2.self respect and respect to me

3.love and caring


5.open mind

6."Don´t you worry glauka things will be better,we can do it my love"


8.lots of kissing and holding hands...

9.knows lots of stories that he can tell me before i fall a sleep.


So prince charming where are you? :o

This, Glauka, is a great list!

That's true...looks like a decent request and hope Glauka will find it if she haven't found it yet.

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put it this way, say you have fallen madly in love with someone, he's perfect, got the looks, everything else you could ever want from a man, then you find out he doesnt have a degree.........would you finish with him just because he didnt go to university? :o:D

I want to say for the record: When true love hits, all these lists go out the window.

Also VERY true...

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Nice looking (prefer hair on his head)

Smart and Educated (at least one bachelor degree)

Not a hardcore smoker and drinker

Compassioned to all people regardless of race and class




Good debater

Dresses with style

Adventurous and open mind

Financially successful (with solid & steady career)

Very very supportive of my career

In good shape to rearrange the furniture

Laughs at my jokes

Nods head when I'm talking

Full of thoughtful surprises

An imaginative, romantic lover

Wears a shirt that covers his stomach

Doesn't require much money for upkeep

Remembers that it's the weekend

Only snores lightly when asleep

Shaves some on weekends

Doesn't re-tell the same joke too many times

Doesn't nod off to sleep when I'm venting

Oh….and can protect me from any harms

Get a dog (love me love my dog) :o

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What i want


Are you sure about that? Who would you rather date - Tom Cruise or Ken Dodd? :o

Ken Dodd's not funny. Now, if it were a choice between Tom Cruise & Billy Connolly, or even Tom Cruise & John Cleese, give me the funnyman every time... :D

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Your list of wants for the ideal man are long, complicated, and probably unlikely in a man. Your wants are so much different than a man's idea of a woman. I think I have the man's wants narrowed down to 3 very speicifc wants or needs they look for in a partner:

1. A woman who cooks well

2. A woman who will have sex with them

3. A woman who will leave them alone after the above 2

So as you see, the 2 "want" lists just don't match and finding that perfect male is impossible!

Start to think like a man and you might have more success.

Just my thoughts


Edited by Turok
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Your list of wants for the ideal man are long, complicated, and probably unlikely in a man. Your wants are so much different than a man's idea of a woman. I think I have the man's wants narrowed down to 3 very speicifc wants or needs they look for in a partner:

1. A woman who cooks well

2. A woman who will have sex with them

3. A woman who will leave them alone after the above 2

So as you see, the 2 "want" lists just don't match and finding that perfect male is impossible!

Start to think like a man and you might have more success.

Just my thoughts


What an asinine comment. Why on earth would I want to think like a man when I am a woman? And why should it be the woman who compromises 100%?

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yeah, i have to agree with sbk here... I'm a straight bloke.. I wouldn't want a lady who thinks like a bloke... I know how we think (or pretend to)... Nope, I would much rather a sensible lady in my life, with a sensible mind.

Sbk springs to mind... :o

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yeah, i have to agree with sbk here... I'm a straight bloke.. I wouldn't want a lady who thinks like a bloke... I know how we think (or pretend to)... Nope, I would much rather a sensible lady in my life, with a sensible mind.

Sbk springs to mind... :o

Already taken dearest. Too bad, as I do have a fondness for rabbits :D

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