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Injured Swedes In Thailand: New Series To Be Shown On Swedish T V


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It would be great to see the demographic breakdown on the Swedes that come to Thailand. I would be willing to lay odds that the number of men dwarfs the number Swedish women. The implication of that would be the sex trade lure. I would be interested to see if the Swedish program directors ever write in a story about Swedish sex trade.

Believe it or not, there are actual numbers collected. One has to look to disease studies to get an indication. One of those studies was on Dengue. It seems a lot of Swedes contract dengue while visiting Thailand. The last comprehensive study was for the period of 2000-2009 when Swedish visits to Thailand were at their peak. Infection Ecology and Epidemiology 2011, 1: 7240 - DOI: 10.3402/iee.v1i0.7240

When the whole period was examined, half of the travels were made during the dry winter months (January to March). During an average year, there were more men than women traveling. The dominating age group among travelers varied between years, but travelers aged between 20 and 69 years were evenly distributed during the whole study period, with some predominance in the older half of the age span.

The dengue study is an eye opener because it identified the highest rate of infection in males aged 20-29 and linked it to their lifestyle. (Visiting infected areas, backpacking and visiting in wet season when dengue is at its worst. 119 of 309 dengue fever cases were reported in this age group. The risk of being diagnosed as a DF case when returning home to Sweden was considerably and significantly higher (30 times) in travelers aged 20–29 years.

The study is very interesting, because the incidence of dengue in the elderly and in the very young is quite low. This suggests to me, that these groups do not engage in activities that heightens their exposure. As we all know mosquitos are active at dusk. Perhaps all the older Swedes like the kids are safely in bed . wink.png

BTW, the Swedes have studied Swedes seeking sex in Bangkok. There is an HIV study that found that the Swedes were less cautious with HIV avoidance in Thailand than they were back in Sweden.

Edited by geriatrickid
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"Like in the past years, accidents, natural deaths and suicides are among the most common causes. On average five Swedes commit suicide every year in Thailand."

Natural death. Define it please. Falling off balconies can be seen as both natural death and/or suicide. It's natural to die from the abrupt stop at the end of such a fall. Others commit suicide by jumping on a thug's knife at a bar or having an accident on a lonely/dark street after angering someone/just flashing too much cash. Of course, there is natural death by girlfriend -- a "heart condition" leads to a mysterious death. Naturally her boyfriend/husband helps clean up the mess.

Edited by asupeartea
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The life expectancy of Swedish males is 80 years on average. In Sweden. Here's a list of the reported deaths of Swedish nationals this year in Thailand.


Viktor Billy Bjorn Bjork, 23, cause of death; gravity

‘Crazyswede’, 49, bike accident

Jens Niklas Kring, 42, bike accident


unnamed, 35(?), bike accident


Tor Per-Erik Hedberg, 65, cardiac arrest(?)


unnamed, 29, drug/alcohol abuse(?)

That's 40 years at the time of death on average.

The source also says "Mr Kageby said 41 percent of last year’s deaths among Swedes were accidental - motorcycle crashes, drownings, electrocutions and balcony falls included." "The death rate among Swedes has remained relatively high with 28 fatalities recorded in the first three months of 2013."

4 of them were reported by the media, see above, therefore, 24 weren't.


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