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Recruiting Thai Staff Who are Willing to Work Abroad

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I'd like to find better ways in attracting and employing Thai staffs who are willing to move out and work outside of Thailand. There are of course the usual job boards like Jobthai, JobsDB and Jobstreet, but I'm interested to hear more ideas to improve my search for Thai locals who are also good in the English language and interacting with customers.

The challenge, of course, is to have them agree to leave their families and work outside Thailand. We provide assistance to traveling and we have staff houses that they can use. The benefits should also be good. But I'm not sure if this is enough to entice potential staffs to actually go through with the opportunity, or stay long with the company if they do.

I've thought of contacting a number of recruitment agencies to help us find people. I'm just wondering if there are certain qualities that Thai locals are looking for that will make them interested in such an endeavor, or if I'm missing out on a few details in hiring potential staff. What can an employer do to attract more Thai staff to join their organization?


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A Salary which is at least the double what they get in Thailand, in addition, free housing, transport to and fro from work place, food during work hours and all other basic life necessities. Only then someone will seriously consider IMHO.

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Depends on what skills you are looking for but one option if say you wanted to employ a recent graduate would be to contact SOAS (London Uni) graduate recruitment dept. They run a BA in International Management and South East Asian Studies. If you put together a job spec with fluent Thai attached you might find potential employees to interview and train...

Edited by yoshiwara
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I have recruited several Thais to work out of Thailand at differing levels of educational qualifications , the key points are good use of English written and verbal , and strong ability to converse in English on the phone ( a slightly different skill factor ) Minimum benefits full expat package housing travel and agreed podeum fixed subsistence allowance .. Salary ? Top end Thai salary for the relevant post plus minimum 30% loading for offshore , The return home or work cycle package depends on location for example my Thai team in Bangladesh work 4 weeks in and 1 week back to home (needed to put their heads right ) even with years of practice I managed 6 weeks max in Bangladesh before needing time back at home base to reset my head and judgement . this basis obviously has to be flexible and sensible in-relation to business and personal needs , and possibly tax avoidance issues ..

I have had good results and very loyal staff and I am very aware of the staff personal needs and situation so I manage them on a very personal level may be that is a strong factor in my good team .

Note teams also work for me in China and HK ..

Edited by rcalsop
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Dear Zeroeight

It will make it lot more easier if the work location and job is define in clear terms, than one can look for a person with specific details in mind for both employer and employee perspective.



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Why would you want Thai staff overseas, unless special Thai skills are needed like in a Thai restaurant. Otherwise they are not very competitive and their English mostly sucks.

+ 1 . Indians and Philipinos maybe a much better choice than Thais, if no special thai skills are needed.

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Why would you want Thai staff overseas, unless special Thai skills are needed like in a Thai restaurant. Otherwise they are not very competitive and their English mostly sucks.

+ 1 . Indians and Philipinos maybe a much better choice than Thais, if no special thai skills are needed.

They will be dealing with Thai people as well so native speakers are required.

Thank you for the other suggestions above, good information. I'd be happy to hear more from the others.

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