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Thai diplomat will be treated fairly on assault accusation: Thai Foreign Minister


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Diplomat will be treated fairly on assault accusation: Foreign Minister
By English News


BANGKOK, June 21 - Thai Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul on Friday pledged the ministry will give fair treatment to all parties in a case involving a female Thai diplomat in Cairo alleged to have fiercely assaulted an Egyptian woman.

The Thai foreign minister's assurance came after the Egypt Independent reported that the first secretary at the Thai embassy in Cairo, Kakanang Amaranand, allegedly verbally and physically assaulted lawyer Rana Ashraf on June 13. The Thai diplomat however insisted that she acted in self-defence.

Mr Surapong said Ms Kakanang was recalled and arrived Bangkok June 19 after the report and is now entering the ministry's investigation procedures.

He promised that both Ms Kakanang and the Egyptian lawyer will be treated fairly without discrimination.

The minister said he believes the case will not affect bilateral ties. The issue will also not affect security of Thai officials there as Egyptians know that the matter was a personal conflict.

After the incident, he said, however, the Egyptian government increased security measures at the Thai embassy compound in Cairo.

"We have learned only a one-sided story from the Egyptian lawyer and her husband, but the accused has not yet given an account of what happened," said Mr Surapong.

After the clarification process is done, he said, the foreign minister spokesman will inform the public of the investigation result and will distribute information online.

Mr Surapong said the ministry will complete the investigation as soon as possible. (MCOT online news).

-- TNA 2013-06-21

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If it happened inside the Thai Embassy compound, it happened in Thailand .The Egypt Independent reported on Sunday that Ms Kakanang verbally and physically assaulted lawyer Rana Ashraf during a night out at an exclusive five-star hotel in Cairo.

Quote: "The Egypt Independent Reported it happend during a night out at an exclusive five-star hotel in Cairo.:" Unquote

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the comments on this story are disappointing to say the least.

The key word in this story is diplomat. This Thai diplomat is sure to lose her job. As diplomats are required to maintain the highest standards of conduct. Even the fact that an accusation has been leveled has discraced the Ministry.

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This being Thailand I wonder how well connected the diplomat is. Surely she is capable of many things and might be a worthy asset to government officials. Somehow Dept. PM Pol. Captain Chalerm comes to mind.

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I see they got her out before the Egyptian authorities got to her....... and I like the .......< Ms Kakanang and the Egyptian lawyer will be treated fairly without discrimination .> ... maybe lost in translation...... but whatever.. Ms Kakanang is not diplomat material obviously.

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the comments on this story are disappointing to say the least.

The key word in this story is diplomat. This Thai diplomat is sure to lose her job. As diplomats are required to maintain the highest standards of conduct. Even the fact that an accusation has been leveled has discraced the Ministry.

Or "in-active post"?

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And the Egyptian lawyer has precisely NOTHING to do with the Thai foreign ministry?

Why does she even figure in this statement whatsoever? This is an employment hearing for serious misconduct. If she hasn't done anything wrong, why did they call her back? If there was no case to answer, why isn't she sitting behind her desk in Cairo?

I mean, all she has done is apparently disgrace herself, disgrace her employer, and disgrace the foreign ministry. In some cases, that would be worthy of a promotion. I await the release of the video from the hotel, if she makes up some cockamaymee story that massively contradicts the story that has come out so far.

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I see they got her out before the Egyptian authorities got to her....... and I like the .......< Ms Kakanang and the Egyptian lawyer will be treated fairly without discrimination .> ... maybe lost in translation...... but whatever.. Ms Kakanang is not diplomat material obviously.

Guilty as charged ..................... don't bother with hearing her side. After all, the Egyptians posted there accusation on social media so must be right, eh?

The Egyptian authorities might be questionable, but they do respect diplomatic immunity so highly unlikely they would have "got to her".

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And the Egyptian lawyer has precisely NOTHING to do with the Thai foreign ministry?

Why does she even figure in this statement whatsoever? This is an employment hearing for serious misconduct. If she hasn't done anything wrong, why did they call her back? If there was no case to answer, why isn't she sitting behind her desk in Cairo?

I mean, all she has done is apparently disgrace herself, disgrace her employer, and disgrace the foreign ministry. In some cases, that would be worthy of a promotion. I await the release of the video from the hotel, if she makes up some cockamaymee story that massively contradicts the story that has come out so far.

And if the hotel video shows a different story from the one posted by the Egyptians then we can all expect your apology for joining the trial by social media fraternity can we?

If she is guilty then she should face the consequences. But lets at least hear her story first, just in case it turns out the Egyptians were piss head charlie snorters or something.

The Thai FM have acted quickly and responsibly in recalling her to investigate. Good civil service practice.

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Well, there has been an official complaint placed to the police.

So, if the response over here is to cover it up, and claim that it is all made up, I would await a lot of evidence coming out, and the odd protest or two. It's hard to believe that anyone would make up a detailed story like this for the fun of it?

Funny old world.

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"We have learned only a one-sided story from the Egyptian lawyer and her husband, but the accused has not yet given an account of what happened".

It's kind of hard to believe that, after more than a week, her superiors have not yet managed to get her side of the story. She's their employee for crying out loud!

More likely they did debrief her and it caused them to believe that she's indeed a liability. Diplomats are usually only recalled at short notice when they are clearly implicated in a crime or scandal, or when there is widespread public reaction in the host country which might affect bilateral relations.

....they betray their bias already...2 or more witnesses...against the apparently heavily intoxicated (or other) perpetrator....so they are deemed 1-sided...

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"We have learned only a one-sided story from the Egyptian lawyer and her husband, but the accused has not yet given an account of what happened".

It's kind of hard to believe that, after more than a week, her superiors have not yet managed to get her side of the story. She's their employee for crying out loud!

More likely they did debrief her and it caused them to believe that she's indeed a liability. Diplomats are usually only recalled at short notice when they are clearly implicated in a crime or scandal, or when there is widespread public reaction in the host country which might affect bilateral relations.

....they betray their bias already...2 or more witnesses...against the apparently heavily intoxicated (or other) perpetrator....so they are deemed 1-sided...

Cairo calling Bangkok, Cairo calling Bangkok:

"We have a problem"

"What happened"

"We have absolutely no idea what happened, but we need to send a diplomat home."


"Not telling, but she needs to come home"


"Someone said she did something terrible on facebook."

"Did you bother to get her side of the story?"


"ok, mai bpen arai, ruin her reputation and send her home"

Huh??????? We haven't heard her side of the story, but we have decided to remove her anyway, without allowing her any right to defend herself privately against the accusation. God, I am glad I don't work for the Thai government..... Do these people lie about everything?

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