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Plodprasop in Ao Phrao, Samet


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Plodprasop in Ao Phrao

SAMET: -- Deputy Prime Minister Plodprasop Suraswadi is in Ao Phrao, Samet on Friday, to monitor the last stage of the oil spill cleanup.

While giving his moral support to all officers and volunteers, he said the situation has been largely improved. The sea is clean and safe for swimming, he said.

He promised to have this case discussed at the National Environment Committee’s meeting in the middle of August, to devise precautionary measures for the short and long term.

-- The Nation 2013-08-09

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Is he the one who has so much concern for nature and the environment that he still has charges to be heard against him fof exporting endangered wildlife?

Or am I doing the man a grave injustice in confusing him with someone else?

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A request for skimming equipment by this man or anyone involved in the corrupt system would be approved until someone told them, "no this is not individuals to handout and pocket cash"

They probably had skimmers and plenty of containment booms at one time, but they have been converted into movable fish ponds and the skimmers converted to watercraft for personal purposes. If someone were intent to cut waste, corruption, and incompntence within this system, Plod could lead the way to an inactive post.

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Spill probe results on Wednesday
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- An independent committee tasked with determining the cause of the recent oil leak in the Gulf of Thailand has postponed the announcement of its probe results till Wednesday. The were initially due to release the results yesterday.

Energy Minister Pongsak Ruktapongpisal said yesterday the panel, chaired by Khunying Thongtip Ratanarat, explained that more information was needed to conclude their inquiry. About 50,000 litres of crude oil leaked from an offshore pipeline of PTT Global Chemical on July 27. Late the next day, the oil began to cover Ao Phrao beach on Koh Samet.

Meanwhile, Deputy Premier Plodprasop Suraswadi was at Ao Phrao yesterday to monitor the last stage of the cleanup. He gave moral support to workers and volunteers, saying things were much improved - with the sea was clean and safe for swimming. He promised to discuss the spill with the National Environment Committee soon, to devise precautionary measures for the short and long term.

-- The Nation 2013-08-10

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